Post your face after legday

Post your face after legday.

absolutely glorious. the "leg day is bad" meme has to stop

>not squatting multiple times per week


>he doesn't go hard enough on legday to get DOMS
dyel post goes into the trash :)

>clean twice a week
>run/do hiit 1-2 times a week
>squat at the end of the week
Yeah so um


it was bad when my form was bad, but now that I have perfected it, front squatting a shit ton of weight feels amazing

[blank post]

>still gets DOMS

One day, buddy. One day.

I train legs 3 days a week and run the other 4
You people are cowards



Wait until the weights get heavy summerdyels.

>TFW have 2 dedicated leg days.

If you still get DOMS, you haven't lifted very long, or you train your legs too infrequently. This is from somebody that squats 410 and deadlifts 545, and does a leg movement 3 days a week.



I actually love leg day. I have always struggled to build my upper body. But I have the legs of a Greek god.

I thoroughly enjoy leg day with the exception of lunges. Why do they have to suck SO BAD?


Jesus why is your squat that much lower?

He skips legday.





> tfw you lost 100lbs so now leg days are like cheat mode


Leg day is always a feels day.
But, as of this week
>tfw gf

Hold me, brehs. She's thicc and into me. It feels nice for once. My dragon pistol squats have finally paid off.

Who needs leg days when I do stadiums five days a week and vomit at the end of 100 floors.





you're making it

That's not sauce on his face...


>legs of a Greek god
bullshit, post pic, faggot


>be me
>start Stronglifts this Monday
>squat 65 lbs
>I'm Auschwitz mode so it's pretty hard for me (I only completed 3 of the 5 sets fully)
>next day legs sore as fuck

>be Wednesday
>Squat again
>can barely do bar because still sore from last time
>I push myself hard and get 2 sets of the bar done and then do half squats the rest of the way if even
>what the fuck, I thought I was supposed to go up in weight?
>carrying backpack to class after lifting
>walk down stairs and collapse under the weight of my own backpack after I let go of the stair railing

Not to mention I spent over 2 hours eating today, because it takes fucking 30 minutes to chew a cup of broccoli.

Wait until you graduate high school summerfriend.

Enjoy your ban.

>dyel: the post

Wish I could give you a swirly lol.

Cmon bro. I'm trying I really am.

Keep it up, user. stay strong

Thanks. Did anyone else have a problem with not recovering enough between squatting every other day?

I still get DOMS and I can squat over 3pl8. You need to change up your routine or go up in weight buddy.

dude, you're auschwitz mode, only 1 leg day per week is enough. Don't push yourself too hard at first, it's the best way to injure yourself.
You'll make it, but it take time, patience is the key.