there are so many sob stories on this board about guys who say they got Veeky Forums but still have shitty, lonely lives. im just 19 so tell me now before it's too late, should i just leave this place forever?
How do you "make it"?
You are here for ever
>that filename
if you think lifting will somehow improve your social life, you're gonna have a bad time.
Leave! The sooner the better!
Im so lonely at least people complement my legs when I'm at the gym
I love Zyzz but why is he always around ugly women in his pictures? Is there a picture where he is next to an attractive lady?
probably to make himself look better
i feel like i've learned a lot from this board. thing is, i'm getting to a point where i just don't get much out of it anymore and i'm spending WAY too much time here (few hours a day). maybe i'll come back and shitpost if and when i "make it"
inject roids into your butthole then die of a roid induced heart defect in your 20s and deny everything like every fraud on Veeky Forums
>being Veeky Forums
pick one
lifting seems to only make it worse. it gives you the illusion that you're actually fixing the problem because you're putting so much effort into something, but in reality you just get more and more isolated.
just have an interesting life outside of Veeky Forums and you will be ok. Because scoring a girl is not hard but keeping her around and getting a decent gf requires a semi interesting life and real hobbies not just fapping, video games and lurking 4chins
quads of despair
You have to remember - even Zyzz admitted the only way he got girls was by wearing tight clothing with no shirt.
If you don't have the ability to talk to girls and have a good personality they don't givea fuck dude and you will be a virgin forever
btw does anyone have the images from chestbrah and cardiacarrestbrah where they shut girls down on fbook?
>Because scoring a girl is not hard
I must need fucking glasses because what the hell am i reading?
Tell me senpai, how is it not hard?
Its probably easier to punch someone over the internet because the limitations are the same
I'm sorry you have extreme social issues and lack the ability to make conversation with people who aren't in your family or even leave the house.
I will pray for you.
Oh really?
What if i told you i have no social issues at all, i can talk to anyone about anything and im very social. I attend uni and have a part time job with alot of social contact, ive had managerial responsibilities before aswell so my social skills are fucking on par
You seriously think getting laid is easy?
if so please share because ive been talking to people and being social ever since my break up two years ago and i havent gotten laid once since then and im far, far away from getting a gf again
I know we joke about this a LOT on the board user
But you might have aspergers. You talk about social situations like it's a quest or difficulty that must be conquered, and you extrapolate from nothing to everything.
You need to go see a councilor. If you haven't had sex by the age of 18 you might have a severe social disability, and people are just being nice to avoid any awkwardness an confrontation with you (kinda like I am).
If you need any help or support, I'm here for you user, and help is out there as well. With us, you CAN get better.
Oh haha, very funny
I genuinly ask you a question and youre taking the piss?
get bent m80
You are really projecting a lot here, lol. It's really obvious you don't often leave the house. Severe social disability if a virgin at 18? That's half the people I met when I was at uni then. Stop before you embarrass yourself further.
The sad truth is that we'll never make it
I'm guessing your social group was outcasts or just didn't talk to you so you assume they are like you.
The ones who project are the ones that accuse others of projecting, because it is their only defense mechanism.
I honestly feel for you user - get well soon!
I'm going to guess you look at chad and then yourself and think the only reason he is scoring is a nicer body without forgetting that being able to hold a conversation without sperging out is a must in the game business.
Nope, I couldn't have been more social or gone to more events, that's where I met all my closest friends. You learn a lot about each other during drinking games. And the closer you get to people the more you find out about them too. You'd know this if you left the house, though. And you'd know that being a virgin at 18 is completely normal.
Btw, it was easy to see through the ones who claimed to have slept with 20+ people yet were still virgins. You remind me of them.
>being a virgin at 18 is completely normal.
being a virgin at 18 is completely normal.
>being a virgin at 18 is completely "normal"
>being a virgin at 18 is completely normal
> You remind me of them.
inb4 takes one to fukken know one
I know you're the same person because of the timestamps and the amount of replies vs posters in the thread. I must have hit a nerve or something.
>know that being a virgin at 18 is completely normal.
>I know you're the same person because I have autism and need to know how many people are bullying me at once so I obsessively check post times
this is an embarrassing level of samefagging
My youngest brother lost his virginity at 16 and I lost it at 17... If you graduate high school and haven't had a lay you must be fucking retarded. Literally a building packed with pubescent horny teenage girls that you're forced to participate in 5 days a week 8+ hours a day. What the ever loving fuck is wrong with you. Go to a god damn party you inbred troglodyte.
You seem like a friendly and sensible person, i recommend you stop wasting time on a retard like him
Do something else, anything else thats less frustrating user. This wont end and you know it
just here to say thanks for shitposting this hard
>this is what i come on 4chainz for
zyzz's face was so fucking hilarious.
he was a total butterface, so to "fix" it he actually went all metrosexual and made his face even more feminine and bitch-like.
he looks like an animu character
Did he make it?
you're typing faggot. and congrats, you've proved that not 5 but a max of 4 of those replies were from the same person.
I guarantee most if not all of you were virgins at 18, like the rest of us. Get your heads out of the clouds, faggots.
there's making it and then there's that guy
stop projecting,
I lost my virginty 5 years ago - It was a week before my 16th birthday
>assuming that only two people replied
>virgin at 18? That's half the people I met
Nearly everyone you meet in America weighs 200+ pounds - doesn't mean it's normal m8
assuming you're telling the truth, you're in the minority here.
>my social skills are on fucking par
I love it when delusional faggots project about how no one gets laid because they didn't.
You're strapped to a chair next to hundreds of same aged girls of all body types, shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. Besides college it is by far the easiest hunting grounds you can be in, you're just autistic. Stop the projecting.
1. Adverse selection: like most boards/forums you are dealing with a selection of people who are mostly losers. Its like going onto a forum for people with a certain disease and coming to the conclusion that its a widespread epidemic. Its not.
2. bullshit artists run the internet: its a general rule that in any area of expertise, the posing shitposters will outwork the actual knowledgeable people, and eventually even drive them away as they get sick of it all. This is particularly prevalent when it comes to men's two biggest insecurities: women and fighting ability
3. Projection: psychological projection is very common in normal human interaction, but people who spend very little time not interacting with computers seem to express it to a greater degree. That is, the assumption that the way you view the world is exactly how everyone else does so as well.
In short, you shouldn't ask for life advice here, because you'll almost certainly be talking to an abject loser.
this dude
"My social skills are good" except the crew he is running with are 50% virgins past the age of 18. If all the people you know are virgins - you're a fucking loser.
It seems he doesn't get invited to actual parties.
Protip - if the party isn't half women, and more than 15 people - it's not a fucking party, it's pathetic
>Nearly everyone you meet in America weighs 200+ pounds - doesn't mean it's normal m8
I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow that strawman away.
What is the big deal with losing the v-card as soon as possible? People who are virgins, especially that young either don't care because they aren't particularly outgoing or simply can't because they have some kind of issue or they simply aren't attractive enough. Let them work on it without having to have others breath down their neck as if there is something wrong with them if they don't immediately get puss.
Kids these days as sexual as fuck - it's not the 50s where a woman gets married after fucking two dudes. Girls are hitting puberty at 11-13 now. Some as young as 9 or 10. Actually look this up.
If you are a virgin past the age of 18 there are a FEW reasons why:
1. Actual no shit hardcore christian 'no sex before marriage' or extreme prude female.
2. You never dated. Sex is common before the 3rd date now. If you were 'normal' you would have had sex with 2-4 girls before leaving highschool. 1 if you were late blooming or long term.
3. You are extremely fat/ugly and can't settle
4. You have autism, were homeschooled, or lived in a town with a class size under 50.
If you were as social as you said - either you have no game and are a beta as fuck kid who tags along, or your social group is outcasts and demons.
dude. that's a myspace angle + favorable lighting + low quality camera. and he still doesn't look very good.
getting Veeky Forums doesnt change who you are
you might get ripped and attract beautiful girls but if you still havent learned how to talk to girls or people in general than you'll just scare them off
Complementing you for what? Those need work, a lot of work.
>lashing insecurities out on others
>thinks losing virginity makes you not a loser
>likely still a virgin
pick all three
>tfw only 1 before leaving HS
I'm kind of a loser, but not a complete turbo neet giga autist, so I guess it checks out.
Hey dude, tell yourself you are right if that makes you feel better.
Tell yourself everyone on here is a virgin like you if it makes you feel better.
Tell yourself everyone on fourchan has autism like you.
Don't ever challenge yourself to grow as a human because you just convince yourself that you are in the same group as your peers.
>it's just a bad angle!!!
a good face is a good face and a shitty face is a shitty face that's not to hard to tell regardless of angle of lighting.
zyzz fucked more girls in his short few years of being alpha than you or i ever will in our lifetimes.
statistically the average millenial will have 7 lifetime sexual partners. The average is of course skewed by outliers, so really the median is more like 4.
so when people on internet pretend like they're all rolling in pussy, theres a pretty good chance they're full of shit.
I hate to break it to morons who are master pick up artists (in their own minds, of course reality isnt very compliant, but ONE DAY, IF I JUST, WHEN I, etc) but the only people who are reckless with sexuality are homosexuals, who routinely rack upwards of 100 sexual partners.
The reason you feel like you are lacking is because you are steeped in a hypersexualized culture, which is the irony of the millennial generation: hypersexualized, yet having less sex.
Dont buy the hype, guess what? the vast majority of heterosexual people still engage in long term monogamy. Its strange that people with laundry lists of sexual partners have become so venerated in internet culture, because its usually a sign of mental illness and/or an inability to bond and form lasting relationships vs transactional relationships which they have many of.
Right this will be my last post here because this whole thing is ridiculous and a waste of time.
I made the most of my time at university, I was always clubbing and partying with my halls and if I wasn't with them I'd be going to social events with various sports societies or my coursemates. My halls were 50/50 m/f and I studied languages+ linguistics so my course was 90% girls. In the first few months at least 50% of these people were virgins if not more. Some of my mates had lost it when they were 14. Some didn't even lose it until they were 21. It's called being shy.
My point is everyone is different, takes their own time and being a virgin at 18 is not a sign that you are mentally ill, for fuck's sake. In my experience it was the norm. And I don't understand why you got so aggressive about it either lol.
pretty accurate
And statistically the average millennial is 50-60 pounds overweight.
When you adjust for the normal kids vs the clinically obese, that number jumps up to 11.
Being shy isn't normal. There is a reason they have a term for it, and people describe themselves that way to answer for why they aren't normal and haven't had sex by the age of 21
Well as someone who has been lifting for the last 6 years because I am a pedophile. My "made it" goal was to have 6-12 year olds noticeably attracted to me.
I made it for the first time a few years back when my neice and her friends all wanted to touch and rub my abs.
>Don't ever challenge yourself to grow as a human because you just convince yourself that you are in the same group as your peers.
dude you obviously have issues if you think fucking a girl means you have life all figured out and you've "made it"
chris chan is a virgin because he is a loser, he isn't a loser because he's a virgin
>I made it for the first time a few years back when my neice and her friends all wanted to touch and rub my abs.
Wait... Did you write a mirin story about that?
look, I'm not disputing his aesthetics and height and probably his confidence and "eceleb" status. he obviously made it.
that said his face is below average.
the eyeliner, stylized brows and occasional makeup made him look completely ridiculous
I'm not saying you figured out your entire life when you fuck someone
Clearly that is what YOU think will happen when the miracle comes through.
I'm saying it a benchmark - it means you are socially apt and able to date people.
If you can't date people and you are in your 20s you have an issue
>17 1st gf madly in love
>lose virginity to her
>no period for two months
>pregnancy test
>tfw gf crys and says she wishes she was pregnant because the baby would have been a part of us
>haven't had sex in over a year because she scared the fuck out of me and I don't need her poking holes in my condoms
>now she's my ex and still haven't had sex
Dogded a bullet m8
For those wondering what normal is, here are the normal social benchmarks - if you are behind the curve 1-2 years you are ok, if behind 6 years, you need help.
9-11 first BF/GF
10-12 first kiss
13-15 first sexual act
15-16 start driving
14-17 lose virginity
By highschool if you didn't have a date to prom at least one time, you are lagging.
22-24 college degree
25-27 start career
If you don't have 3 people outside your family texting you in daily in highschool, you need to make more friends
If you aren't going to a party a month AT LEAST from 15-26 you need more friends
If you are going more than 2 months single WITHOUT a date past the age of 22 - you need professional help.
Holy shit my life sucks even more than I thought, I should consider sudoku.
at what age are you supposed to reach over 6' tall?
I'm 24 now and worried I'm lagging behind :( I'm only one inch away
t. 22 year old Kissless virgin
Clearly the answer is yes. Leave while you still can, and never return under any circumstance.
But will you actually do it? That's a whole different question with so many
18-21 I guess.
at 24 you pretty much have stopped growing already
what ever happened to that guy
fuck you
Start talking to real people instead of anonymous faggots in Veeky Forums and you might make it.
i'm 19, i have college friends, i'm still in contact with many close friends from high school even though we went to different schools, i lift (noob gains), i've been to one somewhat small house party (my friends were trying to help me meet people, still a kv tho) i'm just trying to find out what i'm missing. i don't think i'll get my answer here, which is why i'm contemplating leaving, unfortunately.
if i make it, i'll come back and shitpost.
I check all those boxes 2 years early :(
Tfw no gf for 4 years and 24.
Veeky Forums is kinda of like the gateway board to becoming a normie and finally quitting Veeky Forums forever. You start lifting, get real friends and hobbies, get laid, have a social life, start working, etc.
stay on Veeky Forums however long you need, but just remember why you're here: to improve yourself and quit being an autistic dyel shutin.
Nobody makes it
>tfw your squad is outcasts and demons
thoughtful post. i'm glad i'm on the right track at least. when i first came to Veeky Forums at 15 i was blown back, browsing mostly b and...pol. after some time i stopped browsing both out of boredom and an oversaturation of shit. i stumbled here and here i've been for the past year. if you're right then i'm on the right track.
now life has just been studying towards my architecture degree, lifting, and meeting with old friends. i'm going out a lot more and i think that's a good sign, considering how much of a sperg i was in my childhood and adolescence.
i hope i make it, Veeky Forums. i've come too far not too.
to* not too wtf
i guess i am to intelligent to lift
does a blowjob count?