/plg/ powerlifting general
/plg/ powerlifting general
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Trappy pls come back
Now THIS is a comfy thread
Bella is such a babe man
man face.
>I'm so sick of waifuism
>look at this cute picture of my waifu
She kinda reminds me of an oompa loompa
who from whoville
she can outlift you so its powerlifting related
yes this is much better lol i think i actualy meant that in the back of my head
I thought that was my sister in the thumbnail.
no! bella is cute. CUTE
It would be pretty pathetic if a lightweight natural female could out lift me desu
Post pics of sister?
She out squats and deads several trips like lith, fat retard and bench joe
ya she still fuckin thick tho I wouldn't mind her squatting on my dick if u know what I mean just imagine, if she grunts like that while lifting...
Ei. Paheline isik.
>fat retard and bench joe
How about you stay the fuck BACK?!
is she your girl or something?
>Implying out squatting me is an accomplishment
Haha wow is anyone more cucked in this land than Philip?
>norsefat is voting for someone who doesn't know what Aleppo is
Hey lad
Can we do army soldiers 2nite?
yes we can
later tonight though
Keekeke just where he belongs
I despise Gary Johnson. It's a disgrace for him to be the candidate for the Libertarian party
>bake the cake
>"illegal immigrant" is hate speech
ffs libertarianism has the most simple platform you could possibly imagine, it's: the government is in charge of national defense, protecting property rights, enforcing the NAP. How could you possibly fuck that up so much?
Then again at least you have libertarian candidates. In my european left-wing shithole libertarianism means lowering the average tax rate from 55% to 45%.
What's Aleppo? Is that like Texas Method?
How long. One hour, two? Scots and I are desperate
The libertarian party is a fiasco of the rejected. This could have been the year that propelled them into a viable the parry system
They've squandered that
overhead squats r hard
all capitalist leading countries are big government countries like the usa, china, singapore, south korea, germany, norway, uk. Not sure where this "small goverment = successfull capitalist country" meme came from.
we already know what you look like marcus
because hes just a liberal that likes guns
ie all libertarians
Hahahahahaha look how skinny his arms are, but how fat and undefined his legs are
Hahaha more like pear-shaped jaeger, am right?
You almost fucking got me with that bait, wee
I didn't comment on whether big government or small government works best. I'm not even convinced libertarianism is the best option. All I'm saying is that Gary Johnson is not a libetarian — because it's actually quite a strictly defined ideology, at least compared to a lot of other political movements, and you can't slap the term on anyone that's even a little bit on the small government side.
Nice gyno+shit ankle mobility bobby hill lookin ass motherfucker
funny cause I can pinch the fat on my arms but not my legs
I'll have you know I have very muscly legs
>muscly legs
>can't squat 4 plate
>shit ankle mobility
all the oly coaches use me as an example of high ankle mobility
surely they must all know less than you sean
Wew*, fucking autocorrect
get back to me in 3 weeks
I have warned you stay off my Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums is for people who can deadlift 240kg
*pear shaped twink
But no seriously, super excited for playing army, when when when?
Please see this
>you could be 78kg
>your total could be 320kg
>you could look like this
I mean, with you you've gotta have a different frame of reference.
You can't be like, boardshorts or avon or myself, and pissed that we're falling short of the elite. You've gotta view your victory as merely escaping unattractiveness. Which you have.
assuming my main group doesn't show up before 7:00 EST, then
I've been fasting all day and need the foods
Are there any good dynamic stretches to fix my stupidly tight hip flexors and quads?
I know it's not dynamic, but couch stretch is fucking goat
Cured my APT, gained 1/2 inch in height, too.
your... main group?
Is this what being a cuck feels like
I'd introduce them to you if I thought it would go well
I've introduced you to scots but hes really the only one I'd want you to meet, for now that is
If anyone needs me
I'll be with phil
In the cuck shed
not really
I dont really like everyone in that group I play with
dont want to introduce special plg friends to people who I think are overall caustic and awful
Marcus ;)
I really like that chris duffins warmup that goes
1 - 2 rounds (i do one)
10-15 goblet squats
10-15 hip side to side (really just look up the vid)
10-15 hip airplanes (really just look up the vid)
10-15 each leg bulgarian split squat
You mean, it's not that you don't want to introduce your autistic newb who'll slow the unit down?
Who spends time with people who they think are caustic and af-
>spend a large part on my life on plg with sean and lpl
Ahhhhhh okay nvm
Yeah it's painful for sure. But it's so BORING.
How often did you do the foam rolling? Will I damage the tissues too much and have it affect my squatting and deadlifting if I do it every day or something? I have a rumble roller and a hard plastic ball so I can't really be gentle.
Whats wrong with him
>still in plg
good one
It's time to let you know I just made up his name as a joke
He's a sean
>yfw thinking of scottish independence
How many confirmed seans are there?
He isn't SEAN, he's his own person, but he's just as bad.
Is benching with a narrow grip viable as a tall guy? Similar to pic related is the most comfy for me but I only saw lolfederinos use it.
I can't tell what's better. A stiff leather belt of soft faux leather.
I've used both, they give me the same amount of support, I'd argue the soft faux let her gave me more support as it moulded me better.
I'm very conflicted.
what makes wider grip uncomfy for you?
Try it. If it is indeed comfy and works, then keep doing it.
It's only viable for the injured.
i will kill you isley you twink
It's all good bants lad
sometimes i take loads in the ass and chase people around shooting them out like a homo water pistol
Then thats one hell of a guess cause you were right, found this old youtube clip of him on his old youtube channel, its confirmed PJ, why do you think he nevr responds when you call him Marcus
apologize NOW
also this dog is too wet
i have all his info and he isnt called marcus lmao
Nice try panzercuck
>(the small monster)
fuck off sean
I just feel tighter and more confident. There's not a big difference in terms of weight, maaaybe 5kg, so I dunno.
Thanks senpai
How do I into wide grip then? I used to bench max grip but I just ended up stalling or getting shoulder pain.
Fuck off Marcus the small "monster"
I think he seems pretty cool go be honest. don't know where you get that impression, seems really quite down to earth to me.
the last powerlifting thread was nice, this one devolve into meme shit very fast
Just finished training, hit 405x2 squat 315x3 slingshot bench and 545x1 deadlift just feeling it out, everything felt alright if a little sluggish. Did a pretty extended warm up, too.
Nice lad. Glad you're training still. Vid related was today, after a 2x6 with the same weight. youtu.be
thats only 225x9
Damn dude nice set!! Looks nice and tight too nohomo
Count again
Thanks bb
Every day my life keeps falling apart but I somehow don't acknowledge it anymore
at least you got trips user!!
>Count again
Well technically it was 225x0, be lucky im giving you 9 out of the 10 attempts
I always really wanted to enjoy d&d
but every time I did campaigns I was so atrocious at roleplaying it was shameful. really didn't work out.
truly a hideous hardship I have sustained.