>hey user, thanks for inviting me to the bar
>I have to admit I was nervous when you approached me at the gym, tee hee!
>so besides working out what else do you do?
>you... you do have other hobbies... right?
Hey user, thanks for inviting me to the bar
Other urls found in this thread:
look mom i posted it again lmao
if you wanna ask Veeky Forums about their hobbies just ask for their hobbies???
That's alot of maple syrup
You have shitposter ancestry?
I'm ranked top 500 in Overwatch
Video games, warhammer 40k tabletop, fixing people's computers.
that's for me to know, and you to find out...
you nosy cunt kys
Looks like a headless body holding a head.
why so many questions?
what are you? CIA?
of course i have. giving women like you the best orgasm of her life is one of them.
Women don't talk like this. Fuck off back to /a/ already.
"I like to cut the skin off of pretty girls and chop their bodies up to put in my freezer."
"But seriously don't go in my freezer."
Hiking, hockey, golf, travel, drugs, reading and writing
>I have to admit I was nervous when you approached me at the gym, tee hee!
Kekd do you autistic faggots really think women talk like this?
Not murdering! Heh, heh. We should g-go back to my p-place after this, if you want to, if that sounds fun, y-you don't have to, just an idea. Like I said earlier, I won't murder you there, heh heh. Heh.
They get their ideas of how women talk from subtitles in anime.
do people actually approach women in the gym?
>implying women have hobbies either
I've legitimately met a girl who did.
She was autistic.
So I guess that was a pretty valid experience to base all women on.
Fuck I'm such a heel on this board.
You know the last girl to look at me like how you are now ended up on my bed a few minutes later
I think I'm going to go ahead and take a shower
Nah it's more X-Pac heat m8
I play the guitar, I play chess, I am an EDM producer and like playing videogames once in a while, come at me
You're like Kevin Owens. Even as a heel, we love ya.
Hiking, hunting, fishing, working on projects in my garage, gardening, cooking, playing guitar and papercraft.
I'm sorry but i just wanted a drink I didn't want to socialize with the staff.
Drugs, reading, raving, engaging on casual sexual activities with degenerate females, and the obligatory RPG vidya.
>final fantasy 9 atm
"Yeah I collect anime figurines and shitpost on Veeky Forums"
y-you too!
Yeah, I've started listening to this cool podcast called Welcome to Night Vale.
>tfw years behind other people on popular things
Not sure how she'd react to the IRL greentext.
On another note, does anyone hate how they replaced the initially sultry, and handsome sounding Carlos with faggoty, lisping, pajeet sounding Carlos?
Jelly. I want to collect anime figurines but if I got my own place, I'd barely make enough to be in poverty.
Is that Dr Bloom?
who is this autistic poster that is so dedicated to his craft that he must post bullshit threads like this every day
youre on par with the guy who always posts "that guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym" threads
>Implying this is a one man operation
>2 stripes
This is not authentic adidas. GFTO.
>My hobby is replying to a guy who creates hypothetical scenarios on a weightlifting forum pretending to be a girl who asks uncomfortable questions. Yours?
Me? I collect rare images of Kazakhstan's U19 women's volleyball team.
wonderfalls is a fucking good show man
I hope to one day look good enough that my giant shelf of school idol anime figures is more of an afterthought than my defining trait.
Link your stuff bro, do you have soundcloud?
I collect pictures of half naked men. How about you?
I work as a sysadmin, I go swimming every month and sometimes I go fishing. I can also drink half a bottle of vodka and stay sober. I have a total of 2 months free each year, which I spend in different countries with some friends. I also like to work on my bike.
Martial arts, gardening, and I raise chickens as pets for fresh eggs.
How many times did I fucking tell you to not leave /a/?
That pic. My goal body.
My hobbies?
I play video games, I sometimes write embarrassing poetry and tantric sex.
Want to come back to my place and have some fun?
Wait to see her reactions and depending on what she latches onto I'll run with it.
I'll give her ye ole 9x6 and she'll put me on speed dial under "the guy who fucks me stupid". guaranteed. At the very least I'll get a blowjob out of her. Probably not a good one, but girls get enthusiastic if they like the guy, haven't fucked in a while or in my case have a slightly above average cock.
>its the I have 8 hobbies guy
No way are you that good at even half of those
> fixing people's computers.
Reinstalling Windows every month.
>You can't be good at multiple things, even though like 5 of those things are fairly closely related
You don't have to be "good" at hiking. Hunting is literally waiting (or walking around, depending one-way game you're after), aiming, and pulling a trigger. Fishing is basically the same.
I will admit that I'm not too good at papercraft, though I only started this year, so I have time to improve.
Stop making these threads, this isn't how women (or anyone) even talk. Just pure autism.
That feel when my gf is fit as fuck, muscular, has really big boobs, and qualifies for the european championship of fucking judo and show jumping horseback riding, while I dropped out of high school and university, and play videogames and work out and chill and shit. Really makes me wonder what I've done with my life sometimes.
thats lacey channing.
Guitar and bass
>implying women talk like this
Bro I beg you just go outside for once and try to socialize ayyy lmao
Why european women are always protrayed when there is a need to show some hot woman? Never black or latina, its always white. Can we finally admit that whites look better than all other races?
you're a big guy
>I can increase bf% easily
>gf% stuck at zero
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
How does it feel never having talked to a woman before in your life?
I play world of warcraft semi-hardcore and play lots of overwatch, i'm a mid diamond player who has played against and beaten players from top 5 esports teams.
I enjoy reading Warhammer 40,000 novels
>working out isn't my hobby, it's my way of life
>proceed doing lunges as you leave
>Reading novels instead of getting the audio book so you can read and lift at the same time
Are you even trying to make it? The production on BLs audio books is top notch
>Oh! You make video games? That's so cool!
>What's that? Oh... you just play them...
>Well, that's not really a hobby, user. :/
I listened to a Horus Heresy audio drama about some people running around on Terra. There was this one character who was like a future samurai, and it was hilarious. The British voice actor tried so hard to do "honorable sci-fi warrior" voice but it kept slipping into "racist asian stereotype" voice
>not enjoying the tactile feeling of leafing through a book as you read it
Plebian taste 2bh lad
Doesn't matter. As a man your value is based on what you do. As a woman, is all about your looks.
Ya I like to repost the same questions on an image board every 2-3 days and call people manlets.
>What the fuck is a MANLET?
>enjoying the sensation rubbing your fingers all over pressed and bleached wood pulp
What ever gets you off man
Yeah, I like to pick up gullible women and imprison them in my basement. How was your drink?
>Video games, warhammer 40k tabletop, fixing people's computers.
Some women like tabletop games
or history
or skateboarding
>Woman space marine.
I draw and I write fiction.
Please get out of room, I am a gay misogynist, get out.
I brew beer, bake delicious pies, go swing dancing, and i'm the dungeon master for my D&D group. i'm pretty much awesome.
At this point, why even censor it?
they do though, women are autism but nobody cares cause they make babbies srs
how the fuck are you gonna shower at a bar you autistic retard
Is w40k ironically so edgy as most of its fans make it out to be?
Still kind of thinking about checking it out. Wouldn't bother with the tabletop stuff, though, simply the books. That enough?
>being this much of a consumer
You're just a fucking body man, kys
It's so big and written by so many authors it ranges from 100% serious ultra edge to genuinely well written grim sci fi to ironic over the top edge.
Reminder that consumer hobbies are for low quality humans, and anyone who doesn't spend the majority of their free time on productive hobbies is not qualified for respect
they really aren't humans, they're just bodies, automatons.
Keep on rolling Teenis.
Keep on Rolling.
Don't bully me ;-;
>That pic. My goal body.
It upsets me that I'll never be that manly. I can try though.
is rubbing rogaine on your entire upper body part of your routine too?
I just read the books. Those little plastic men are too expensive. also, what
To be frank, after scrolling through this thread and just skimming a few posts here and there; I've come to the conclusion that it would probably be best for all if you all just killed yourselves Tbh
No offense bro
LARP, making video games, and I play bass in a band
It's the half that doesn't like 40k, right?
This is the hottest thing in the entire world to me.
I'm literally popping a chub looking at this.
I pretty clearly said "all of you" you autistic retard.
I don't pay full attention while reading unless it's about Space Marines