Daily reminder hitting 1/2/3/4 means nothing if you cant do 10+ strict dead hang pullups with it

Daily reminder hitting 1/2/3/4 means nothing if you cant do 10+ strict dead hang pullups with it.

>10+ strict dead hang pullups
I'm small as fuck and haven't reached anything from the 1/2/3/4 meme and I'm banging out 12 pullups. It means fuck all if you're low bodyfat.

learn to read fuckboi

That's why reaching 1/2/3/4 will mean something for you stupid. The point is that one is nothing without the other

>I had a dream where I was in high school again and if I could do 5 clean pull ups I would pass all my classes and get bitches
>couldn't do a single one, and could hardly hang on
What's it mean lads

What if I'm 2.5/3.5/5.5/6.5 and can't do a single pullup because I'm harambe class?

>tfw 37.5kg bench 3 weeks into stronglifts

Will I EVER fucking hit 2 plate bench in my life time? I have long arms, am I fucked for life, why don't I just hang myself right now? I started with the bar and I even struggled to balance that, upped my calories to 3000 so hopefully I'm able to increase the weight. Been doing a lot of pushups recently too, read in a few places that pushups help bench if you can only do a few, could only do 1 before I started lifting, now I can do around 10 consecutively when rested, so i'm practicing those too, anything else that helps my bench apart from accessories? I can't even do a SINGLE fucking dip, just kill me lads, pls gib advice

you don't post this daily. also no one gives a fuck about your pullups.

>tfw been injured and can't do lower body stuff yet..
>physical therapist is teaching me hip hinge from the beginning
>tfw easily 3x5 1 plate OHP and am almost at 3x5 2 plate bench.
>Halfway there
>living on a prayer.

You're stronger than 99% of humanity so it doesn't matter