Is plain pasta (without oil/butter) Veeky Forums ?

Is plain pasta (without oil/butter) Veeky Forums ?

Just wondering what the difference between that and rice is...

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any grain is not fit/

But Italy only has 10.4% obesity rate and they eat a shit load of pasta....


Enjoy your carb overload

literally no difference, they're both made of mashed grain (flour)


Italians do a lot of manual labor because they're kind of a poor country, so it makes sense why they can be on a high calorie diet and not that fat.

haha ok little manski

Rice is much less processed a food, so it's better for you. It's also better for bulking. Also, it's cheaper. It's not whether or not it's Veeky Forums though, it's whether or not you have fitness goals that include muscle gain or fat burning, weight loss, etc...

Pasta is generally reserved for "cheat meals", or bulks.

You should learn how to read nutrional labels.
Pasta is basically bread in a different shape.
Unless you're a skeleton, a roider, or a high performance athlete, you should avoid pastas, or at least have a small portion

>it's perfectly healthy, user!
>go on, pass your plate honey

Recent studies have already been done that show people in poor countries aren't anymore active than people in wealthy countries. The only difference is the amount of food available.

Whole grain pasta is great to keep around for quick meals.

>Just wondering what the difference between that and rice is...

Whether we're talking white rice vs white pasta or brown rice vs brown pasta, pasta is made from a tougher grain that digests more slowly. Wheat is also a bit more nutritious than rice.

getting fat is about calories. yes, some calories are harder to burn than others but thats a different topic
grains, are unhealthy. therefore not fit/

no u

shut up fuckboi

would fuck so bad

>Italians do a lot of manual labor
Fucking kek, they make look spanish like hard working people.


All those pasta calories would be worked off before sunrise.

and yet you eat animals that consume millions of tons of grains

nice logic...

What does that mean? :o

is eating a shittload of cards bad for someone trying to leave skellymode?

>Rice is much less processed a food, so it's better for you.
What process does pasta go through that you take issue with and why does it make pasta worse?

Make your own with eggs and serve a civilized portion.

There is honestly nothing wrong with pasta if you eat a reasonable serving of it, the same as any other food.

>reasonable serving

You don't want to know how much pasta I can eat, that's the problem.... stuff is crack.

i only eat grass fed

Grass fed chicken?

thats literally how to eat like a faggot

>eating chicken

enjoy your gyno

Aren't your just born with gyno

No you develope it by eating chicken

>grains, are unhealthy. therefore not fit/

What, all grains?

A healthy faggot though


you cant find any tribal slim people with man boobs

>not eating lentil-based pasta

Tastier than normal pasta and higher in protein, minerals, and fiber


way to get skinny fat and loose muscle and test

but do as you wish

yes mate, all

you can find any article that proves anything
listen me, just end the suffering

>some calories are harder to burn than others

calories are a measurement of energy and are therefore equivalent across the board. You sir, are retarded

Compare the nutrition of whole grains vs normal grains and you'll see that any improvement is marginal at best. "healthy wholegrains" is a meme and grains are either all bad or all fine.

How do you mean?

seriously. if most of your caloric intake is from vegetables you're fucked. Most of your diet should be carbs, then protein and vegetables

whole grain is way better than the processed "normal" grain.

Grains are not bad everyone, this whole fucking thread is shit.

That's not a comparison of the nutrition, m8. That's conflating correlation with causation unless that is you think 5% more magnesium or something is going to decrease your risk of stroke by 37%. What you posted is nonsense.

Yeah, you're right. It's obviously so much healthier to eat whole grains, juts look at this massive difference.

Shilling af

there is always one..

>Most of your diet should be carbs

I implore everyone here to look up starch solutions....

>That's conflating correlation with causation unless that is you think 5% more magnesium or something is going to decrease your risk of stroke by 37%. What you posted is nonsense.

Apparently the combination of nutrients in whole grains does decrease stroke risk. Things like magnesium and fiber lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

It does make a difference

>whole grains are considered on the same level as fruits and vegetables by virtually every health organization in the world
>come to Veeky Forums
>grains are the devil and nobody knows why

Because they're calorically dense and nutritionally sparse.

The science community disagrees. They're recommended as the foundation of a healthy diet.

>The science community disagrees.

>>whole grains are considered on the same level as fruits and vegetables by virtually every health organization in the world

why do you make up lies like this ?
Vegetables and fruits are hand-down the most healthy kind of food you can eat, and this is not an opinion or a study, it's a FACT.

No other food group comes close when it comes to amount of quality nutrients

Yea, you mean the science community that just happens to have their research funded by Big Grain.

>it's a conspiracyyyyyyy!

>the foundation of a healthy diet.

Just for the record kiddo, do you have any idea how much bullshit there is in the food industry ?
Do you know how much money and power those corporations have ?

Favorable or misleading studies can be ''bought'', no problem.

Holy fuck guys I just asked if I could eat some PLAIN fucking pasta without any butter or oil added, I wasn't asking for a fucking university lecture/debate.

The answer is maybe.

>Research by Liu over the past two decades has ushered in a more complete understanding of the role whole grains play in human health. In 2002, he developed a novel method to determine the complete phenolic profile of food grains. He found the antioxidant contents of wheat had been underestimated by nearly 90 percent and similarly undervalued in corn, rice and oats.
>“Wisdom had it at that the bulk of antioxidants were consumed from fruits and vegetables in the diet. No one thought to eat grains for antioxidant benefits until then,” said Liu.
>Further research by Liu revealed the greatest health benefits are found in the bran and germ fraction that is discarded in the refining process. That discovery ushered in a fresh understanding of the health benefits of consuming whole grains compared to refined flour. In a third major contribution, his research revealed the major portion of grain phytochemicals are present in a bound form that passes undigested through the stomach and small intestine. It’s not until the food reaches the colon that the most beneficial components are broken down through fermentation, providing site-specific health benefits that may help ward off cancers of the colon and other chronic diseases.

Whole grains offer healthful antioxidant compounds like fruits and vegetables do, while having more fiber and certain minerals as well.

The grain industry owns the entire world and every health organization in it?

Show me some unfavorable studies about whole grains

You're truely clueless, I'm not replying to you anymore. You're probably some 19 y-o faggot that's been lifting for a year or something.

Why are you even mad? I don't get it. Why do you hate whole grains so much? What is the problem that you take so personally?

She would artichoke on my dick

yeah seriously. you have to eat a fuck ton of vegetables to even get 100 calories

Judging by the replys in this thread, I would say just google your question instead of relying on answers from a Laotian chicken and rice escrow trading forum.

But if you use google, be wary of what site you take information from.

Any smart person would be able to find this information themselves.

I guess I'm just a dumb idiot :(

>loose muscle and test

this is how we know you have no clue what you're talking about