Hey guys, I've been doing squats for a couple weeks now and I've started to feel a pain in my knee after yesterday's session (62.5kg I'm a beginner) when it's in extension. I think my form is OK; has anyone ever experienced that ? Thx
Knee pain & squats
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Is it a strain or is it pain?
1-10 how painful?
More like a strain, it's like 4 but it's only when my knee is in full extension
What kinda squat you doing? High bar or low bar?
Whereabouts is the pain on your knee?
I do high bar, The pain is kind of above the tibia if that makes sense; underneath the knee cap
5 sets of 5 reps
Unless you post a video no one can give you accurate advice. Could be the way you position your feet, poor mobility, etc. Find someone in person to check your form.
this the place of hurt?
advice is - take a load off, do 10 kg less for few weeks. Increase reps to compensate. Do 4 x 8, max on last set.
Yeah that's about the right spot, That's what I'm gonna do thanks ;)
I'm not OP but I do low bar squat with an open grip. Knees are paralel with feet and I don't go extremely low.
I'm overweight but not obese and run 3 times a week about 40mins
My knees hurt a little I'd say 3-4/10 (a little discomfort) under the patella.
What could I be doing wrong?
Is it the squatting or should I stop running?.
I'm 5'7 an 77kilograms
I'm a girl
thank you guys for your answers, I'll check the form too
Whats your training program? Whats your goal? The knee pain can be because of the impact from running combined with your weight if you just started.
Yeah I just started a month ago
My squats are only 25lbs from each side of the bar
I'm doing SS and run before I do the lifting
Oh forgot to say Is only one of my knees and my body isn't entirely symetrical. One side is a liiiiittle longer unlike the other. Not noticeable but my doctor said it was the cause of my backpain so I started dieting and lifting with the correct calorie counting
no prob man, thats the place where tendon of quads inserts on the tibia (knee cap is in the tendon actually).
Probably your bone is adjusting to lifting. Alongside going lighter for few weeks, be sure to take a multivitamin that has vitamin D3 (active form). Drink just one tablet, and take plenty of Calcium, milk etc.
It should pass fairly quickly.
If it perseveres, take load off until it doesnt hurt, if it still does, take a week off and start again lightly. you can do other parts of course.
Its counterintuitive to do cardio for long sessions before your lifts. You'd benefit more from seperating your cardio from lifting sessions. Start with 20-30 minute 2 sessions per week of low impact like cycling. If your anthropometry is preventing you from performing pain free squats then try unilateral movements.
Thank you a lot user I will check your advice!! Will go for the bike
I really appreciate taking your time
yup unilateral is the way to go when one leg is longer.
if you're a girl do lunges, all mass goes into ass with those.
try doing pic related, safer for you.
uneven legs translate to back problems - squatting isnt made for uneven legs, just a bio-mechanical fact.
U can still grow big legs.
;_; my doctor said I can squat. Since the difference is minimal but I will go to the doctor again and start adding those you guys say.
Thanks btw I really appreciate it
Try single leg hip thrust, leg press , hamstring curls , leg extensions, etc. Also for the cardio try not to go too crazy just start off easy 60-70% of your max heart rate. It will aid recovery and increase your working capacity. If cycling feels to akward or you get joint pain from it try swimming.
Glad I can help.
Ask your doc what is the exact difference in mm. You should know these things about your body.
Trust your doc, but know as much as you can about your condition, most doctors love when a patient asks about it, then they can speak freely and not dumb down the topic as with most ppl.
>doctor said because of backpain
He's a fucking idiot, he's a physician not a physical therapist.
>stop squatting
>dont squat at the gym or run for two weeks
>do leg lifts(not gym shit), bodyweight leg lifts(only laying down exercises), just google knee rehab
>do like 8 different stretches for legs daily
FYI, if you go to a pt they're going to tell you to do all this shit, so just save money.
woops didnt meant to put stop squatting twice, I want to do your normal daily activities, I meant just stop squatting with weight at the gym
I was a pt for 2 years
You're the idiot.
He is responsible for my country's national football team and I believe what he says because I think he's one of the best.
He's also family
So yeah, I don't think he wants my money he has his own therapy palace