At what point did you realise that you wouldn't make it?

At what point did you realise that you wouldn't make it?

Me, >35% bodyfat for 5 years despite lifting and never missing a gym session. No willpower to refuse junk food whatsoever.


>Giving up when you're still alive and capable of bettering yourself

Disgusting. If I have a bad day, I do better the next day.

Being only 5'7 and having a 33-35 inch waist below 15% bodyfat. All the most aesthetic guys are like 6'2 with

And only this OP.
Stop being a bitch.

Idk man, how strong are you?

Damn im 5 7 but my waist is rn kike 27-28 at 13 percent bodyfat.

> I was at 30 31 a few years back when i was 15 -18 bf.

Stalker is my favorite game ever, that pic gave me nostalgia but soon i remembered that i dont enjoy playing vidya anymore, it's better this way i guess

When I set out one night to do my cardio in the cold ass rainy night of winter and just said "fuck it" audibly and never did it again, then went home and binge ate a whole tub of peanut butter

Still eat healthily though

>almost 3 years lifting
>still cant bench 2pl8
>still looking like shit
>still not lean enough
>still not big enough
but i still have tiny bit of hope because im getting my gyno removed in few months and im hoping that will somehow dramatically improve my looks

My husband had gyno surgery about a year ago, and even though he's going to have to do a followup surgery for the skin and to even it out, his confidence went up 1000%.

Also, seems you're not really eating enough. 3 years is a long time, senpai.

How much does gyno cost and how dangerous is it?

Is it really Stalker? It's the only thing coming to my mind as well, but it doesn't seem like a place from the game. Also there were no suits like this in Stalker.

Fucking christ how do you keep doing the same shit for 5 years without any progress?

Don't feel too bad. Not many people make longer pants with small waists

>6'2 with

I AM going to make it.

Fuck you

He had asymmetrical, so only one side was done, but they ended up taking out something like 3 lbs of fat. It was 8k for the surgery. There were not a lot of risks, barely any actually, and the recovery was easy. He couldn't lift for 6 weeks, though.

Just get some dnp


Yes it is, the colour, the shadows, that bus, the guy in the background... most probably its the starter village in stalker shadow of chernobyl