Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread ep. 2947239386292

Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread ep. 2947239386292

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How do I stop looking like the golem of bad posture? I've been doing some exercises semi regularly to fix it from posture direct, but I feel that when I'm looking down at my phone I'm making it worse. Too lazy to find the picture and that would just shit up the thread

How do I get out more? I work all week and go to school all evenings except Saturday and Sunday

>inb4 go to bars and shit

I'm broke as fuck, I have $118 a month to spend on non-essential stuff and I can't (and honestly don't really want to) spend that money on alcohol. I would rather invest it into my house by painting a room or something. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get out of the house and meet people for free or cheap?

You can go play basketball.Its free and you ll meet new ppl.

So, while bulking, what's more important? Calories or protein? Or are they both equally important?

I'm planning on going to do pickup college style ultimate frisbee on Sunday's. Unfortunately because of the storm and a tournament the last two weekends have been a bust

I'm thinking of eating only a small amount of food everyday ex: one box of mac'n cheese and get all my protons from shakes.
I want to do it for one month.
Will I dead?

Anyone ever took spirulina and/or chlorella? Was it good for the gains?


If you have caloric deficit, all the protein will be used to fuel your metabolism.
If you have protein deficit, you have no material to build muscle. You will just grow a layer of fat.

Is there a Veeky Forums approved source for recipes? Preferably some that I can cook at the weekend then freeze.

Why? It would probably be cheaper to just use skim milk powder. You probably wont die but you will feel terrible and probably miss a bunch of nutrients you need.


Make friends with the people at school or work hang out with them

can anyone help me with my cut, I started a week ago but i'm worried i maybe eating too many calories and am just wasting my time.

Im 19, 6ft and weigh 172lbs and have decided to cut before summer seeing as ive got a bit of a double chin which has happened since ive been on a permabulk since 152lbs. Ive calculated my TDEE through multiple calculators to be 2600.

So assuming i eat 2000 calories I should lose weight right? I'm also unsure on my PCF ratio as My fitness pal is telling me to be eating 50% carbs but this just seems ridiculous.

Any help would be appreciated

When water fasting, what's the actual amount of muscle loss compared to total weight loss, I've heard up to 20%. True? If you're fatfat then surely the glycogen and fat would be used first?

Moving to another country on friday to work a manual job in middle of nowhere for a couple of months. How do I retain my gains?

I already asked and there is no gym nearby. I'm taking my pushup bars and jump rope with me. I'm thinking I'll focus on getting planche and some neat handstand routine down over that time. Worried about neglecting my lower body though.

Dyel here, I've been deadlifting for a while now but I'm still not sure my form is 100%. I say this because 1-2 after deadlifting I get this weird tightness in my lower back, not pain just tightness/tenseness. My hamstrings and traps are usually sore after deadlifting so idk if I'm that off, but I'm wondering if I could do some adjusting.

Here's me a few weeks ago, thoughts?

Get your ass down more before you start the lift.

Okay that's what I was thinking it would be I'm not using enough leg drive or something so it's going to my back, thanks senpai

Should I go to gym today, if I've slept only 5-6 hours and I'm constantly yawning?

Can I make SL 5x5 a push/pull split and use AxBxAxx/ BxAxBxx?

Forgot to add sometimes I don't put any 45s on and use more smaller plates instead to force myself to go lower to get the bar. Your back shouldn't be so flat at start. Practice lifting from lower by using less and then different plates. Gauge which parts feel tight when you get your butt lower and stretch those.

In weight loss mode atm (recovering fatty). 3 times gym, 2 times cardio a week. Am I doing it right by keeping weights at the same level in gym in order to prevent loss of muscle/strenght because weightloss and gaining are not compatible?

how to increase wrists make bigger

I'm going to gym for almost 3 years (with some breaks). I can bench a little over my BW for reps, but Squat and Deadlift only about 1,5 BW at my best (for reps). I've had some lower back problems, leg injuries, so I didn't squat and dl for many months. I can ohp 65kg for reps.

I read about dyel skeletons, who can deadlift 3 plate after 1 month of lifting or much other bullshit which I don't believe, but I've never lifted 3 plate in my life. (the best was 135kg).

Any comments about that?

dyel skeletons and normies can do 2pl8 after 1 month not 3pl8

My shoulders get really painful pumps when I work them, what can I do to stop this? I've had to cut workouts short because of the pain, and it sometimes lasts up to half an hour, to an hour afterwards.

Go to a bar

Until 2 plate it is easy. After 2,5 plate it slowly becomes problematic for me. I'm probably too lazy at training, I often skip back extensions, abs and don't train my grip.
But the ability to squat or dl 200kg+ by casual lifter is something bizarre to me. Even my meagre deadlift gains a lot attention in my gym, because most of the people dont squat and deadlift. I've seen people looking at me with amazement, althoght I feel like my lift is nothing special. It makes me think most of the people here bullshit about their lifts. Only 1 time I've seen someone my age lifting more than me. Mostly people who lift heavy are 35yo+.

remember to take plenty of vitamin supplements then, mac 'n shit is not worth anything in that regard

if you're new to strength training, you certainly can make gains during weight loss.

a lot of the early gains are due to the nervous system figuring out more efficient ways to use your muscles, rather than building new muscle.

Forearm roller and farmer walks

sounds pretty right to be eating 50% carbs, 30% protons and 20% fat when cutting.
u could go down to 1500 cals or smth, that is where i cut and weight sheds off like a madman

Ive slept 3 and im about to go. Caffeines your friend

plain simple squats.
calf raises.
jumping jacks.
Planks, both side and front are great. try and do each variant for 1 min until u feel comfortable then go for 2 mins, but no more than 2 mins.
do supermans for your back, they are great.

Cheers, wouldnt 1500 cause me to lose too much muscle though?

i dont know really, im 5'10'' but it works for me, might be different for you

Okay, thanks broh. But I may reach apoint at which I should try keeping instead of gaining, I guess?

basically if you can't get stronger every time you go back to the gym, try to maintain. but as long as your form is good and you can complete your reps, you're golden

Thank you very much!

Will painkillers like advil help you run better?

90% of people on here estat out their arse

Don't worry about it

Heavy use of Advil leads to liver disease. Don't make a habit of that shit.

another thing, u could go for the 2000 cals a day and then fast on sundays, it reduces the calories in by a whole lot and doesnt really affect your gains or anything as long as u eat plenty and well the other days

If you need painkillers to exercise you've got a problem m80

i dont think they help u run "better" i think they help u kill the pain better, or else they would be called running pills.
also i think u gotta take a day off it your legs are hurting that bad
how i do:
>run 5 times a week
>legs suddenly hurt because overuse (this was only in the begging, not anymore)
>take one day off
>be sure to go to bed early the day before the day off
>be sure to go to bed early on the day off

Yea, i do ):

Does keto work or is it just a meme?

I start work as a receptions at a gym.

Is there any etiquette i should follow? Apart from the obvious be polite etc...

If i eat too much protein will that make me fatter?

depends what you want to achieve
give a wink to new customers

depends how much

>depends what you want to achieve
lose fat, what else is there to achieve

Don't listen to this retard. Hips should start high in the deadlift, they're going to shoot up anyway once you start pulling.
Your form looks fine, but you need to speed up your pull. You should also stick to only using a double overhand grip as long as you can.

just eat less

If you eat too much of anything you will get fatter. Read the sticky on nutrition

How bad is Percocet for your gains? I'm prescribed 10mg pills for these really bad migraines I get. I only get them maybe 4-6x a month so I rarely take them. I was really want to know how bad they affect gains?

Is it better to workout 5 days a week with two days of rest, or every other day?

How much weight does it take to flip a barbell if I don't go back and forth removing a plate from either side

When to in- / exhale on deadlifts man? Form is good but i feel like suffocating at rep 8+

2pl8 for most barbells

I've cleaned my gym shoes and they take more than one day to dry, how do I make them dry quicker?

Show trees, get one of those racks to put I the dryer that you can put your shoes on top of so they can get machine dried without tumbling around and getting torn up

I can't do more than one pull up and 3 chin ups at a time. What excercises can I do to work my chest and back to help me get myself up for more than 5 reps? I'm doing SL 5x5 and don't want to squat and DL 2 pl8 but be unable to do more than a single pull up.


Any lithuanian senpai can recommend me a decent gym in Kaunas?

Everything i found were overpriced guido-centrals with machines and zumba classes and shit.
Everything i asked for is a squat rack, man

>there are 100+ different curls
Which curls are good for getting dense muscles?
Which curls are good for getting big muscles?
>Barbell/Dumbbell/Kettlebell ?
>Are curls effective at all?

Put newspaper inside, change out when newspaper becomes too wet

>I get this weird tightness in my lower back
Yeah nigga, you're supporting yourself with your spinal erectors. Same reason you get a tightness in your quads when you squat.

Swimming half an hour or more 2-3 times a week. Works wonders