How many reps and sets are you supposed to do? Most set ups revolve around 24 to 32 reps separated by 3 or 5 sets.

Why is it just this range?

Weights less than 65% RM is non-beneficial, and increase %RM results in less reps / sets.

Can't you just do 95%RM for 4 x 3 ? This would get more results. What are your experiences, how normal do you work out? How often do you go into absurd reps?

What is the least reps/sets you've done with results?

No-one decently strong is going to be doing 95% for three reps once, let alone four times.

Change it to 87,43% then, something else more reasonable.

I am starting to get the idea that 70-80%RM is preferred by all 'Gurus' to have better form and control to minimize injuries.

Imagine collapsing 2 times per week at squat or bench to failure every time because you do 92% instead of 78%RM. Simply inefficient training and a waste of time

What is the most optimal protein-synthase stimulus`? I dont see how adding sets would increase this in anyway. Its the thing of diminishing returns with added sets, eventually you will wore down muscles more than add mass.

For initial resistances, it is recommended that loads corresponding to 8-12 repetition maximum (RM) be used in novice training. For intermediate to advanced training, it is recommended that individuals use a wider loading range, from 1-12 RM in a periodized fashion, with eventual emphasis on heavy loading (1-6 RM) using at least 3-min rest periods between sets performed at a moderate contraction velocity (1-2 s concentric, 1-2 s eccentric). When training at a specific RM load, it is recommended that 2-10% increase in load be applied when the individual can perform the current workload for one to two repetitions over the desired number. The recommendation for training frequency is 2-3 d x wk(-1) for novice and intermediate training and 4-5 d x wk(-1) for advanced training. Similar program designs are recommended for hypertrophy training with respect to exercise selection and frequency. For loading, it is recommended that loads corresponding to 1-12 RM be used in periodized fashion, with emphasis on the 6-12 RM zone using 1- to 2-min rest periods between sets at a moderate velocity. Higher volume, multiple-set programs are recommended for maximizing hypertrophy. Progression in power training entails two general loading strategies: 1) strength training, and 2) use of light loads (30-60% of 1 RM) performed at a fast contraction velocity with 2-3 min of rest between sets for multiple sets per exercise. It is also recommended that emphasis be placed on multiple-joint exercises, especially those involving the total body. For local muscular endurance training, it is recommended that light to moderate loads (40-60% of 1 RM) be performed for high repetitions (> 15) using short rest periods (< 90 s). In the interpretation of this position stand, as with prior ones, the recommendations should be viewed in context of the individual's target goals, physical capacity, and training status.

Am currently bulking. I naturally have a small frame so probably won't be cutting anytime soon.

I want to try and minimise fat gain, although I know it can't be completely avoided.

How often should I do cardio? For how long? And how intense?

what would happen if i eat a surplus on lifting days and a deficit on rest days

Can anyone recommend a good calisthenics routine to maintain gains as much as possible for traveling, or a routine that uses minimul/easy to pack equipment?

The best gains you can get are from training that is 90%+, considering that the volume is equal. However, constantly working in that area increases the risk of injury and reduces your ability to recover.

The bulk of your training should be in the 60-85% range where you will rarely (ideally you wouldn't but everyone has one of "those" days) fail your lifts. Lower intensities are easier to recover from and can easily be used to load up on volume and thus build more muscle and increase strength.

Don't get me wrong, you will still feel beat-up from doing high-volume training but it will be muscle fatigue and not CNS-fatigue. Recovering from muscle fatigue is easy - you just take a warm shower and sleep in a hot bed, while CNS-fatigue tends to be hard to recover from.

Training at higher intensities also takes a massive toll on your joints and tendons and increases the risk of injury when you become fatigued. There are ways to have frequent high-intensity training but you have to be smart when you are setting it up. The guys at Westside, Jamie Lewis and Eric Bugenhagen use a lot of exercise variety to keep their joints from going into meltdown and to manage fatigue. Jamie trains 12-15 times a week and Eric trains 6-7 so if you want to train like that you should look into their way of doing things.


It depends on your routine but in general, you need to accept that fat gain will occur unless you juice or have the 1/1000 metabolism genetics. My general rule of thumb is that Sunday is a holy rest day to be respected but otherwise, if you aren't pulling weight on any particular day, you could be running.
You'd average out to around maintance overall and not get bigger. you'd make some gains but they'd be constricted. If you're trying to cheat the system, just stop, because you can't.

we already have a QDDTOT up you fucking retard

I'm doing a PPL routine. Do you think swimming 30 min a week would be detrimental?

If you're running pplrpplr, doing swimming on one of the rest days is fine. if you go pplpplr, then swimming on whatever non-rest day is marginally detrimental. Marginally. But if you must, then just do it far away from your workout, ie swim in the morning/lift in the evening or whatever.

I do pplpprr.

You could insert swimming anywhere in that as a sub for a r. pplppsr, pplpprs, ppslppr, whatever. But you're going to gain fat if you're bulking, even cleanly bulking, so get over that. Cardiovascular health via swimming is fine but swimming burns calories that you then need to eat back if you're bulking.

Cheers for the advice mate

Hello Kabir,

Thank you for using the IIFYM Macro Calculator!

My name is Anthony Collova. I am the founder of IIFYM.com
I put this little write up together to insure that you get the most out of your macros and our program. Whether you are new to IIFYM or are a seasoned vet, I encourage you to read this entire email so you don't miss any important details!

Here are the macros that our IIFYM calculator generated for you:

Protein Grams: 167
Fat Grams: 84
Carbs Grams: 213
Fiber Grams: 31-42

When all of these macros are added up, you get a total of 2273 calories.

Now what am I supposed to do with this shit?

isnt what im doing PPL. How is it Brosplit?

What do you think of my routine? (3 days workout)

Bench Press 2x5 1x5+
Pull Ups 2x5 1x5+
Seated high row 2x12 1x12+
Biceps Curls 2x12 1x12+
Flys 2x12 1x12+
Forward tricep extension 2x12 1x12+
Squats 2x5 1x5+

OHP 2X5 1X5+
Pull Ups 2x5 1x5+
Seated Row horizontal 2x12 1x12+
Bicep barbell curl 2x12 1x12+
Pull Over 2x12 1x12+
Dumbbell tricep extension 2x12 1x12+
Leg Press 2x12 1x12+

Bench Press 2x5 1x5+
Pull Ups 2x5 1x5+
Bent Over row 2x12 1x12+
Preacher curls 2x12 1x12+
Push Ups 2x12 1x12+
Push down rope 2x12 1x12+
Squats 2x5 1x5+

r8 h8 or b8 m8

How much of an effect does adaptive thermogenesis actually have?

>Trying to find an accurate set of scales
>Every set I find is some next gen wifi smart bullshit that you can program with your iphone

Veeky Forums please help, I'm just looking for an accurate set of scales that doesn't cost hundreds of dollars and doesn't require a degree in computer science to use. What brands are best?

Is This a meme i only have a pair of dumbbells any one knows a better routine

Nah - if you want to look good in a very short period of time you drop bf%.

to make any gains you would need either a huge set of dumbells or adjustable dumbbells

doing all that shit with 25's or less will not cut it, and you will be stalled almost immediately

When should I start making changes to how long to rest in between sets? In other words, how do I know if I should decrease the weight or increase rest time?

I've been doing pull ups with 10lbs on my back for 5 reps, 1:30 rest in between. If I'm struggling, do I increase to 2:00 rest or just remove some of the weight?

is there a rule I don't know about that applies here?

How are weight loss plateaus possible? If you're eating at a deficit, exercising minimum 3x a week, and eating high protons, how is possible to get stuck?

The more I read the more I find that these plateaus seem to be common, but how does the body "persist" at a certain weight while in a deficit? What happens to all those calories?

what routine is the fastest to get big/aesthetic without roids?

Nobody can you tell you what will make YOU big the fastest. Try different training methods, spend some time under the bar, experiment with different exercises and you will know in the end.

If you are 90kg and you eat at a deficit that equals the maintenance of 83kg, you will get stuck at 83kg because you are essentially eating to maintain that weight. This is simplifying it.

Figure out hot to eat.

It's shit. Stop doing ten different isolations.

Pick a scale and use it. I've got a Tabita or some shit.

Increase rests when you miss reps. Don't go over 10 minutes and use that only for heavy 1RM singles.

Total lifting volume drives hypertrophy.

What's RM stand for?

Rep Maximum.

Is there a Veeky Forums dictionary? So much shit keeps popping up that I have no idea about and no one will answer because "le new fag xDDD"

Also what does AbXbabXbDbcbDbaB mean? What the fuck is this shit?

>If you are 90kg and you eat at a deficit that equals the maintenance of 83kg, you will get stuck at 83kg because you are essentially eating to maintain that weight.
Alright, but let's look at my scenario. Let's say a guy is 200 pounds, his TDEE is 2300 cal, so he eats at a 750 calorie deficit. He loses 25 pounds is now 175 and stalls. His TDEE only shifted 150 calories. He's still at a deficit of 600-ish calories yet he stalls.

how can this be?

Most people are willing to answer questions about terminology in these threads. Post words you want to know about.

And the ABxABxC stuff is routine days. Each workout day is represented by a captial letter while rest days are represented by "x"

what wilks should you be at after a year/two years/etc?

Mine got to 225 in a year after a horrific trauma, so I'd put that as a minimum for a healthy guy.

>177 cm
>70 kg
>very broad shoulders, skelly as fuck
don't care and being ripped, i wanna go full bearmode
are there any negative health effects to it, besides what's associated with that kind of bf%?

Just get strong. Eat more, too.

>can't squat without leaning forward until my back is almost horizontal
>some user told me to do mobility work but I have no idea what that means

Anybody care to elaborate?

Is your bar placement correct?

Guys 2 days ago when I went to sleep I started hearing voices, like confused whispers in my head I got fucking scared. Like a lot. What could it be?

I went right down to bodyweight squats, it still happens.

If I want a decent looking body (talking about fat) How should I split my bulk/cut ?
6 months bulk - 3 months cut gonna do it?
Im talking about clean bulk btw.

It's nothing. Go back to sleep.

9 weeks in how am I doing? is this good enought or am I progressing too slowly?

good keep it up

>missed workout yesterday
>did 10 sets of push ups instead
>lat doms today

is this normal ? suprised me a little bit

what exercises should I be doing with only 1 dumbbell

>10 sets of pushups

>only 1 dumbell

makes me want to puke

Best Lat workouts? Mine seem to be lagging.

Are rest days actually important? I don't want to rest tomorrow because I find myself only happy at the gym

I see other people lifting (say, for example, 5 reps per set), and it looks like
>first four are really tough
>last rep is either barely doable, or fails
but when I'm lifting it's
>first three are piss easy
>fourth is kinda hard
>last rep is either barely doable, or fails
Am I doing something wrong?

yes, they are. gainz happen during rest.

Just bought my first ever proton powder, 4 scoops + 250ml milk per day enough?

How hard can I cut without losing too much muscle?

>Started a little before summer 5'8" 164 20M
>Bulked waaay too fucking hard all the way to 188
>Currently 175
>Goal is 155

So the problem with cutting as I understand it is that you lose too much muscle if you do it too fast. Can I just eat an extra scoop or two of whey to make up for it (inb4 C'MON piano memes)? I should be cutting at around 1800 but I can easily do 1300-1500 and not get hungry. Only problem is my meals are a bit calorie dense (changing meals is not possible) and I want to just skip a meal to make my cut faster because I'm tired of being fat. If I cut to 155 and manage to keep my current strength, SymStr says I'll be at the upper end of Intermediate for most body parts, while it's mostly upper novice or low Intermediate right now. I'm just really impatient but also worried about losing strength.

depends on genetics, how much work you put in, amount of sleep, diet, and how you feel. you can legit do 7 days a week but you just work in accessories/don't go hard some days and just do cardio/core work. i say go for it user you almost certainly won't overtrain unless you're doing some seriously heavy lifts + volume. just don't overdo it and and injure yourself and you should be fine.

I did SL every day in the beginning cause the weights were so light. I had to quickly switch to 3 days/week. If you're on a routine that puts you on progressive overload, working out every day will just not be possible at one point. Do it if you can. Doesn't hurt you much.

Bodyweight guy here, planning to transition to lifting soon. I want to do upper/lower split since that's what I'm used to doing already but with bodyweight.

Because of my schedule, I could either do it Upper-Lower-Rest-Upper-Lower-Rest-Rest or Upper-Rest-Lower-Rest-Upper/Lower-Rest-Upper-Rest-Lower, will one or the other make major differences as far as my strength/gains is concerned? I only have so much time because of my classes and work, so the latter split is much more tempting.

>Bodyweight guy here, planning to transition to lifting soon.
y tho
t. /bwg/

It just looks like fun and I want to try something new.

where to buy belts in europe?

but that's not how you spell "repressing your crushing depression"

What's the deal with sets/reps? I just read a guy say he does 10x3, while I'm currently doing 3 sets of 8. Should I do less reps at higher weight, or less reps with more sets, or what?

Why do I always feel fucking SICK when I'm working out hard.

It's mainly exercises that use my stomach muscles a lot. Chinups is the worst.

Is it because my ribs are kinda fucked up? It feels like they put pressure on my stomach when my core is tight.

As general guidelines: 3x5 for strength, 3x8-12 for hypertrophy (muscle size).

10x3 is weird or he meant 3x10.

Two suggestions:

1. See a doctor just in case.

2. Stop stuffing your face before you workout.

I usually work out an hour or two after dinner, I tried doing it before dinner so on a fairly empty stomach and I felt about the same.

I've mentioned my ribs to the doctor before and he pretty much brushed it off. But I mean, even if it was caused by the ribs, what are they gonna do? It's not like they're gonna suggest surgery because of slight discomfort.

I find if I have anything more than a light meal before working out I'm in for trouble.

Maybe see a chiropractor? They're not a meme, I've had good experiences.

I didn't go to the gym for 10 days, when I got back there, did my usual weight deadlift (75Kg, no bully pls), felt ok as always, back very light sore, as usual.

Yesterday I started doing some running and I felt a a little lower back pain while running, after relaxing, it went away.

Is it normal? I mean, was it because I was using the sore muscles? (I used to run before lifting, never experienced lower back pain from it)


Depends if it's just sore or actually painful. If it's not feeling better after a day or two then go the doctors. Otherwise just be careful with your form next time you DL.

Eh, just a little sore. I will wait a day or two and go for a run again, it will probably feel ok.


I'm working on a small bodyweight routine for mobility and strengthening core to do at home between days of SS.

I especially need hip mobility for getting a stronger starting position in deadlift.
I also really need shoulder mobility to bring in my hands and tighten my back in the squat.

What are your best mobility exercises for these areas?
Also only really have planks and side planks for core, any other good ones to help with strength and bracing?

No way of knowing what body fat percentage I am and don't want to post pic (don't have calipers or bod pod or dexa scan services near me)

If I'm 6'1 and skinny fat and have a pot like belly (like that one meme image of the sad face with a big belly and skinny body) does that mean I'm around 30% body fat? My belly goes beyond my wait and belt and I barely see my dick when looking down in the shower naked

Is a bad idea to include turkey bacon in my daily diet if I'm cutting?

30% BF is not "skinnyfat". That's obese to a large degree.

A belly has many shapes and forms, without a pic we're literally shooting in the dark.

Why does it matter anyways? Just cut and you'll be good.

bump to the future

only if you don't like Turkey Bacon. Otherwise, IIFYM

I'm literally skinny everywhere else though, I'm a literal text book example. I'll cut but I just wanted to have an idea

Are most skinny fat in the 20% range?

Do Martial Arts count as cardio or strength?

I train Muay Thai and want to have endurance while also being decently stronk and aesthetic. MT is mostly high volume calisthenics and drills. Coach said running helps so I took up C25K. Will 3 days of low volume lifting, 2 days of MT, and 1 day of running cardio cut it or am I overtraining?

You seem to not know what "skinnyfat" is. Skinnyfat is basically a guy, who with a shirt on looks skinny, but that's only because he has no muscle mass whatsoever. A belly means plain overweight.

My gf has this weird fat/skin tire right below her butt, she has a nice big butt and that thing is preventing her from looking like a perfect bubble butt

any fix like losing bf% and squatting/lifting weights? or is it entirely genetics

she isn't fat, she only needs to lose at most 2-3kg to have a flat belly.

squats are good for the ass

>she only needs to lose at most 2-3kg to have a flat belly.
yeah, right.

I do squats, almost 3pl8 and nothing happens, in fact I even lost ass once I started to get shredded

I don't date fatties m8 she has a nice adonis and her belly is flat, just not like those instagram fit chicks

just got on a cut. my normal routine involves drop sets... should i discard them?

Hi, college student here. I live in a dorm and am on a meal plan, so I eat most of my meals at the school cafeteria. How am I supposed to count calories with any degree of accuracy? There are obviously no scales, measuring cups, etc. I don't even know what's been added to some of the food, nor would I know what to call some of the stuff if I had to enter it into a calorie counting app.

How am I supposed to count my calories if I didn't prepare the food myself? I don't have a full list of ingredients or any way to measure portions.

Does SS tell you which weight to start out with? If not what should I start with? Or should I test it and see what works?

always start with just the bar to work on your form. Then slowly work weight in.

Don't worry about the fact the weights are small, you need to adjust your body to it. If you can do a set with no issue, bump up the weight by 10 pounds. Once you reach a weight you struggle with, aim for that next time.

counting calories on college campus is a bitch. There's really no way to do it. Easiest way is to just watch out for the obvious things, stay away from sweets, don't drink soda, don't get double portions, etc.

As long as you're working out you should be fine.


How's your spine? I am 173, 6 foot, and real thin. I have a protruding stomach because my hips tilt back and my stomach is pushed forward. If this is the case for you, only fixed by correcting posture.

Well, I already stick to single portions. My stomach has shrunk since I started watching my diet, so anything more than that makes me sick. I hate the taste of soda anyway, so I'm good there. Water every day, baby. I do like to indulge in some yogurt w/ granola sometimes, and that shit tastes way too fucking good to be healthy. Most days, a wrap with chicken, bell peppers, onions, and lettuce is the best I can do.

In regards to working out, I just scoped out the school gym yesterday. Looks pretty solid, and there were hardly any people in there. I'm excited to get started with lifting. I'm thinking of starting with either SS or sean10mm's Stripped 5x5, as mentioned in the sticky. Would any of you recommend one program over the other?

1. Ask or look for a nutrition chart. A lot of schools have them.

2. Estimate. And if you're allowed to take the food/plates back to your room, take it back and weigh it

3. Build up a consistent food intake and then work backwards to deduce what your average calorie intake per day must have been. You ate cereal, pizza, and a chicken wrap each day and lost 2.5 lbs in 1 week? That's a deficit of 1250 calories/day. If you know your TDEE and your deficit you know that day meal's calorie total.

>Does SS tell you which weight to start out with?

Read the fucking book.

Look at pictures of portions, like rice, spaghetti, meat.

Then look at your plate and estimate how many portions you are eating, then you put those and search how many calories are in that many portions

Fatty here. Around 290 #s. Following the sticky for 1g of protein for each # of BW I'd be eating 290 grams of protein a day...is that accurate? I'm not lifting just watching kcals and cardio

>anthony "i want to be a meme, please" fantano

i have a condition where my foreskin cant retract all the way back over my dick. im stretching it but its making it really hard not to fap. what do? (on nofap btw)

I took two scoops of creatine, dumped it directly into my mouth then washed it down with 500ml of water (because it doesn't dissolve very well)

Am I gonna be alright?

I've more or less hit my goal weight and now I want to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Should i bulk, cut, or do maintenance?

can't do both

lean bulk and then cut and enjoy that cycle forever
this is why being natty sucks and takes time