Acne solutions

23 pretty fit low soda and junk food intake, always clean, cleanse and moisturise daily. I get one or two pimples at a time and have Whitehead like bumps all over my face though.
Any fit tips to get rid of it that wound cost a fortune or fuck me up like acutane or whatever it is.

sleep on a clean towel

Stop touching your face with your hand.

benzoyl peroxide 5%

What's your dairy intake like?

Dairy is a killer for skin

Was about to mention this. Lower your dairy intake and literally never drink animal milk.

Remove milk/ice cream from diet
>Buy a cleanser, toner, exfoliant, and moisturizer
Use them in that order.

Use hot water to work in the stuff, cold water to close your pores in between steps, except for toner. Just put it on and let it dry.

Follow instructions on bottles if they deviate from what I've written.

Change towels every 2-3 days
Change washcloths and face towels just as regularly
Wash pillowcases as well

When you buy product, make sure that it accounts whether your skin is naturally more oily or dry (mine is oily, so I use the correct product for this)

It seems intimidating, but I learned all of this from 5 minutes of reading. Cost me $20 to get everything, except I already had lotion for managing my bitch.

Natural Cleansers for DIY (NOTHANKYOU MR. NOSEBERG) use
>coconut oil
>Apple cider vinegar
>Lemon juice and honey
>Olive oil
>Activated almond oil (soak in water to activate almonds)

>Apple cider vinegar
>Witch hazel (currently using)
>Diluted pomegranate extract

Natural Exfoliants for DIY (NOTHANKYOU Dr. SCHLOMO) use
>Baking soda
>Natural sugar
>Sea salt
Personally, it's easier to buy the store stuff and build a routine with it. After that, feel free to make your own.

Are you allergic to gluten bc that's what the symptoms sound like

Drink barely any milk or dairy, no gluten allergy.
Thanks for the advice guys I'm already doing about 90% of these suggestions aside from toner and exfoliant

how about you visit a goddamn dermatologist nigga? I mean, there are many different types of acne, so there is a big possibility that reducing milk and sleeping on a clean tower just because some guy on a taiwanese chair polishing forum told you so might not really do the trick.

I guess this thread is the best place to ask. I'm going to start accutane pretty soon, so I was wondering if you guys could tell me about your experiences with it.
Also, I'm a brass player, so the thought of dry lips scares me. Can I combat the dryness with lip balm and staying hydrated?

Because I pay 60bucks a week on osteo for my bad back I can't really Shell out a 400 dollar dermo visit. If I could I would man

Never taken it, but you have the right idea.

Acutane is the scorched earth- take no prisoners solution for acne. Lots of sides. Lots of potential complications.

I suspect that it has long term effects that were properly studied either.

Do at your own risk. Not sure if youve tried diet+ environment + facial cleaning stuff, but if you have with no results (all of this at once) then I can't say there is much of a choice

Accutane or 20mg of vitamin A

try eating more antioxidants and fiber and less fat as well as staying away from dairy. I'm vegetarian now and have less fat and dairy than I used to and I rarely get pimples anywhere on my body.

>tfw pcos gave me acne
>5 months of hormonal treatment and no results

>pop your pimples (at first it will pop and ooze pus, but keep squeezing until you get the head out. The head, which is a tiny solid white dot, is what will keep your pimple coming back again and again and again) until they bleed to be sure they're clean
>wash face with tomato soap or banana soap, as they're good for cleaning shit up
>coat a cotton pad with a 2% salicylic acid solution
>wait for acid to dry
>take a dab of benzoyl peroxide and firmly press it into the open pimples
This information came from my aesthetician mother. It has all worked wonders for my own acne.

Go to a doctor about it, they shouldn't prescribe accutane straight away.

im 3rd month into it now lad, bacne cleared up within the first 2 weeks and my face used to drip with oil, now its smooth and dry, with most of the acne gone. Only sides iv'e had are dry lips, face and the occasional nosebleed

I'm considering trying accutane as a last resort cause I'm 21M but still have hoorrrible bacne and a really oily face. I've had no dairy for months and I sleep on clean pillowcases every night etc. How long are you gonna stay on it for?

I'm to afraid to ask for accutane. I knew about it, been visiting a derm and getting antibiotics for a couple years now, visit my family physician recently the doc notices it asks about it and asks if my derm put me on accutane at all.

Those side effects tho.

I had painful cystic acne all over my face, shoulders and back. Tried everything else for years and years, nothing working.

Dermatologist put me on accutane for 6months. Liver value checkups each month, severly dry everything (your goddamn dick, ass, lips, hair, eyes etc), had to rub vaseline on my face to prevent burning, sun sensitivity, pain in joints, the whole lot basically.
No permanent side effects.

Three years later and my skin looks like it's fucking porcelain/CGI'ed.
3 or 4 tiny razor burn zits in that period, that's all.

It's a fucking ordeal but incredibly effective. At least in my experience.

I took it for 1 year because of terrible cystic acne.
I have scars everywhere which was kind of expected.
I never got an erection during accutane or for 6 months after (took a couple years to even masturbate again.
Lips were dry af, don't know if you could play a brass instrument with them.
I'm also not really attracted to women in real life situations anymore since but who knows if it has anything to do with it.
Shit is scorch earth, no idea why you would do it unless you have terrible face acne in the form of cysts.

Take Zinc pills, drink water, DON'T exfoliate more than twice a weak, use a skin cleanser right for you, Veeky Forums can help.

Not him but I had great results with 20mg a day for 6 months, only sides were slight joint dryness and dry lips.

It's been 3 years since then and my skin is still almost flawless even though I don't have a particularly clean diet or change my bedsheets etc.