So I went through the sticky and really liked "Sean10mm's "Stripped" 5x5" workout but the only problem is I have no access to a weight bench. I was looking to buy a bench and some weights but a lot of the ones I see online are either fairly cheap or pretty expensive. I'm a big guy (350 lbs) so a lot of the smaller benches won't hold me plus weights. What I'm getting at is can I do bench presses without a bench? Is it okay do do them off the floor? Thanks in advance!
Floor press isn't as good, but it's better than nothing. It's also kinda hard to set up
Jackson Baker
>that gif >benching with a straight up and down bar path >touching upper chest right near neck
Shit form mate-o
Ryder Edwards
is there anything i need to be concerned about other than it not being as effective?
Michael Moore
Look in Sporting ZGoods on yourl local Craigslist for used birch presses
Galactic price finds available two you for bonus.
Bentley Anderson
I know dumbbells are fine on the floor cuz your elbows are supposed to stay above 90 degrees anyway but not sure about barbell bench.. Probably will be ok but like the other user said set up would be weird as well as obvious limited rom
Mason Thompson
Do dumbell press on the floor until you come up with a decent bench?
Don't get me wrong mate, Bench press is great but there are other good chest exercises out there, don't worry too much over small shit like that.
Bentley Turner
thanks. that's what I was thinking too but just wanted to make sure
Angel Davis
Post your chest development from benching 1.5pl8 PL style, faggot.
Jace Williams
Bought a $100 bench on Amazon that holds up to 1000 lbs. No reason you can't buy one if you could afford a squat rack and weights.
Benjamin James
Build a bench?
Ian Lewis
shit now looking at it what would be a good alternative to a pull-up/chin-up? I can't pull my big ass up lol
Mason Williams
Np mate, just keep on doing things and don't stop. Eventually you'l get everything working properly, have your whole life ahead of you to enjoy benching. Just work with what you have for now.
Eli Evans
>Is it okay do do them off the floor? That's called a floor press, and it's a legitimate exercise for specific purposes (generally to strengthen the weakest part of many people's bench: the point where neither your pecs nor your triceps are at their strongest part of the ROM).
However it is really unsuitable as a primary exercise.
>I know dumbbells are fine on the floor cuz your elbows are supposed to stay above 90 degrees u w0t m8
But anyway, bench press really isn't that great of an exercise. It's the Paris Hilton of lifts, or I guess now it's the Kardashian clan of lifts; it's only popular because it's popular. It doesn't particularly translate well to anything else and it's a surprisingly high risk movement for how deceptively simple it looks.
Parker Lopez
How much C4 did you take?
Cameron Martinez
The stripped 5x5 works better with chest supported rows and do lat pulldowns to replace chins.
As a beginner you should pick easier exercises to learn how to activate the right muscles, jumping straight into shit like barbell rows right after deadlifts is just asking for shitty progression and bad form.
Caleb Ward
There are some good videos on youtube with beginner bodyweight exercises, they have good alternatives for things like pull ups, chin ups, dips and shit like that. But maybe try to work those muscles with other exercises before trying bodyweight, since you're a big guy you might end up hurting yourself. I say that as a recovering fat guy, it took me a good 6 months to be able to do Dips and a chin up. Once you've lost some weight and put on some muscle you'll be able to do those, but for now I'd say its better to stay away from it.
Although if you are very overweight, it may be best to focus on other exercises or losing weight since chinups/pullups are much, much harder the more you weigh.
Noah Morgan
There's more than one way to bench safely.
Ian Diaz
OP said he is 350 lbs. Most sporting goods store benches and bench press sets max out at 300 lbs total weight on the bench.
The bench I suggested was 1,000 lbs for $150.
He could use this bench for dumbbell work or barbell work.
He could even do angled knee push-ups (at his weight, he must have quite the stomach).
He could do glute bridges too.
If he gets this bench, he will never need to buy another one ever.
Austin Lopez
Idk about you but I bought an adjustable bench rated at 250kg (551lbs) for 129 dollarydoos, 100 burger bucks. I find it incredibly hard to believe there are flat benches that cost more and hold less weight. Amazon is overpriced as fuck.