This has been troubling me for a long time, ever since I saw a thread about it

This has been troubling me for a long time, ever since I saw a thread about it.

Does lifting really make up for being Indian?

Best answer:


This thread again? With the same picture too? Op you are way too insecure

Poos leave bodies, not enter them


no one has ever implied it ever does either

non-meme answer:

if your race has any bearing on your personality, no. your race should never have any affect on your social skills, your thoughts, your outlook on life, etc.

just like you can either be a street nigger who toats guns and weed, or be an educated black man, you can either poo in the loo or you can just be a person who happens to be indian.

stop defining yourself by your skin color. you're blaming your own worthlessness as a person on being indian, but its really just because you are flat. get hobbies, educate yourself, start lifting, and inflate your personality.

you wont self loathe when people on Veeky Forums make fun of you for being indian afterwards.

Only if you aren't full blooded indian and abide by social norms so you don't look and act like a fucking creep

OP's picture looks like a combination of Jason Blaha and Kanye West

Zyzz looked Paki and now he's a legend. As long as you've got HEIGHT and FACE you could become an Adonis as he did.

not an argument
paki is like being persian or spartan it simply suits the muscle look to be middle eastern, of course zyzz became a god

poo in loo stand no chance

You are wrong
He is right

btfo poo in loo

Zyzz was kurdish he was brown because he tanned a lot

No. Pooing in the loo does.

No. It also doesn't make up for being a manlet, bald, ugly, poor, etc. It does, however, improve your chances, your health, and mood.

Play the hand you've been delt, Pajeet. That's the only thing you can do.

Now go, and lift some heavy ass weights.

>t. manlet

I am indian and let me tell you, being indian is actually a great thing. we have beautiful people and we have ugly people. just like any race. I for 1 am a great person, have great friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, indian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off. suck my dick op suck my dick.

If you lift and become aesthetic then you will make up for anything that's out of your power (being Indian, being short, etc.) because you decided that those things weren't gonna determine how your life played out. If you dedicate your life to the iron and become fuckin aesthetic than you will in the very least be happy with yourself, which is the key to confidence, which itself, is the key to pussy.

What the /insecurefits/ in this thread fail to take into account is that a strong, aesthetic body will always be superior to a dyel regardless of race. Muscles last and pretty boys don't. You may be young and you might feel cheated in life but while you spend your youth now becoming shredded, you will grow in the mind, body and soul. I promise you that you'll be desirable to somebody because of that. There are girls that ignore you from the get-go, girls that you gotta work a bit for, and girls that will absolutely worship you. Focus on the last set of girls.

In short, stop crying about race and do something about for fucks sake. It doesn't matter nearly as much as you think.

No. If you are a dark-skinned Indian like pic related: definitely not. Sorry, but Indians like that just look "dirty" and gross.

holy shit, i see it

Yeah but sauna-Pajeet also had plastic surgery to nose and jaw, veneers put in, went on a never-ending roid cycle and had good genetics. Also he was white kurdish and not poo-in-loo-brown.

Lifting will not help you. Please don't stink up the gym in vain.

that's just because of diet and hygiene tbqh. Eat clean- as in only very rarely have oily food full of spices- and shower, shave, brush, etc every day, and you'll look a lot better than pic related.

to women yes