Bald/buzzed fit apreciation thread

A place for bald/balding/buzzed fit brahs to get inspo and post their own pics

Other urls found in this thread: husband is bakld&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab&gfe_rd=cr&ei=UQi_V43FCKXM8gfMraPYBw#q=my husband is bald

disgusting pecs husband is bakld&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab&gfe_rd=cr&ei=UQi_V43FCKXM8gfMraPYBw#q=my husband is bald

bro fucking delete this
my hair is rapidly receding and thinning and I'm only 20 I don't need to see this

Women are whores

You better start fixing it or owning it..
Pray you can grow a full beard..

>wearing hair
time to evolve, faggots


>Remember that guy today?!
>You mean...the bald one!?!?



Kek baldy

would you please delete this?


>tfw I went to a barber and got a buzzcut because I'm balding

F-finally I'm a manly man..

GOAL BODY HAIR right there

I'm so close...

My hair is thinning out really bad and if I don't comb back I can see my scalp through my hair. Should I just shave it off? I could probably rock the Heisenberg look.

>paying money to get a buzzcut
Are you simple or something?


>thinking you can confidently get all the hair evenly on your own

Good luck

shaved it 3 years ago. girlfriend loves it.

just find a girl who isn't a bitch

>thinning hair throughout
>not so bad that it needs to be shaved just yet

Currently rocking the undercut, which is basically the 2016 version of a combover. Tbqh I'm probably going to buzz it soon as I can grow a full beard no problem.

The more you fret about your hair, the worse it gets. I don't mean that literally, rather learn to accept your hair for what it is and to say goodbye when its time. Best bet is to go Statham mode and stay yoked.

Get your gf too shave it......... oh wait Veeky Forums can't get gfs

Yeah, you spend a couple extra minutes going every angle of your scalp to make sure if you don't own two mirrors. I used to do it every 2 weeks as a 15 year old. You're a grown ass man. Or you know, get someone else to do it for you.

I hate saying this to people, but I don't think you're gonna make it

You're so full of shit, your eyes are brown!

I started balding at 18. Trust me, own that shit now. Shave your head and just keep it shaved down, if you're walking around holding on to scraps you'll just seem desperate. Shaving yourself you can remain confident in yourself, some guys go bald, some go bald earlier than others it fucking sucks but moping about it won't make it better. Some chicks might find it unattractive but who cares? There are plenty of other girls out there and I've hooked up with many girls with a chrome dome.

However, DO NOT show any girls an old picture of you with hair. I learned the hard way on that one, if they'd met you as a baldy never let them see what once was. I'd go so far as to say delete all your photos with a full head of hair or seal them away in the bowels of your computer. Trust me on this stuff.



nigger, go tell a girl that after she looks at a hair like this

Not every girl likes the Fabio look, but yeah, I'd like to have a full head of hair just for the option to be there. The limitations suck, but less women care if you're balding than you might believe.

>not getting micro scalp hair pigmentation

I got it 3 years ago and it was the best 2k I ever spent. (3 sessions + touch up)

His face makes him attractive, not his hair.
If you're ugly, you're ugly with short hair and you're ugly with long hair.

I've been losing my hair for about 8 years now. Been able to maintain most of my hair through minoxidil and ketoconazole. Hairline's gone back a bit, but I wear a hat most places I go to and have tried buzzing my hair, but end up looking like a chemo patient.

Just wait out until Histogen hits the market in the next year or CB-03-01 in a few months. No one looks good bald, but people "deal" with being bald. It's a sad fact of life that 1 out of 3 men will go bald.

Is that just the tattooing technique?

You don't look like Brad Pitt though.

Yeah, I agree. I used to shave my head, now I have long hair but if it started to fall off, I would have no problem at all shaving

Why never show yourself with hair?

yup. no one ever called me out on it. they always ask why I don't just grow my hair out and I tell them I like to shave it.

No one called you out on it, but they can see it.

You really can't as long as you get a natural hairline done not some crazy straight shit

is that JM?

your quickness to adress your shallow vanity has probably fucked your chances of ever being able to successfully transplant follicles to your now tattooed vertex/hairline

But doesn't your head get noticeably shiny?

man, Whiplash was a great movie


bull fucking shit. His hair amplifies his face. If you photoshop his face to be ugly, it'd be an ugly dude with nice ass hair, which would be a plus for women and may get him laid


For reasons like the posted female posts. I had a girl that I showed pictures of myself with hair and she became obsessed with them. I don't consider myself an ugly man but she thought I looked more good looking with the hair and would always bring it up around me. It just led to more problems and I regretting her seeing them instantly. These days I don't show people any old pictures with hair just to be safe.

lol what a fucking blind idiot
literally everyone would agree that Brad Pitt looked the best with short hair (which is more masculine)

You can easily get it removed if you decide to go the hair transplant route. I don't have 20 grand to spend on a good doctor though.

Does it give a stubble feel though? Can't people tell if they touch your head?

Baldy heads like eggy weggs
Smash em


It is indeed only about the face + attitude

Even if he wasn't a movie star, picrelated would still get laid no problems.
Why? Because he owns that shit and stays in shape. That's all you need.

You don't go from a 9/10 to a 6/10 just because you don't have hair.
The main problem with bald guys is it affects them mentally, they think they're ugly and it affects their confidence, chicks sense it and then they don't get laid.

Believe me, I've witnessed some genuine alpha bald guys pull plenty of chicks , no problem.
Dress well, be charming, funny, cocky, be bold, and that's it.

My bf is going bald on his hairline. He tends to get pretty bummed up about it. I've looked up various things. I got him Zenagen after various people recommended it. He says he's just gonna shave it completely/buzzcut but he gets sad about it. He has a good jawline/chin so it won't look horrible but he wears beanies/hats 24/7. Anyone have any tips/ideas that I can do to cheer him up/help? He's barely 20. His dad said it was genetic since he went bald early too.

His diet is also crap. We both live with our parents due to money so I can't exactly cook healthier stuff for him all the time.

I just hope I can rock this look as look as good as he did. Unfortunately he lived during a time where that was a little more acceptable. Luckily though I think I could actually pull off that or being bald really good, plus I can grow a nice beard so I don't really have that much to worry about

>giving him hair growth shit

Wow, way to shit all over your boyfriend in his time of need. Bad gf detected

He's constantly complaining about? What else am I supposed to do. I personally don't care if he's bald or not but I see how it bothers him and want to help since I know he would want to choose to keep his hair instead. So why not just try it if it will make him feel better about himself.

>20 years old
>living with his parents
>worrying about his hair
>only real options in 2016 are to shave it, go on boner killing medication that can make you want to kill yourself, and spending $40k on a really good hair transplant (even then you'll need to go on propecia to maintain)
>having everyone think he's sick or older than he really is, because bald
pics of your boyfriend, but probably shave it.

also, on the bright side of things, you'll have a good laugh remembering the 20 year old balding loser you dated while stroking the thick locks of your next boyfriend.

You tell him what you just said. If he knows you don't care, and even say he'd look good with shorter hair, that's helpful. Giving him a snake oil is basically like saying 'fuck you and your balding head, I want you to keep having hair', which isn't going to help how he feels about it


One of the worst things about balding is the lack of expression. You don't get a hairstyle to wear that suits your personality, you just become "the bald guy"

It's not that hard retard.

Yes it is

Brahs do i get a transplant or do i just shave it all off. fuck this shit

Except I do already, but it's something he bothers with personally. It's like if a fat girl doesn't like her body but her bf doesn't care either way and he tells her he doesn't mind and think she's beautiful but she's unhappy anyway.
(Most basic example I can think of atm) Me not caring isn't gonna make him feel better either way when it's a personal thing like that.

Lel, r9k pls go

>You don't go from a 9/10 to a 6/10 just because you don't have hair.

lol yes you do. stop being delusional. a very few % of people look good without hair, but that doesn't mean you can't get laid. you guys psyche yourself out way too much.

pic related went from a 9-10 to 6-7.

They can tell under decent lighting fag, that's what you get for being an insecure pussy...

I suppose I'll allow it. Tell him to man the fuck up then. Whining isn't attractive

Bit harsh senpai, but you have a point. I'll still try and help him but thanks!

I buzz my head about once a week without a guard at it comes out nice and even. it's not hard at all queer. You've just been tricked by the follical jew my friend.

Wow you really opened my eyes. I guess I don't have to tip anymore

Lmao is this b8?

You look like a mcboyle from always sunny in Philadelphia. Shave that wispy shit the fuck off.

K good

Nice dubs btw

Nice cherry-picking a pic in which he makes a faggot facs

>tfw I just did the exact same thing an hour ago

i-it's better this way, r-right

is it just me or do bald guys who are tan/spics/black look better then pale and bald?

Am i nu-male cuck now?

It's not you, black & hispanic guys can pull off the shaved dome a lot better.

I am 24, been balding since 18. Got used to it, I buzz it. I am not a virgin and have a gf currently. Yes, a lot of girls don't actually really care, and some like it, and some hate it. It's like men and boobs imo. What I do hate is my skull shape. Back of my head looks like Kryten from red dwarf or like my brain tried to escape my skull by smashing the skull from the inside. That's the only reason I'd like to get my hair back, don't really care about hairstyle, just my weird skull that's gross

I see your problem, I am sure people dont notice but it is only in your head.

I am 19 and is balding a little, my genes dont support beard, and I have a permanent "zip" thingy on my scalp.

What to do?


stay woke fellow baldlings

when will histogen hit the market?

wh-where do i acquire these reagents in EU?

2017 in mexico, 2018 in the U.S.

>worrying about hair

I hope I don't go bald until I'm at least middle age. I've had a shaved head before and it looks awful.

>a hairstyle that suits your personality

There is no such thing. Besides the obvious long hair = metal / rock fan, or dreadlocks = vegan hippy, most people just get a "trendy" haircut that everyone else is getting because they just wanna be accepted

nice post, but they all have good facial structure

most people here have face like egg with jew like nose

Can't shave my head because I have a linear epidermal nevus on parts of it. I'm white and have a perfect hairline that hasn't receded a bit so it would be silly of me to shave my head, but just knowing that I can't because of how my scalp looks makes me kinda want to.

that feel when
god isnt real
we are all alone

Only literal fucking PUSSIES worry about their hair. Why waste even a minute worrying about something so trivial?
Your ancestors that got you here would be ashamed if they knew.

our ancestors would probably be sent to FEMA camps for oppressing the high castes of society that choose to be addressed by xir/xhe and killed on the spot.

wow....... this really made me think

This is my goal. I'm growing my beard out this winter and come next spring I'm losing everything but my stache, maybe keep 1-2 days worth of beard stubble

u havin' a giggle m8?

i fucking hate this white nigga ruining every shemale porn he's in
why cant he die fom aids already

Isn't this the guy from Zombie Land?

Compare to this

No Jason Statham? Why tho?

Lmao at bald fags thinking they will look anywhere near as good as statham

>chest isertions are equaly as shit
Is there any way to make my chest not look like his? I don't have chest hair so that doesn't help ethier

He has godly chest wtf u talking about?