Tfw wheezing after a 200 meter run

>tfw wheezing after a 200 meter run
>tfw can't even bike up a slight hill without getting winded
>tfw moved into new apartment and couldn't carry furniture upstairs without practically fainting from being so winded

I smoke 40 cigarettes a day and this is ridiculous for a 25 year old to be out of breath this easy, have any of you quit and noticed big improvements in the cardio department? Also how to increase cardiovascular endurance

>tfw my 58 year old dad and obese friend had an easier time helping me move my stuff into my place

Are you fucking retarded? how about looking up the affects of cigarettes and what the tar does to your lungs.

Sounds like you have COPD or the beginning of it if you get winded that easily

No you dumb cunt, he just has smokers lung.

Stop smoking you fucking retard.

Yeah but the wheezing sounds like COPD

You're a dumb cunt, wheezing is also of the norm with smokers lung. You Americans are thick.

Quit smoking it's clearly not doing you any good

Wheezing isn't normal even for smokers

Yes it is, you dumb cunt. Many smokers i've known, met, and even seen had wheezing while smoking which stopped soon after they quit smoking.

Why are you Americans so thick in the head, and think you cant be wrong? Jump in front of a moving train.

Stop fucking smoking you fucking moron.


When I smoked I was always wheezing and coughing it was disgusting

That is 100% because of smoking. Quit for a month or 2 and your cardio will be so much better

im gonna pick up boxing this september so im gonna quit smoking cold turkey except for joints, come at me

Why do you smoke 2 packs a day? Jesus Christ!

That's not 2 packs a day, a pack here has 25 in it and the only time I smoke more than 2 packs a day is when I'm drunk

I quit smoking and started running and you can not imagine how good you'll feel if you do the same thing. At first it's going to be exhausting and pathetic, then, months later, it's going to be exhausting and awesome and you will be thinking of why you didn't quit earlier.

40 a day? You cannot be serious user, your life isn't a Madison Avenue 1960's Ad agency. how do you even manage to have the time? . I smoked 10 a day and hated myself for it the entirety of 2016. Finally quit now, 2 months sober but i do occasionally smoke when I drink.

Honestly user, it is not that difficult to quit cigs. It can be mentally challenging, but it is a lot easier than you think.

user listen to me, your extremely unhealthy, it will be effecting your ability to do cardio, you will stink, you are wasting shit loads of money; some people, even though they won't admit it, think you are pathetic for smoking.

Smoking tricks you into thinking that everything you achieve in a day should be awarded for a cig. Whether it is having a shower or conducting a meeting at work. It is the habit you need to break. YOU DO NOT NEED THEM, THERE IS NO BENEFIT TO IT. And no, the justification of using smoking as a way of picking up QT's does not count as a reason to smoke. Get a fucking grip, and quit

Iktf bro I'm on day 67 of quitting and my cardio and energy levels are way higher than when I was smoking 25 cigarettes a day

It might as well be 2 packs.

How badly do you want to quit, op?

Badly because my cardio is embarrassingly shitty

Now when you are without a cigarette how do you feel?

Just a heads up, I'm basically going to questionnaire you to give you proper advice, so be honest and thoughtful.

Anxious to have another cig

Quit dumbass
I quit because it was fucking me up during sex, hard ons didn't last a lot and my stamina was low, also my sex drive was close to non existent
Cardio and doing legs two times a week got me back on track, gf noticed too.

Alright. So far so good.
How do you feel when you're smoking a cigarette, both physically and mentally?
How long does a cigarette last on average, and do you binge smoke?

How the fuck can this even be real? 40 cigs a day at 25 year old? Goddamn...

Listen up, what I have to say now is important. When I quit smoking 10 cigs and a joint a day I felt tons better, just that man. Life is more pleasurable, you feel better about yourself and you are making them mental gains. This is something Veeky Forums can't give u.

Quit. Now. There is no excuse, only you holding yourself back.

>inb4 hurrdurr just smoke lolol who give s afuck? it's alpha to blow smoke wghile looking up haha


Do you have gf OP?

Feel more relaxed and they last like 4 minutes maybe 5 minutes, I smoke fast and take big drags

Yeah I do have a gf she smokes too

How did you feel better.... explain because this thread has me considering quitting after this pack

Okay so I'm going to recommend a free pdf book on the subject of escaping nicotine addiction for you, because there are a lot of misconceptions that you have that need to be addressed. Chiefly the notion that you require cigarettes to relax, function, focus, and be happy. These are common beliefs that you've made over the times you've smoked in order to validate your drug addiction.

The book is called Easy Way, by Allen Carr. I'll warn you though that he is rather extreme, and almost biased. The bulk of the book is aimed to making you understand that nicotine is a drug addiction, much like alcohol or heroin.(he makes these parallels in order to get the concept through to the reader)

I'll address the method he proposes in a condensed version in my next post. I've used his method and it works. The only requirement is to have the courage to follow through with your own decisions. I'll also add my experience with stopping my nicotine consumption in the next post.

I smoke and cycle everyday in a very hilly town. I do sprints up hills too. My cardio is better than anyone I know personally (not that I'm surrounded by great athletes, but average fit people)
Just smoke less and train more.

The method itself isn't actually a method, but is instead a way of viewing cigarettes, tobacco products, and nicotine in a more realistic light.
You must address your habit as a drug addiction rather than a pleasurable experience or a daily necessity. Nicotine is possibly the most potent and underestimated drug to have ever hit the public market. It acts quickly and essentially creates a similar circumstance that heroin addicts woul find themselves in. I say this in the sense that once you are used to consuming nicotine, you end up depending on it to handle social pressures and anxiety that was originally produced by the drug. From there you begin to develop the common beliefs and habits that many smokers share.
Essentially you want to remove these misconceptions one at a time.

I'll let you know now: you are looking for an ultimatum, a shift in your being to make you stop. It doesn't work that way. Otherwise doctors would've successfully stopped people using the mortality rate of cigarettes.

I'll post my experience in another post.

I smoke as well OP, not as much anymore obviously but I can help you cut down signifigantly. Instead of smoking hourly or so as a normal smoker does, I reward myself with them after I am done lifting. Work out, shower, breakfast, and step outside. I also smoke rollies, if you do this you have to take time to roll them and get it together. Bigger buzz, FAR more rewarding to smoke.

All in all this method will associate lifting with smoking, and you wont want to smoke because it won't feel as satisfying as an after-lift smoke, which is euphoric, especially on a sunny day and you're fucking exhausted from the lift session.Buy rollies, try it out.

So I've smoked since I seas 15 y/o. I am 21 now and have been smoke free since the beginning of May.
I was a two pack a day smoker much like yourself. Every convenience I got I would use it to smoke. Sometimes having between 2-5 in 30 minutes.
I didn't always hate smoking. I thought it was cool. It gave me something to do while I was bored or waiting, and it would help me relax after a meal or period of physical activity.
As time went on my health degraded. I would hear a whistling sound when I breathed, my nostrils seemed congested, and I would have trouble taking full breaths. I knew these were because of cigs.

I would get headaches, nausea, become extremely irritable, tired, anxious, etc etc. These symptoms were also caused by my nicotine addiction, but I never attributed them to my habit.

Around the beginning of May this year, I was trying my hardest to stop, when a friend of mine recommended me the book. I thought why not? I would read it whenever I felt the need to smoke as a means of distraction.
I would get some water to drink and read the book whenever I had the urge to smoke.
Things started to make sense. At first I was sceptical about the contents because of how angry the author seemed.(who can blame him? his method has been rejected time and time again with every reiteration)
Eventually I got around to understanding what he was trying to convey. The simplest I could put it was that my addiction was literally all in my head. Knowing that made it easier to avoid going back to the old habit.
With the momentum I've gathered from stopping my self destructive habit, I picked up sports and cardio. Weightlifting came a bit later, along with better nutrition practices.

There was no magic switch, or epiphany. It was simple do-it-now mentality. The same mentality you use for going to the gym everyday, or waking up in the morning, or getting a glass of water.

I still can't believe how easy it actually is to quit drugs.

During May I cheated twice. Both times when I was at work. Boredom was the most difficult trigger.
Eventually I decided that this is what relaps looks like, so I treated it like a drug addiction. I stopped completely and have been smoke free.

When you "quit" you don't actually lose anything, but instead you gain a whole bunch of benefits you never thought about.

If you have questions, op, or any user, I'll be monitoring the thread over the next hour or two.

Good luck to anyone who is attempting to quit. You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose.

op you have posted this thread already, the same '40 cigs' line and the same picture

fuck off

I cut back from 10 a day to a 2 a day and the difference is phenomenal. Imagine if i quit.

>40 cigarettes a day
I honestly don't get that shit.
I mean, I smoked for 10 years, but I've only smoked a full pack a day when I was drinking.
Most days I'd have 6-10 cigarettes, and that was enough, but I felt as if I needed the ones I had.
I can imagine smoking a pack a day out of habit, but it boggles the mind to imagine smoking 40 a day every day.

Wait.. This is bait? Fuck, so I've been trying to help a robot all this time?
Shit. This is what I get for exercising my humanity.
Back to lurking forever.

Stick to weed

How's it phenomenal

What benefits besides saving money