What frat should I join as a guy who lifts?

What frat should I join as a guy who lifts?

How/when do I join?

> getting to be a fit Chad and attend university to fuck girls 24/7

> tfw i will never be able to experience that

Join DKE

The one that has guys who actually lift ffs. Avoid joining a frat where people party several times a week. Or you can do whatever the fuck you want to do - do sterons and party every day and die early. Really isn't a tough choice mate. Live your life the way you want and don't walk the path that society wants you to walk.

I'm asking if Veeky Forums has any recommendations

Im in DKE

>joining a frat

I think he's looking for a fraternity that's actually relevant.

OP, can't go wrong with sig nu, delta chi, sae, sig ep, pretty much anyone you hear about in the news. Don't do spring rush.
Any fraternity in the news is there because people jealous of how hard they frat.

Why no spring rush?

I mean if it's spring semester of your sophomore year and you're cutting it to the wire, do it. If you're an incoming freshman, though, you'll have a lot better time in fall rush and won't spend a semester watching pledges walk to class, get initiated in december, and think, "fuck, why did i wait?"



Spotted the butthurt ugly guys

the one that parties the most, just make sure you eat clean everyday all day, your cheat meals are alcohol on parties, so make sure you eat a fucking lot of chicken and brocoli, its also really good to bulk on beer

Pike is full of dyels and hambos at my uni.

Sig nu guys are somewhat fitter, but also dickheads

Join theta xi breh

Seeing as this has become a general frat thread. I'm transferring after my freshman year. What are my options?

None of this advice is relevant without knowing what top house is at your school. Shoot for top 3 and you can't go wrong.

+1 for Phi Kappa Psi ayyy

Just go through rush during fall semester and pick the one you click with. every frat will have a few dudes that work out a lot. if you dont pledge fall, you dont pledge at all.

do a lot of research on which frat has best connections and people and join that one

I joined a random frat and they ended up shutting down because they were financially fucked.

How do you know the top house of your school

Alphas rush pike


Any SAE in here? Looking to rush this Spring.

Your choice of frat is more about what school you go to than anything else. Not all chapters are created equal.

u fuck nuggets realize fraternities are different at each school. One frat could be the alpha males at one school and fucking dweebs at another.

>tfw in a big frat at a large state school in Florida

fuck i miss college

Need more frat threads on Veeky Forums since we all lift for girls anyways

Ah so you're into date rape i see

Ask upperclasswomen
Use the google machine

Mfw too ugly to join a frat and no self confidence

Just did a bunch of various sports and joined clubs that interested me instead

USF bro here, what frat were you in?


what uni brah

im in zbt at my uni and we're the alpha frat but at some unis they're losers

>tfw that guy doesn't even look like he lifts (fatty legs)
>tfw he's getting more action than I ever have

are you that guy drinking whey in the picture?

that's not a protein canister, it's one of these 64oz mugs

my mom used to make me walk down to the gas station and fill hers with diet dr pepper and walk it back like 3 times a day

yo fuck you m8. you are probably some loser cuck. so go back to where you came from.

so is joining a frat worth it?

You must be fun at parties

shut the fuck up

I'm rushing this fall. I could not be more excited. Good bros and pussy abundance here I come


Go to greekrank

Depends on what kind of person you are.
If you're a preppy "bro" type (not as a pejorative, I know plenty of cool ones) then you may like it. 90% of frat activity is getting drunk and trying to pick up sluts, which some people enjoy and some people think is a waste of time.
At my school there was a brutal level of archetype you had to fit into, my roommate who was a downright Chad compared to me joined one and hated it because he felt out of place for not being a cookie cutter "rich southern preppy" type.

I imagine it's fun if you're into partying. But I will never believe the "muh brotherhood" stuff for a second. You're paying for "in" friends, period.

Did I trigger you since you don't actually get invited to parties

>joining a frat
>being a weetawd

Pick 2

I didnt go to USF my man...and my letters can be found in the pic

super jealous. No better feeling then headed out to the bars with some of your best buds trying to score puss literally 5 nights a week

So you theta chi? Where at? I've heard good things about them at UF but I can't afford them :/

I wanna have the body of these guys. Even at a 80% level I could improve my game and get pussy at the park. I loook skinny as fuck but still not low enough bf to fully show my abs. How do i lose the last 3 percent while gaining mass?

the UF Theta Chi house is so fucking nice...only a couple years old too

>lose fat
>gain mass

pick one little buddy

Join the Beta frat. Haha, get it?!?!

Kappa Sig here, join if your school has it