Notices >Norsefat's survey is officially in the analysis stage. There is no need to continue submitting replies. >You should deload some bench volume from time to time for dat repeated bouts effect >Coffee and bananas are a better pre-workout for casual lifting sessions
Enjoy your stay, and play nice. For any complaints, suggestions, or queries, please contact Fat Retard !!ypBEXJGAhOa
That's not what I meant. I mean stop replying as soon as you see something, and wait like 15-20 min in between posts so you can reply to like 3 or 4 people at once so that every other post in the thread isn't you.
Lucas Cruz
youve been saying that for too long now lol dont leave tho Tbh who else is going to deal with the paper work
Adam Fisher
How to be liked as a trip >the less you say, the less can be used against you >be strong >be a man >don't be a twink >don't be fat >don't be ugly >don't be contrarian >suck up to anybody who insults you >never post off topic >don't engage other trips in general chat
Jack Morales
this guy always reminds me of a french teacher i had she loved him and made sure we knew about it lol
Landon Johnson
Well it's Britbong bedtime. I hope you have all had a lovely day lifting and are comfy for bed. Or, you're about to have your dinner I hope it's biiiiiigggg
Nn /plg/ ily
Camden Ortiz
How to be liked as a trip >be likeable >put a #password in the name field
Cameron Jenkins
You were posting??
John Anderson
>the less you say, the less can be used against you ehh then you get the >you dont even try to help people
Noah Anderson
>Most cancerous trips All of them no exceptions
Nathaniel Nguyen
Nope I just came to say night
Xavier Hill
>What are we training today
>What are we eating today
A little bit of everything tonight. I wanted to listen to Powerwolf's Blood of the Saints on youtube, but it kept pausing every time I turned my phone's screen off.
Luke Green
PLG has turned into a bunch of weak faggot newfag trips
All cancer Jesus Christ
Nathan Hernandez
Lol okay, good night Esmeralda, don't forget to get back to training!
Elijah Peterson
Most Cancerous trips
>George Seeger >no one else, everyone else is a-okay
Hudson Diaz
Beta orbiter Cancerous beta enabler
Colton Gutierrez
>tfw can do 10 proper pullups @120kg BW but have 0 back, nothing
I guess ill have to ramp them up with weight to get phils / norsies back or what?
Julian Flores
Always liked him from being a kid and my mother playing it in the car.
The most likes trips don't help anybody >bodorio >virtus
James Morales
I won't forget ^-^ sleep well
Jeremiah Martin
Sean was that girl you were orbiting for years and didn't fuck Sparrow?
Jaxon Hall
bodorio is the exact person ive seen it said to multiple times lol hes probably the most liked but youll never please everybody
Cameron Russell
i mean the strong guys literally don't care about you, at least these guys bother giving you advice when you need it. of course there are the genuinely cancer trips
>PanzerJager >Esmeralda >Haino >Isley
>>the less you say, the less can be used against you undeniable >>be strong not necessary, some trips are here just so their progress has a name to be matched with rather than being user all the time. i like it, but unless they're asking/giving advice the trip should be off >>be a man agreed, girls should not be on /plg/ at all >>don't be a twink refer to strong >>don't be fat everyone here user or otherwise is fat >>don't be ugly everyone here user or otherwise is ugly >>don't be contrarian sure, let's all just take bandwagon opinions >>suck up to anybody who insults you this is how you get assraped in middle school >>never post off topic no post on this website is ever on topic >>don't engage other trips in general chat no reason not to
Brody Thompson
Ah, makes sense
I'll have PRutus or someone deal with it in the meantime. Haven't brought it up more than 3 times though, and I've said I'd be taking one when I start to cut again. For a month or two, not too long, but I think it'd do me good.
Christopher White
How does the good feeling of helping a friend sound?
Cameron Johnson
Good morning plg This is what I got so far
Brody Gonzalez
>mfw I think I am starting to do squats more correctly >core is really sore, lower back sometimes sore after squat days
Just fuckin kill me
Kayden Martin
Stupid trip drama
Michael Hall
Stupid trip drama
Nicholas Evans
>He's mad he's as weak as Esmeralda
Adrian Anderson
Nope. This is a genuine projection.
Jacob Robinson
holy shit lmao
Carson Young
I need to...
Aiden Foster
speak up hun'
Elijah Flores
Would you still love me if I had a penis
Julian Powell
only if it was feminine like matties
Matthew Harris
I'm actually a 110lbs man who takes female hormones, that's my real voice but I have a soft pink penis
Nicholas Taylor
its ok dude me too
Tyler Wright
Sweet. It'd probably be good to have bodyweights and wilks scores on there, too.
Cameron Adams
careful paul aka p is for prutus may fall in love with you
Adrian Edwards
>MtF calls themselves a man while on hormones Seems legit.jpg
Oliver Cooper
>Z press today >1 plate >huff puff pink face struggle bus'd 3 sets of 8 reps
jesus CHRIST why are overhead events even a fucking thing in strongman, can I just do more deadlifts? fuck
Chase Murphy
Not that user but I really like pendlay rows, just don't like that they tax posterior chain.
Prob should do more chest supported and cable rows
Mason Hill
Thomas Smith
Stupid trip drama
Wyatt Hernandez
>I deadlift more than mystery user and he talks shit to me
Jordan Lewis
How do you guys think I can add SLINGSHOT to nuckols 3x int med bench?
I was thinking of just doing the 1rm for the week, or the AMRAP in week 4 for some volume, like 3-5x3-5
what do you guys think?
Carter Allen
A lot of people tell me I have butt wink. Do I have butt wink? Or is it impossible to tell from this angle?
Sebastian Edwards
just do it sometimes for fun it aint gonna do shit to ur bench differently from more benching maybe a stronger lockout and weaker bottom but no1 fails at the lockout so its retarded
Jacob Nelson
>Saturday have the hardest squat workout of the whole sheiko cycle >warm ups squatting today don't feel so great >put my belt on and get to my working sets >they start feeling easy as shit; the weight is literally flying up ???
Grayson Cook
>try to do a front squat with just the bar >it ain't me starts playing
Grayson Watson
Happens to me all the time, or at the very least, the belt makes them a lot less shit
Ryan Mitchell
yea u have buttwink
Logan Wright
O hey I didn't make the list :3
Brandon Evans
>the weight is literally flying up That's called "fairy dust". It's the secret that Boris has been keeping from the world.
You spend $12, and the dust falls in/around your face, then 80% feels like 120%, but it moves smoothly.
It's magic.
Impossible to tell at that angle or without a video. I CAN tell you that your shirt is way too long though.
Colton Bennett
Monash uni fag found
Brody Perry
Why is my fucking deadlift lower than my squat? I squat 200 kg but struggle to diddly 180.
What do I do to get my faggot babby hands stronger? Pls help
Levi Morgan
is grip strength your problem? if yes, then you squat more bc you're a pussy if no, then you squat more bc you're a cool guy
Nathaniel Fisher
Sounds like you have the same problem as me. I just focused a lot on my deadlift and now my squat/diddly are the same so I guess that's a progress.
i.e deadlift more. I did ed coans program
Ryan Morris
Absolute shit angle, but it doesn't really look like you have anything to worry about
Parker Jones
Prolly grip strength. How do I leave pussymode?
Andrew Sanders
Mine should be 220/150/260
Aaron Adams
for fucks sake I just want to get drunk and eat cheese
Nathan Garcia
You're not even gonna try to tone down the Midwest, are ya there bub?
Hunter Morgan
Do it
Joshua Edwards
Heavy rows/weighted chins, farmer walks, hammer curls holding the bottom of the dumbbell, etc.
Do ittt
Hudson Martinez
This I've also had great success holding the top of a deadlift for 10-15 seconds at the end of every set.
Elijah Watson
>Prolly grip strength >prolly it either is or it isn't fAm are you unable to hold the weight? or are you unable to pick it up? >How do I leave pussymode? ___ ______
join me nigga
Daniel Peterson
Record deadlift and squat for analysis
>More double overhand deadlifts. Hold reps at the top for a bit. >Heavy dumbbell rows without straps >Farmers walks >One arm/Two arm deadhangs (add weight if you want) >Try harder
Jayden Ortiz
Anyone tried mdisbrows bench program? Apparently he's created >12 500lb benches with it
Don't worry mine will be higher than your once I max out while fresh in 2 weeks.
Owen Evans
its sad how hard I try to not be stereotypical midwest, and how hard I sometimes just can't hide it. When I get dunk and loud i have a very nasty grammar defunction and i start fucking up my "O"s and just obliterating word pronunciations (not like a typical just "im drunk" slur type thing)
and fuck me i just love beer and cheese and meat and mayonnaise and AAGGHHHHH FUCK
>spotted cow
I've wanted to try that shit for fucking ever but I can't find it!
i don't need encouragement, i just dropped under 120 kg today
Hunter Sullivan
I'm in such garbage bench shape atm that i couldn't even do the first set of 3 at 80 % lmao
Zachary Cruz
Whos the cow, your fat fucking face or the beer?
Jeremiah Peterson
i don't see the need to do bar sets every day desu. just do them for stretching literally fuck off
Jackson Reed
check ur email
Blake Wright
Hola reddit!
Jonathan King
Thanks for the suggestions, gonna go with paused DL and farmer's walks
Also upload a video in the future
Xavier Richardson
Fuck off Randy
John James
Double paused benches are the worst thing ever invented why have I subjected myself to this
Jeremiah Collins
frig off
>I've wanted to try that shit for fucking ever but I can't find it! come to a real state. you can even cheer for a football team that doesn't suck (gif related)
ha good one!
I just did it for lolz in between my bench sets. went down and as soon as I started coming up, my lower back exploded
Angel Robinson
I'd take it with a grain of salt because lolfed.
Zachary Lopez
>i just dropped under 120 kg today
>Gonna weigh more than Big Aaron by the end of the year