Is red meat really a carcinogen or it is just a meme which refuses to die like the egg one?

Is red meat really a carcinogen or it is just a meme which refuses to die like the egg one?

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>Is red meat really a carcinogen


>or it is just a meme which refuses to die like the egg one?

That's not a meme either, eggs are also potentially harmful

Red meat is the greatest thing you can eat. Don't fall for the memes.

I read that delicious charred shit on meat is carcinogenic.

Burnt fat releases polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PHA's) which are very carcinogenic.

Burning any cooking oils or fats will release this.

Overcooked meats tend to be carcinogenic.

Meats can also be carcinogenic indirectly with bacteria or seasoning (sugar/breading)
>Only if you fuck up cooking it or like very sugary/fried meat

Heme iron also has carcinogenic properties, and too much animal protein can lead to putrefaction in the gut that produces toxic compounds like ammonia

Hurr durr everything is a carcinogen nowadays op

just eat what you want, if u dont have longevity in your genes you wont go past 100 years old anyway

Correct, but the necessary volume of animal protein at one time is going to be very difficult for someone to achieve

Eating heavily smoked/grilled food has been shown to increase your risk of gastric cancer. However red meat is a complete protein and contains important vitamins like folate. I eat a decent amount of meat and probably always will, just make sure you eat a balanced diet with vegetables and healthy fats and you'll be fine.

Raw meat master race

>t. Vegan product shill

>t. Red meat shill

Be careful of the Heme Iron.

Your body can easily adapt to raw meat though.

This is Veeky Forums

Even for your guy pounding it it's gonna be hard.

Even a larger guy's body would probably have time to adapt unless he was doing Rich Piano levels.

>However red meat is a complete protein and contains important vitamins like folate.

"Complete protein" means nothing healthwise and nutrition data says 100g of grass-fed beef has 1% of your daily folate. There's better food options.

It increases the chance of developing cancer marginally. Very marginally.

When you see headlines like the recent one about it raising the chance of developing cancer by xx% it means that across a given population, not for a given individual within that population.

And the cancers it refers to are fairly uncommon to begin with, so it's increasing YOUR chances of getting cancer from .00001% to .00002% (arbitrary small numbers used for illustrative purposes.)

anything bad about white meat?

like everything else in sience...

yes but not really.

you'd have to eat pounds of bacon every day for years to equal the chance of getting cancer from one cigarette.

Google the list of carcinogenic things and you'll find baby food and stuff on it.

It's going to give you cancer the same way taking one hot shower is going to end the world by climate change.

Yea it's not red meat

Doesn't take much; filename=The_effect_of_meat_protein_and_dietary_f.pdf

>In this study increasing dietary protein intake by 63g/day mainly by increasing meat intake led to a doubling of fecal ammonia concentration and an increase in the urinary excretion of volatile phenols.

>too much animal protein can lead to putrefaction in the gut
Wait, the vegan memes about meat rotting in the intestines are real?

Partly. It's not like if you eat a chicken breast the whole thing is rotting away in your colon but a fraction of the protein can putrify.

So yeah, everything in moderation.
Completely eliminating meat also leads to a whole host of problems.
And that's why there is not a single solitary human society on earth that has ever been100% or even 50% vegan.
Not one.

But there are plenty who eat meat and fat in moderation. Why? Because the body needs it.

We are omnivores for a reason user. Vegans are only able to be vegans because they spend a lot of time supplementing with things they can't get from their unhealthy artificial diets.

>eggs are also potentially harmful
how so?

devil's advocate here

Their saturated fat and cholesterol content can contribute to coronary artery disease

yeah if you choke on them.