I've never understood the motivation for working out

I've never understood the motivation for working out.

If someday your muscles will disintegrate when you're old and gone, what's the point?

Please help me understand

Other urls found in this thread:

perseus.uchicago.edu/perseus-cgi/citequery3.pl?dbname=GreekFeb2011&getid=1&query=Xen. Mem. 3.12
amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0300186126/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1472253753&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=heidegger introduction to metaphysics&dpPl=1&dpID=41Y4u4S5loL&ref=plSrch

The point, for me at least, is to be healthy and improve my quality of life for as long as possible.
I never want to be too weak to walk on my own or anything else that comes with aging.

I started lifting to help with my depression.

2 years later, and I still want to kill myself.

*too weak to be unable to walk on my own

You're right, time removes everything. Money, beauty and power. The only thing that is eternal is the soul. Take good care of yours, God will judge us all.

May as well make the most of them while I still can

>If someday your friends will disintegrate when you're old and gone, what's the point?
By that logic, nothing is worth pursuing. Congratulations, I guess you're a nihilist.

Then what's the point of doing anything if you're just going to whither and die anyway, you nihilistic faggot?

I talked to a priest and he did recommend working out though, but I just didn't understand his reasoning for why.

Why focus on anything else in life but service to God? If God and His kingdom are the only things that are eternal.

Dust in the wind, bro.

All we are is dust in the wind.

What was the point of this post?

at first i thought i was in it for the health benefits, but then i started lifting with a really shitty diet. (aka dirty bulk)

I just can't see the use in doing anything unless its effects are permanent.

It feels good

Honestly I never cared about working out or losing weight for aesthetic or social reasons but the feeling part of it is tops
You're going to wither and die sure but you don't have to feel like shit all the time before that happens

>he doesn't reps for jesus

>babby's first nihilist crisis
might as well kill yourself now, you're gonna die eventually anyway

Life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved; except in memories.

-Leonard Nimoy's last tweet

OP here

I want to want to work out, if that makes any sense, but my biggest obstacle is that I just don't see any merit in doing it.

I'm an Orthodox Christian. My dilemma is that I don't see the point in doing anything that won't benefit me in the next life.

you are so right OP!

Also, why wipe your ass everytime you shit if you are gonna shit again right?

Then don't.

What do you want from us? Fuck you.

you feel alot better after a solid workout and the aethstetics that come with it are an amazing bonus. Also it gets you out of the house instead of being inside all day like ur nihilistic ass

the point for me in lifting is becoming better

becoming better regarding looks and regarding being proud of myself and what i can accomplish, what others can´t.

I can say on my deathbed, that i was able to witness the beauty of strength and superiority, my body is capable of. And i like the point of view to be fucking better then others. Other people have more respect and its easier to enforce your opinion

this is why i lift...

It really depends on the definition of service to God

some guy could say that it's all repentance and practicing compassion, this is more in relation to the medieval theology

There is also this vision that virtue is rewarding for god because all that is good is virtuous and good can only come from god, this is more in relation to the classical world theology

Lifting could give you some virtues that could help to your path toward god

I'm agnostic and i don't lift for god, but i see that it can bring some really good virtues if done in the right mindset

To eat what ever I want, without becoming chubby

That's kind of the joke m8, you never know what's going to last in this world so you just gotta do your best

For example you don't have to lift for aesthetics if you do for religious reasons, but you can do it to embrace hard work and solitude, you can also try to meditate after working out, you don't need to go to a gym, maybe doing it part of your daily routine to disconnect yourself from the world

Also a jacked priest would be badass

>1 Corinthians 6:19-20
>"19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

Now get to the gym faggot

Could make this argument about 99% of things in life.

Probably 100% if you're nonreligious

This argument can be applied to anything. Why make money? You can't spend it when you're dead. Why make friends? They'll all be dead eventually and so will you. Why ask that cute girl out? It won't matter when your corpse is rotting in the ground.
If you genuinely can't see the point in self improvement just because you're going to die one day, just get it over with and kill yourself now.

I don't understand how working out relates to that verse

I see it as avoiding committing sins of the flesh.

Nothing is permanent. God isn't real. Just get jacked and fuck bitches.

But if I kill myself there's a solid chance I'll go to heck :^) I just have to exist until my time runs out


This is my movitation

At first:

Girl broke up with me

After that:

Was a progressive hobby that made me feel more confident

After that:

To become a more well rounded, useful man that my ancestors would be proud of.

I was reading a book and the author was talking about lifting for "honor" and this is pretty much my current reason. Past men have set a standard of manhood that I want to live up to and surpass.

I'm not a Natsoc, but I keep wtaching this video: youtube.com/watch?v=3orWlTLF8W8&ab_channel=HCT
I just admire their masculinity so much.

Oh, and being strong makes you more useful in all situations. Gunfags like to shit on us a lot, but you can't shoot off heavy rubble that is on top of someone, and you can't use your gun to move someone to safety when they can't move.

So you don't do anything that doesn't have to do with serving God? You've never watched a movie or read a book that wasn't religious material? You never ate something just because it tasted really good? You must be insufferable.

>So you don't do anything that doesn't have to do with serving Lifting? You've never watched a movie or read a book that wasn't strength training material? You never ate something just because it tasted really good like cake? You must be insufferable.

Well no, I do, but there really isn't any merit in those either.

Working out isn't the same as watching a movie or reading a book though

So just sit at home and read scripture all day. Eat poorly, smoke cigarettes, and never see a doctor so that you can die and be with God quicker. What the fuck answer are you looking for here dude? If you believe that getting into heaven is the only important thing in life, then nah, no one on this board is going to give you a satisfactory reason to start lifting.

ITT: OP is too lazy to work out, uses his religion as an excuse for laziness.

Sloth is one of the big seven OP, be careful.

Doing things that lead to a swifter death counts as suicide bruv...

That kind of logic applies to anything really. So why not jump off a bridge right now, idk.

Anyway, you'll prolong your strength and ability if you lift far past the point most people tend to break down, because they've just been unhealthy and sedentary their whole lives.

I'm aware that this very well may be the case, but if it is, I've deluded myself so much that I can't see it. If it was the case, the choice would be much simpler: get off my ass because laziness is not an option

I don't know what to do.

Ok, so there's your answer. Exercise because not exercising leads to a swifter death, which is suicide, which is a one way ticket to eternal hell.

It's not about preservation. It's about achievement. Ask Socrates.

perseus.uchicago.edu/perseus-cgi/citequery3.pl?dbname=GreekFeb2011&getid=1&query=Xen. Mem. 3.12

>“Besides, it is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit. But you cannot see that, if you are careless; for it will not come of its own accord.”

You literally just answered your own question. Get off your ass because laziness is not an option.

If I had a nickel for every time I've heard that Socrates quote...

Thanks mate, I suppose I'll hop to it.

I'm sure it's more virtuous to work out than be a lazy faggot.

Whenever you find yourself facing a hard question just ask yourself: What would Jesus do?

The only real answer is to make yourself look good so you can feel good about yourself
And to get benis into pretty girls obviously
Also a plus point for guys or other people around you miring

If you want meme edgy 2deep4me cringe answer id just pretend I know better and fag post like all other posters did. But I prefer being honest

>working out is only going to the gym to get reps

he didn't specify lifting retard

Your heartbeat isn't permanent

Guess the only thing left for you to do is to kill yourself then

If your going disregard working out because the effects are not permanent, you might as well only eat food for nutrition and not for taste and only work a minimum wage job to pay the bills.

There are a lot of advantages to working out, like enjoyment from endorphins, self confidence, better appearance, vitality etc etc. Some people find a deeper reason for it too, and it becomes a form of therapy or meditation.

So while your gains won't be forever, you can find a great deal of enjoyment during the present, and for decades to come from them.

Whats the point of wiping ur ass if you are going to poop again?

>>If someday your muscles will disintegrate when you're old and gone, what's the point?

Working out literally slows this down by an insane ammount. I'm a nurse and I've seen what happens to your body when you're old and never worked out in your life. Having more muscle as a young person will make you live healthier and longer when you're older.


You do it so you can enjoy the time you have more.

You lift so you can enjoy life more.

I've heard killing yourself is pretty permanent you fucking loser.

To be in better condition for work, self defense, etc.. To fuck bitches and other vanity related shit. Because you just like the way you feel and think when you're in shape.

Better questions, if we're all going to age and deteriorate, why don't fat ass teens and 20-somethings get their shit together while they still have time to enjoy the use of a fit body?

Go fuck yourself, ya lunatic.

I think you would enjoy this. Heiddeger's discussion of Being paying witness to itself through Man profoundly changed my views about mortality and impermanence.

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0300186126/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1472253753&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=heidegger introduction to metaphysics&dpPl=1&dpID=41Y4u4S5loL&ref=plSrch

Correct. Working out is hard.

I solved your crisis. You're lazy.

>someday your muscles will disintegrate
Regular strength training over the course of your life can stave off this day far longer than being untrained.
Furthermore it can decrease the negative effects of aging on your muscles and bones. So yeah, EVENTUALLY you'll be an old cripple, but would you rather that day come when you're 70 or 100?

what kind of dog is that?

Patrcian as heck. Keep doing what you do

But you haven't.

I would recommend to OP to read aristotle Nicomachean Ethics too

heck all of fit should read that shit

if you're a manlet i guess there isn't much point but for me it's an amazing feeling just being able to walk around without ever having to worry about getting mugged, even if they're armed or outnumber me

ITT: pure fucking faggotry. And not the good clean sodomite kind.




Seems like you have some other issues in life you need to sort out.

Good luck user, and never give up brah!

The better question is, why do anything at all?

Everyone finds their own reason.

Well would you rather live your whole life with muscles or without them?

epic, i like it

They will not desintegrate user, they will be just there with less impact in the visible eye, also the more muscle tissue you have, the more healthy you are. Would you like to live in your 80 and barely move, or bein80and still move around, and heck if lucky still fucking bitches.

Because if you're following that guideline, your body is a temple and you should treat it as such out of respect for not only yourself but for God.

By your logic, why do anything? We all are going to die, so everything is pointless. So kys, OP.

Good luck stopping a bullet retard.

So just kill yourself, OP you're gonna die in the end anyway

If someday you may disintegrate when you're old and gone, why bother doing anything?

Kill yourself now, clearly the best route.

My problem is I don't believe the shit that Jesus is our savior.


>Time removes money
>Not taking advantage of compound interest
Stay pleb

What's the point of living OP? You're gonna die. Just kys.

Or you know, live in the moment. Everything is transient.

Also working out feels good.


I wish I could lift like all the rest of you dumb brutes but i'm to intelligent too lift...

There is no reason for a soul to exist


Concept of soul is how ppl deal with the fear of everything just ending. It mostly just serves to create a lot of unnecessary guilt tho

I'm scared shirtless of my consciousness ending too but lying to myself only makes it so much worse
It wouldn't even be bad if I wasn't taught to expect it to begin with

>I've never understood the motivation for eating.
>If someday that sustenance will be used up and no longer exist, what's the point?
>Please help me understand

>Scared shirtless
Carry on...

Hm.. I somehow don't feafear unless it feels like I'm about to die literally right this moment (I've had some bad scares, thankfully my brain didn't even egister the memory of my worst one). But i don't think about the future much. Living in the now has always come naturally to me. I used to have a really sepf desteuctive guilt complex though, and although I wasn't raised Christian or on the concept of sin and soul and such, referencing them actually helped me kill the irrational parts of my super-ego.

We must imagine Sisyphus happy.

What's the point of wiping your ass, if youre just going to get shit on it

Same, its alot easier though

it's a racoon you fucking idiot

I would say it is a gesture of worship and respect.

That guilt is very necessary. Don't you realize how grave the sins are that you've committed?

Seek God and repent.