Is this normal when you get to a low bf?

Is this normal when you get to a low bf?

What happens if you touch it? Is it stiff? If you massage it does it go away?

It's not statistically normal but it's not unhealthy, if that's your worry.

I wanna drag a blade through it.

looks fucking disgusting OP


I don't know if it is normal but it definitely looks disgusting and it also looks like it would tear as soon as you pulled up your pants
Eat a fucking pecan pie

jesus christ I'm eating, OP


Came here to say this... Slowly with a somewhat dull box cutter

>if I cover it up it will go away

I wanna do it to the skin between my fingers.. does anyone know what I mean?


Thats a quad tear lul


The guy in the picture is this guy

seems natty

doesn't seem too healthy man

If something related to your health worries you so much you post it on fit its time to see a fucking doctor!!!

what the fuck..this guy again

Sickening striations bro

he comes every midnight and asks if i have some time to hear the word of our savior natty christ

then disappears into thin air

and hes always half naked

Increase your body fat a little, that's fucking horrible.

The whole point of diet and lifting is to like..not look like freddy Kruger.

Nah a scalpel and see how much of each strand you have to cut for it to snap and repeat because there's no sense in half assing science

He did SS

looks disgusting af man