If SS is a meme is a meme is a meme, why hasn't there been a produced a popular alternative? Genuinely curious

If SS is a meme is a meme is a meme, why hasn't there been a produced a popular alternative? Genuinely curious.

You see SS everywhere, but you never see the aesthetic alternative that's supposed to be so much better.

So I guess SS is a meme is a meme is a meme is a meme after all.


Are you memeing me right now OP? Anyone knows that SS being a meme being a meme being a meme is a meme

You aren't funny.

kys maniga

Look at this candy-assgot thinking sage still works

it's mainly down to diet I think, SS/SL is fine as long as you control your diet to bring out the rippedness

SS and SL are extremely good programs. For a long time Veeky Forums considered them the only choice for beginners.

Eventually people started arguing that there were other alternatives and SS was not THE best. This argument got parroted until it became 'SS is shit'.

SS is similar to a power lifter peaking program, where it doesn't increase muscle mass, just makes you more efficient with the mass you do have.

However, if you lifted with a UL, ppl, ect split with higher volume the same would happen while gaining size, but it would be harder to judge progress.

The real reason SS/SL is so popular is that it gives weebs straight off of rpg min/maxing the idea that they found the "magic program" that those stupid gym bros don't know.

It gives them a feeling of superiority over people much stronger and much bigger than themselves.

>doesn't increase muscle mass

what am i reading

The reason SS/SL are so popular is because they fucking work at making beginners stronger, ya dingus

moving weight to move more weight so you can say you can

exhausting and growing your muscles so they look more appealing

not a hard concept

a beginner can do a selfmade aesthetic split, but they need base knowledge they get in SS, and combined with noob gains ss gets you aesthetic if you keep the gomad to a minimum

SS did wonders to me.

When fit started SS wss THE program for begginers. The argument came from the book from mark where "you gotta get big to get big" and GOMAD arguments happened because mark rippetoe is refering to skelleton fags when he recommends gomad or people aith extremely large ammounts of muacle that will burn everything they eat.
After that people got confused about the nature of SS but in reality it is a really good begginer program so yes. The whole "SS is bad is a meme" is actually a meme.

SS is good get over it faggots

>but it would be harder to judge progress.
> the same would happen


Nice marketing ripple tits

>trying to be stronger is vain and trying to look better is noble
Are you retarded?

Ripplet Manboobs is a DYEL


I don't know how strong are you?

not saying one is better than the other, or that it even "is" anything, that's just what it its

strength training is so you can say dood i bench this, squat this, etc if that makes you feel good, all the power to you

but i personally havent done any of the big 3 lifts in over a year and i get mired constantly

Strong like China

PPL or a body part split is fine for a beginner if their goal is just hypertrophy

He squats 405 and deadlifts 500 at 65 after multiple injuries and major surgeries. That's hardly dyel.

that doesn't really say anything though, since all training works to some extent. all we're discussing is effectiveness. people tend to forget this

Strength training isnt about boasting to other people at all you fucking autist. Its to make all physical activitie s easier eg work, other sports,...

>he fell for the SS is a meme is a meme is a meme meme


He looks like shit and always has done.

>squats and deadlifts
fuck off fattie

This kind of posts are why the SS is a meme meme exists. Idiots who know nothing about lifting spouting bullshit.

Tapering doesn't increase your neuromuscular efficiency. It simply reduces volume slowly to let the body recover from the cumulative fatigue that accrues over several months of high level training. Peaking isn't magic, it's just your body recovering to the point that you can express your full strength in a max intensity context (like a meet.)

SS has nothing to do with tapering or peaking. It takes advantage of a novice's ability to make huge amounts of progress without any complex programming considerations.

Yes, novices do get stronger quicker in part as their neuromuscular system gets used to lifting. But they also gain a considerable amount of muscle mass very fast at the same time.

SS isn't the only way to take advantage of this initial easy training period, but it's by FAR the most efficient, easy to follow, and predictable in its results. The people who complain about it are those who tried to add a million accessory exercises for 'hypertrophy' and fucked it up because they couldn't recover fully, tried to add 20lb a week to every lift, stated at the same weight for months, or didn't fucking eat properly.

If you don't want to do something that works very well, that's fine, because it's your life. But don't discourage other people from making perfectly sensible choices.

Can anyone recommend a decent hypertrophy routine?

I deadlift 4 plate for reps but don't give a fuck about strength anymore.

how many people have you seen doing SS and getting aesthetic during or after it?

SS is a meme if you dont plan on becoming a powerlift and thats the end of it.

brosplit if youre on gear or will cut a lot, PPL if youre bulking.

I'm working from 7:30 to 19:30, not including the way home.
Its perfect for people like me who have a real job:

it only takes ~30 minutes 3 times a week, I feel stronger, my back doesn't hurt while sitting anymore, my shoulders don't hurt anymore, it helped me more than SSRI, I'm now accepting my sexuality...

Without a strict, easy and fool-proof plan I would've never started visiting the gym