I want to get buff and fuck nerdy girls at cons. I may also have some success and fame in the industry soon

I want to get buff and fuck nerdy girls at cons. I may also have some success and fame in the industry soon.
Is it realistic to think I can get some good pussy by simply being fit at a vidya or animu con?

Yes, a lot of guys that go there are fat and awkward

You'd be jacked and awkward so you're a step ahead

Until the erectile dysfunction sets in

>jacked and awkward

how do you know so much about me

>erectile dysfunction

if you can physically get an erection (for instance, if you can get hard when you jerk off), and you're not getting erections in the presence of an attractive specimen corresponding to a gender you are fond of, then YOU HAVE A DEFICIT IN CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS.

t. cured 5 year veteran of the the noporn/nofap rodeo

p.s. you only need to run like 6 miles a week to get the majority of cardiovascular benefits seen cardio

p.p.s. actually all of the benefits, running more than that is only for sport

6m a week is nothing too. If you're reasonably fit, just spend 8 mins outside in shorts 6 data a week.. that simple

cardio has seriously been the only thing to cure my ED (i'm in my 20s) because it was the only problem with my p3n0r and brain

nofappers are just beta bois with a religion hangover

>nofappers are just beta bois with a religion hangover
False. Some people are addicted to masturbation, like some people are addicted to alcohol. Hence, why some people no fap.

No you fucking idiot. The girls at cons don't give a fuck about your looks.

I have a resting heart rate of 47, and ride my bike 100km + a week, but I don't get erections in public. What;s wrong with me? P-plz respond

best Veeky Forums cosplay is to rule63 some known male character

shows that youre fit, funny, and know something about nerdshit

have you ever been to a con. part of the fun is the way you look

Started getting trouble keeping it up, and got less morning wood, as I started nearing 30. Run about 9 miles a week now - morning wood every morning, hard as a stone for hours when fucking, can fap several times a day and still get hard just looking at a hot girl. Took 3 months of running, did Couch to 5k.


>girls don't give a fuck about your looks

How socially inept can you guys be? Seriously.

That's normal. It's only during sexy times that you should get erections.

Any autist ever made a video of themselves picking up/fucking a chick at a convention?

I don't go to these things but I feel like such a video would get my dick hard.

Hmm, this sounds like me but I assumed I had a performance anxiety problem. Maybe I will start running

you made this thread.

I really can't imagine that it'd be that hard to pull at a convention.
>hi I'm user, you're pretty cute do you want to get a drink after this?

Con chicks are usually already taken on account of them being rare.