>no fph thread
Let's fix that, shall we?
Fresh fatty hate from /trash/:
boards.Veeky Forums.org/trash/thread/4870521
>no fph thread
Let's fix that, shall we?
Fresh fatty hate from /trash/:
boards.Veeky Forums.org/trash/thread/4870521
Damnit son, don't go digging around in the trash. Next thing you know you'll be pulling out mlp porn and other furry shit.
Fat hate? OP what are you retarder?
when will fatties start dying out tho? They've got to eat themselves to extinction sooner or later right?
Not gonna lie, if I got drunk enough I a 20 pack of drumsticks would look mighty appetizing.
Not if the world keeps accommodating them.
Except that's true.
elaborate pls
>45 commie units celsius
How the fuck does anyone survive there?
You can gain weight by drinking too.
Let's see some confidence
I don't get it. They're not eyeballs, it's not a bow... Is it a race track?
infinity + fat
White whale tattoo
Birds are a popular one too
took me a moment, it says fat
infinity sign + fat
eternally fat i guess
An infinity sign, to represent her weight
oh my god these are repulsive how is that last one even human? At what point do they look at these massive gelatinous lumpy sacks of lard and think 'Yes, this is good'? Its folds have folds
Infinite fat works.
Why do fatties always use fit, good looking women in the picture. That's like putting 2 irrevelant things together
Because they are retarder user.
air conditioning
20 drumsticks is not really impressive or fat related. I used to eat that amount
How do some of them have such thin faces? They're gifted with nice face aesthetics but throw it all away on fatness. Such a waste. People would kill to have better looking faces.
I do not understand a bit of this. Well you're fat and your belly looks disgusting. Ok I won't bother you
B-but why show that to whole internet while making it look like its a positive side of yours???
Why far people so smug?
>tfw you have so many folds compression algorithms have trouble with your photos
>60+ sized blanket cover on legs
Fatties like twisting words much. So whatever good word they use is just a joke
>ywn have 3 asses
She got her weight tattooed on her stomach, impressive
>This woman has lost a lot of weight now. her on the right
Oliver Hardy came back as a retard.
"But why does her arm still look fat in this picture?"
Born a blonde white girl with good face is like god fucked your last life and felt guilty so he gave you a easy mode this life
Then.... They fucking blew it. And say they're proud that they fucking dumped the infinite amount of assets into river
Man I don't think these women deserve to live. It's ironic they are on the toppest part of patriarchy and have the most privilege on this earth yet still angry about other people
They're literately given everything from the western world and each of their privilege is larger than some entire 3rd world country they still not satisfied
>new job
>co-worker next desk over has one of these
>has a 64 oz Mega Jug of soda on his desk at all times, no idea how he refills it during the day but he does
>always smells like low grade tuna and smegma
I just want to put a fan on my desk pointing at him because being downwind of him is awful
Well user,
Loose skin famalam.
>mfw when watching new colors get introduced
Whats that one place in the middle that holds out longer than the others?
>Lowtest detected
Three asses?
>That fat thread on /trash/
I think that has to be the most disgusting thing I've seen all month. That's so sad.
What kind of cookie is 1300 calories?
a really big cookie u wet noodle
A badass motherfucking cookie.
The giant cookies at cookie stand at the mall. Just remember: Cookie stand isn't part of the food court.
>tattoos on fat people
I want a tattoo but I'm also chubby so I'm trying to get fit and reward myself when I reach my goal with a tattoo that would look somewhat more decent on a non-flab arm.
me too my guy
That's good motivation. Forget about numbers, focus on a goal that can only be had from losing weight.
shave your head, get the Imperial Aquila tattooed on the back of your skull, and let your hair grow back.Only you will know it's there
>I ran home
>things that happened
Pick one.
What happens to a tattoo if you grow hair through it? Its something I never thought of.
I've been seeing this picture floating around for months () but I never knew anything about it beyond that. Hard to believe that such a qt was hiding under that horrifying monstrosity.
Nothing. Hair does not effect the tattoo. That's why you can get a tattoo even if you have body hair
Learn to read. The cookie is not 1300 calories. The cookie + X =1300 calories.
>needed my popcorn with butter
>needed to see a damn movie
Fatties actually think their lives depend on butter and movies
To be fair, popcorn used to be way better when they added proper butter to it.
true or not this fucker is an idiot. could have run back ad forth to and from the river with water bottles to cool the person off. I doubt he told the same story to the cops, where they just let someone just role down a hill over jagged rocks face first into water and think they have done their duty. Fuck whoever wrote that story what a fucking cunt. They could have just said they had no training nor the capacity to move or otherwise help the person. They still wouldn't have gotten in trouble, it wouldn't be negligent. They only made it worse by fucking destroying that persons joints, risking major infection, and possibly giving them a concussion.
God that line about rolling a nearly unconscious person into the river and almost leaving fucking rustles my jimmies so bad.
Seriously fuck whatever cunt wrote that shit
They might not have done a good job but they still probably saved this persons life.
This is what I did a couple years ago
>You're gonna make it
Fuck every time she tries to stand I think I'm about to watch her knees blow out. My right knee blew out when I tried pushing on my truck, which is about the same weight as one of these people
And most of the time there's no recovering from that knee injury.
I used to be quite fat, still a little chubby but at least healthy BMI. Used to browse Veeky Forums a lot but went on vacation recently and ate a bunch of unhealthy foods, though I did try to limit myself. Too nervous about stepping on the scale so back on Veeky Forums and browsing these FPH threads since they seem to help me the most.
I always lose weight on holidays because I cant make little trips to the food cupboard to get a snack.
I can agree to that but holy shit what a fuck head.
I dont know man, I'd rather be fucked up and alive than dead because someone decided they weren't qualified and went on their merry way. Most people probably wouldn't even bother.
the girl on the right is my dream girl, small upper body THICC lower. mirin
I have agree with the fatty logic of these things
>Love yourself
Sure fine. But lets add to it a little
>Love yourself, just don't expect others to
I agree. If they're fried though it's fucking awful.
I don't work my ass off to look okay to have to settle for something like this.
The fuck is wrong with missisipi?
Whats right with missisipi?
Aside from your horrible spelling of Mississippi?
capital of deep fried food
10 lbs is about the weight of the cheeseburgers he eats.
who the fuck are you?
I would have left that fatty to die and helped purge the gene pool at least these people saved her life.
goddamn fatty lover. I bet you're a fatty too
She was so fat any branches and stones and shit probably failed to do anything but superficial damage anyway.
>mfw have subcutaneous fat from years of shitty eating but active lifestyle
>mfw I've cut everything except the wrist fat that makes creases whenever I bend my hand up
Is surgery the only way bros?