
Loli loving edition.

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Had my second comp (first really as it's since I switch properly to wl) Was fun

what were your numbers user?

Any olympic weightlifters you can name that have had or have an herniated disk? Need some motivation.


your days of WL are over

>wl threads on /sp/ get stickied
>no /owg/ survives to bump limit for over a week on Veeky Forums
It's time for a board migration

Not great compared to many. 180 total which is 12 below my gym best but we wanted 6/6 so went conservative (I actually did 5/6)
Weighed 79kg so long way to go until.im doing respectable numbers but this was 40kg over my first comp. As I learn the skill of competition I'll try to get closer to my training bests and try for new pb's

I didn't even begin lifting

that was because it was the olympics. every sport got it's own thread

did you even look in sp weightlifting threads? they were pure cancer

no one knew a thing about the sport, they all just spam shit constantly. now that the olympics are over if you made a thread there it would die in an hour

Ilya, for sure. Lydia Valentin had to bow out of Worlds due to a 'back injury'. It definitely happens, and if it's not too bad and you're on top of your recovery and management it needn't interfere too much with your training.

It's definitely nothing serious but I sometimes get discouraged reading some posts around here about how weightlifting destroys your body and I haven't even started yet.
Anyways, I'm already recovering and I think I'll have a good coach at the gym I plan on going to so I'm confident.
On a related note, Lydia Valentín stars in an ad for the gym I'm planing on going to.

is commi still underage b8

there was just no owg for him to shit post in

They were pretty comfy I thought.

Sure not a lot of people in the thread knew what was going on, what was a valid lift, nor were they talking about the technique or power displayed but it was pretty active and it was mostly cheering and/or celebrating.

commisar is literally 15 years old. he will be underage b& for another 2 years

I wouldn't get discouraged lad. When I first started lifting (conventional powerlifting) I fucked up my back really badly. took like a year and a half to get over it, but I did

Hello owg I have not been here in a while.

Is norsefat still learning?
Is trappychan gone?
Are there any trips here?
Did Klokov win?
Is this thread even alive anymore?

Thanks for your cooperation :)


I seem to have gotten golfers elbow

I can't hold my right arm up in the front rack position, nor can I hold a barbell above my head if the hand bends back

What do I do?

you're supposed to do curls

why do so many pedophilles do olympic weightlifting?

it's joke

Why is rack jerk so much harder than jerk after clean

to lift the lolis

Why doesn't anybody understand that the point of Lolita is that it's fucking wrong. For fucks sake wait till they grow up creeps.

cuz you touch yerself @ night, fag


had my first workout at school for the semester, managed to hang power clean my max clean and jerk from last semester. it's only 90kgs, but I'm still happy with the progress. front squat also went from 123kgs to 136kgs over 3 months. did I do good this summer guys?

Why are little girls so tight?

starts with a "c"