CBT current body thread

Went from 137lbs to ~230lbs in 2,5 years.

Do I have enough muscle mass to cut? How much weight do you guys think I need to cut to look decent?

pls cut

Dude.... seriously? The fuck happen to you?

Cut and never look back.

bulk to 300, then cut


Good work, OP. You did it right.
Time to cut now (and also get rid of that ridiculous wife-beater tan).

Do I have enough muscle mass to cut?


Potato camera/10

Go on a very fast bulk to 330ish. Your first bulk has to be your biggest by far if you want to make it. Also, if you bulk too slowly your body wont have enough of a surplus to make muscle quickly enough, so its better to bulk too quickly than too slowly. Too slowly, and you maintain, too quickly and you gain a shittonne of muscle and a bit of flab.

When you're 330ish, cut.

No, keep bulking as referred to in

Recovering fatty down from 200 to 150 @5'8"

Starting my first wrestling season soon so hopefully it'll ease body recomp along pretty well

5'9 175 ish
4 years lifting
>inb4 roiding for this
I'm natty, you don't have to believe me

Yay, I'm not the only other recovering Fatman who has an alien body

That dong though no homo

>Has to specify that he didn't use gear
>probably used gear

Buddy i wouldn't have ever told you that you're a roider until you posted such an insecure thing kek

To go from 137 to 230lbs in 2.5 years is only possible by putting on lots of fat along with moderate muscle. As your pictures prove.

135 to 180 after 6 months of GOMAD & SS.

You're my new goal, user.

Also, roid disclaimer fully justified here.

glutes for the sloots

Nice gains

nice tiddies bby

thx m88

>Stupid fucking cheat tat

Why?? Seriously..... I don't get it.

>tfw the pic on the left is actually mine that I posted in a CBT after 5 months of working out.

Why you do this to me?

Could I get a bodyfat % estimation?
6'2 167lbs.

I don't know how I can weigh so little and still be kind of chubby, I must have no muscle mass under there.
Headed to basic training so
I'll be low bf% after that and then I'll start lifting.

forgot pic

Because I wanted a tattoo and last time I checked I didn't need permission or approval from a Congolese wooden spoon trading forum

I thought this was a Sami Wedding Spoon Trading Forum.

Listen to this user. Leave humanity behind.

Damn, lifts?

>i am an autistic left wing person

Did they change it again? I was here when it was a Mongolian barbecue sauce recipe forum

Mirin back, my 2 rep max is
315 bench
365 squat
425 dead