Get my eyes lasered

>Get my eyes lasered
>cant go to gym for atleast 2 weeks
Atleast I got dem facial gainz. Why are you at home Veeky Forums?

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I only slept 4 hours

You too ?

Why can't you go to the gym

the joys of Bi-Polar...

I switched school to the biggest school in my town (I'm extremely introverted) and on top of that my parents found out I smoke weed. It's been a shit week and it only just started... My shoulder injury has healed though so I can deadlift again, at least that's something.

Well since they pretty much cut my eye open it still has to properly heal. I can see 100% now but there's still small risks involved because high blood pressure caused by lifting can also cause extra pressure in the eye, which can cause issues. Atleast that's what I've been told. Id rather not fuck up my eyes so ill take the 2 weeks off.

Is getting them lazered worth it? I'm thinking about getting mine done but I fear the surgery isn't permanent and they're gonna get fucked up again after a while, in which case I wouldn't spend literally all my savings on the surgery.

just don't deadlift. inb4 op does eye-pop squats.

I'm not Bi-polar I'm just super stressed and bottle up most of my emotions. It all decides to unleash during the night so sleeping isn't exactly easy. That and I slept 15 hours everyday during summer.

I reccomend doing 1 eye at a time.
I had my uncle get both and now he's blind which fucking sucks.

There's a reason they give you a deal if you do both eyes at the same time

The clinic where I did it offers lifetime warranty. So maybe try and look for a clinic which gives that? If you're low on money I wouldnt do it. I did it because I finally could but it shouldnt be a top priority. Save some more first.

When did he got them done? With proper equipment, proper aftercare and the latest technology the chances of becoming blind are about as small as getting hit by a meteor.

Like completely blind? Shieeeeeeeet

Thats the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time. Thanks user

Be careful anons

That's not the same surgery, you retard.

Biggest bunch of bs I've read on here for quite a while.

Just had an inguinal hernia repaired via surgery. 6 weeks off lifting.

Hold me brehs

Do they put you to sleep during surgery or are you fully awake? Having someone molest your eye while feeling everything must be nightmarish