Do women really comment on other women's asses at the gym?

Do women really comment on other women's asses at the gym?

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>Giving a sincere compliment

Yeah right

wouldn't surprise me. it seems that women go to the gym either to lose weight or get a better ass. it's like 50% of all the exercises I see girls do involve their ass.

I'm a girl and I can back this post up for the most part, the only compliments I ever recieve from other women are typically either backhanded or used to get something out of me. Of course there are outliers though, but the outliers are few and far between because they are women who are fully secure in themselves and usually in a good spot in life.

she was just lying so she could could get attention on social media about her ass

The same is true for guys only we are either too shy or being passive-aggressive.

but she never went to the gym
she went to planet fitness

Well memed

but he's right

>planet """""""""fitness"""""""""

So what's the superior gym experience

fpbp, can confirm.

t.faggot with tons of female friends

wow wtf so when women compliment on eachothers asses its normal?? but when i do it i get banned from the gym and a sexual harassment complaint??? fuck this sexist bs

Women comment on everything everywhere all the time
They do not shut up

Trust me I'm a girl

I comment on guys gains, but its mainly just
"Looking swol brah"
"You too"
Then we get going
5 minutes seems like a while desu

>t. Insecure faggot

Men give genuine compliments all the time

Wtf im gay now

Literally anywhere else. Gold's if you want that gymbro experience. Anywhere else if you want a normal gym where you can do your lifts in peace.

p-prove it..

Probably didn't happen she just needed a reason to post she was at the gym on goybook. #gymflow or a gym selfie was probably getting boring so she had to get more edgy


Doesnt look like anything spectacular. keep working the glutes

>Then we get going

D- Do you mean then you have sex?

>Planet Fitness
My sides

Just read this and it will explain the whole women being dicks to other women thing.

This. Even PF admits that it's not a gym.

>Planet Fitness
>nice ass
Pick one and only one. You cannot pick both or none.


pretty sure the short version is "women are dickheads"

whats this planet fitness meme

Crab bucket. Men are used to a heirarchy so stuff can actually get done. Women have never been in a heirarchy, and so have no repsect for anyone and will always pull the top Crab down as it tries to escape the bucket.

They're basically "SJW: The Gym." You're not allowed to "judge" anybody, so the staff judges you every time you grunt by setting off a fucking tornado siren. It's fun to go in there and get chalk everywhere and scream until they throw you out.

I feel like I need to start going on reddit, they're much more rational than you fucks

oh shit

Planet fitness has really really cheap monthly gym memberships, so about the only way they can make a profit is by exclusively catering to people who want to be able to say that they go to the gym, but don't actually want to work out all that often. People going in multiple times a week actually make them run a loss, so they want to make their facilities as unappealing as possible to them.
Their goal is to keep people paying 10 bucks a month on their credit card forever without actually stepping into the gym and potentially putting wear and tear on the equipment, hence the lunk bullshit, and hence why they make you come in in person to cancel your membership

this is why you cant have a conversation with a girl

there's an old saying

men insult each other, but don't mean it

women compliment each other, but don't mean it


thic but nothing fancy

I grew up in gahanna Ohio. shit town with shit gyms.