Tfw can't bench the bar

>tfw can't bench the bar

i've been doing db bench with 10lbs in each hand and i just can't fucking progress


eat more

I'm all about helping people who want to improve but a man that can't even move the bar is just worthless to me


turn 13

Bodyweight until you're not fucking weaker than me.

throw pic related user, so we can help u.

>Turn 13
Yeah, how old are you that you can't bench the bar?


GOMAD is a meme, but desperate twinks call for desperate measures.

Do girl pushups. Alternatively just eat 60g of whey per day ( no need to even workout )

hmmm this doesn't make sense. You're either telling us you're 4 feet or you're from the holocaust. Even my skelly brother could do the bar 3x10 when he started.

Holy shit. How does my wife bench more than you?

If they have 15kg bars try those and use chains from HD or micro plates from Amazon. Else find an easy curl bar and use that.

But mainly fucking eat you hungry skeleton.

that's right...the only person in high school who couldn't bench the bar was the turbo manlet, he looked like a 5th grader instead of a 9th grader. Everyone started with at least a 70-135 max

1RM or 5RM?

That's very fucked up, even most women can do that weight with no problem. How tall are you and how much do you weigh? I'm 95% certain that you're skinny as hell and not eating enough.

Wow, can you even do a push-up?

of course not. Thing is, if he can open a car door with one hand, he should be strong enough

no. i can do 5 on my knees

i'm 22

maybe i will

If you can do 5 on your knees you can definitely do the bar 5 times at least.


>Can't bench the bar

ok this technique involves swallowing your pride and asking for help

bring someone with you to the gym/find a spotter who wont have a hernia trying not to laugh

have him hold the bar while you perform the repetition, slightly decreasing how hard he's pulling it with each rep until its too heavy for you

then bash your head into the plate rack

Can you lift a dinner plate above your head with falling over mr skellington

You're not trying hard enough.

God damn just do pushups until you can do the bar. I'm probably responding to bait though, post upper body to prove you are king of skeletons

this is all a troll, I'm a physical therapist. Anyone who can do at least one knee pushup can do the bar a few times. Knee pushups are more stressful than the bar. The only reason you would not be able to the bar is you're a 6th grader

>5 on knees

What are you, 100 lbs?

I've found that push-ups on knees are 50% of total bodyweight on average.

If you can do knee push-ups, you should be able to do the bar for 3x5.

Then just stick to push ups for now. If you can do 5 now, try to go for 6 the next workout, 7 the one after that, and so on. When you can do above 10, you should be able to bench the empty bar.

I think the last step is required no matter what

I really don't want this to just be a troll bc I can only do 90

No, you can do 95. Try it your next workout.

you should try eating food

I know this is probably a troll thread, but if not literally do SS and GOMAD. Not even meming.

Time to move to London

Serious though OP, how many calories do you think you eat a day?

Protip: it's not nearly as much as you think, nor is it as much as you should be getting if you want to gain any sort of mass at all.

And don't give us any tomatotype bullshit. It's bullshit, just like HAES/fatty logic is, with the same flawed reasoning.

>I can do 5 on my knees

I bet you can bby ;)

Alright. Here is some genuine advice.
>eat more
>if you think you eat a lot, you're not
>drink a glass or two of milk with every meal
>the shits might get bad but it'll pass
>do push ups every other day or even every day. Try to do one more every time
>switch 10lb Dumbbells to 15lb ones
>bring a spotter to help you with the barbell
>push yourself as hard as you can
Getting over the initial barrier is the hardest. It's much like anal sex. At first it's kinda tough to penetrate the butt hole but one you push hard enough and apply lube or stretch her with fingers first, you're golden.
I believe in you.

you are a woman at least right?

This guy is probably trolling.

I was 5'11" & 122 lbs when I started and my max on the bench was 70.

Mah nigga, me too only I was a tiny bit taller and heavier

you could build up your pecs using a machine to work them if you can't use free weights yet

We're all gonna make it bro

unless this guy is like 90lbs and has cancer he's full of shit

But the bar weighs nothing, literally it's ZERO lbs, user I hear they don't even count that shit.


sounds like you have testosterone deficiency , see a doctor and talk about being prescribed .

get tested for low free testosterone, because if you're telling the truth (probably not), you might have it.