>they call themselves men >they're really big and they can deadlift 500 pounds >they're stiff as a fucking board >they've never been in a fight before >they would get rekt by anyone who's done 3 months of bjj
tell me, in what way is it different than getting ass and pec implants? you are just hiding your insecurities and you would never be able to stand up for yourself in any dangerous situation.
Yeah cuz 7 rounds (or 8 with one in the chamber locked and cocked) is the "only acceptable carry weapon" :/
James Stewart
neither were fighting for real. no face shots. mcgregor would've fucked him up if this was a real fight.
Easton Price
Technique > Power
That being said, every bozo who's taken 3 months of a martial art thinks they're the next Iceman
Jordan Brown
Could McGregor beat The Big Show in a shoot fight?
Keep in mind that Big Show has no formal fighting experience or training outside of professional wrestling, but he is 7' 450lbs
Christopher Moore
>shit capacity >shit ballistics for it's size
Just get a 9mm.
Or if you really feel you have to prove your manliness, get a 10mm. It's more powerful and allows more capacity than .45
Dylan Sullivan
>they call themselves men >they're sponsored by monster energy drink and think there are referees weight classes or tko's irl >they're stiff as a fucking board >they've never been in a fight before >they would get rekt by anyone youtu.be/HxFbpa9c8gg
Nathaniel Rivera
>they call themselves men >they're really quick and they can punch a bag 500x >they're flexible as an elastic >they've fought 100x >they would get rekt by my 5 year old daughter with a gun
Luis Edwards
Bodybuilder bros are weird, they're the most awkward people I've run into at the gym and they think they can impress scissor sisters with their mad gains.
It's like most of them think their size will make up for their personality, even if they move like tractors without tires... It's just not good.
Moral of the story is, remember when Vageta in DBZ realized he was a fool because he just trained strength and not speed after watching Goku fight Cell.
You stupid fucking moron. You can put the mountain up against anyone and he'll probably win just from sheer size alone. That's what being bigger than basically 100% of the entire human race means.
You're not the mountain. You're half of his size (or even smaller). Your weight advantage over smaller people is a mere 30 lbs., not hundreds of lbs. like the mountain. If you believe research is based on outliers you're fucking retarded.
I don't even necessarily agree with the OP but your argument is fucking DUMB
Jordan Thomas
>muh animu I'll make you bleed on your white tap out merch
Kevin Rogers
>Bodybuilder bros are weird, they're the most awkward people I've run into at the gym and they think they can impress scissor sisters with their mad gains. Nice meme.
>It's like most of them think their size will make up for their personality, Then what will?
Angel Cruz
>they call themselves men >they get all sorts of gay fucking tattoos >one of his own fucking last name across his chest >because that's, like, totally badass and not insecure as all fuck
Parker Nguyen
>train for years >literally would die in less than a second from a bullet to the fucking head
Ryder Anderson
>implying I'd need a gun See
Leo Johnson
A knife is better in most situations, easier to carry, quicker, and easier to surprise opponents with. Training on the basic knife lunge will serve you better than a gun.
Adrian Peterson
Oh come on, like you don't enjoy anime once in a while. The point isn't that it happened in an anime, it's that even anime gets that much.
Like watch the Kimbo Slice vs. Dada fight, they gas super quickly and it's boring as hell watching them slowly collapse from exhaustion.
Also zero tap out merch thank you very much.
Not a meme, it's happens to me way more than I'd like :/.
I dunno, growing a personality?
Camden Wilson
>super boring to watch them collapse from exhaustion Mma is about putting on a show, not fighting
Cooper Price
Fine, but they didn't even manage that... It wasn't like they went until they collapsed, it was that they blew their loads round one and then spent a couple rounds swinging in slow motion at each other as they tried to regain any energy they could.
Isaiah Turner
This describes every mma fight baring the first round knockouts by someone who can hit harder than a slap fight
Austin Thompson
>they blew their loads round one they laid on top of each other for 5 minutes while hugging
Easton Anderson
>muh groundwork Punch
Noah Green
except you're completely wrong
Levi Moore
>Not a meme, it's happens to me way more than I'd like :/. Like in what way? I'm worried I might be like that but nobodies ever honest in that regard.
Is it the way they talk? Walk? Eye contact?
The latter is basically impossible if you're not a kid btw.
Jonathan Lopez
Pro-Wrestling > MMA tbqh
At least wrestlers know how to put on a show
Mason White
>pipebomb No u
Levi Nguyen
did you respond to wrong comment or something?
Xavier Nguyen
3 months of bjj is nothing. doing the moves in the gym when your partner is walking through the steps and letting you do it is not the same as trying it on someone who is actually fighting back. how would you even get in a bjj position if the guy is standing and throwing punches? can't do that after only 3 months of training and without knowing some striking defense.
Caleb Ross
bb'ers ARE fucking faggots duh
Colton Thomas
Never seen such autism
Hudson Campbell
>implying I use my muscles for something as lowly as violence
Stay plebian forever, MMA friends :^)
Caleb Baker
This desu senpai
Jason Turner
Nope. How's the dementia pugilistica treating you? If you're gonna defend a meme like mma you should know about >pipebomb
Charles Kelly
who would win desu
Wyatt Collins
He's not that lean in this pic though.
Look for pics of him before he fought Also and you will see serious ab definition.
Tyler Jenkins
The answer is pipe bomb
Samuel Edwards
Veeky Forums and /sp/ are the only places I see anyone even as far as mention mma /ufc... Irl ufc was cool maybe 5 years ago... But man no one gives a fuck about these guys anymore. Not like they do about bodybuilders either tho...
Oliver Adams
nah i know what it is it just had nothing to do with what you or i said.
Chase Thomas
yep, untrained idiots grossly underestimate the amount of time and efforts it takes to be even decent at martial arts.
Jonathan Richardson
ufc and mma in general makes more money now that it ever has. ufc's most recent ppv just broke their buyrate record.
Asher Wright
Wew, told.
Daniel Reed
Either lifting weights or training in a combat sport will be good for your physical fitness, making you healthier and more athletic.
Neither is really "better" than the other. It's autistic to lift for women when they're more interested in facial aesthetics, confidence, conversation skills, social status etc.
It's autistic to train for "street combat" because that's rather easily avoided, and desu, in a proper rush by more than one person, you aren't winning anyway.
Do whichever one you prefer. Hell, I do both. Most fighters lift weights. A lot of lifters are interested in/pick up fighting as a hobby. They're not mutually exclusive.
Shut the fuck up and train. Want to be less insecure? Life more than you ever did. Land difficult techniques against people who have trained longer than you. Look better. Holy shit the autism. Just fucking exercise.
Aaron Evans
Bump. Pls help.
Charles Butler
A bodybuilder is not a fighter. A fighter is not a bodybuilder.
A bodybuilder trains for the beauty of the human body, muscle symmetry, etc etc... A MMA figher trains to fight people.
That's like comparing badminton to hockey. Sure they're both sports, but they're not even remotely in the same category.
Xavier Myers
CM Punk?
Nathaniel Robinson
can confirm, trained with a kid that was easily 340 and could pull 545 like it was nothing, but basically all he could do on the mat was sit on you or try for a leg choke and he was easy meat for all the rollers with actual mobility.
it was serious humor to watch him get oneshotted by the girls in the class
Evan Evans
>they would get rekt by anyone who's done 3 months of bjj
lel. I wish this were real. I've been doing bjj for about 8 months and am just starting to get how deep and complex and difficult it is. Also. Someone who Deadlifts 500lbs and squats 400lbs (just assuming) would be able to out muscle any white belt and plenty of blue belts. Unless that blue belt himself has a good strength base, which lots of them do, then the bigger man is winning.
BJJ starts being truly effective when you're a purple belt and up, which takes years of constant wrestling, tournaments, and drilling to achieve. You're still right in your beginner stage at white and blue.
Wyatt Gutierrez
Eli Cook
>believing the out muscle meme You sucking ≠ all blue belts and white belts sucking
Aiden Richardson
>Falling for the knife 21 foot rule
Adrian Cox
Kimbo (RIP) got his ass kicked in MMA. It's all about training. The more training, the better you are.
James Young
Underrated post
Andrew Foster
But he was fighting dudes roughly his size
McGregor is 5'9 170 Big Show is 7'0 440
Jordan Powell
Memeing aside I haven't done a martial art since I was a kid and that was karate but got into a fight yesterday and laid the fucker out with one hit. It really is more about size.
James Williams
>The answer is pipe bomb So you're saying McGregor?
Nathaniel Peterson
LOL karate
Alexander Hernandez
That had to be like 11 years ago lol
Nicholas Long
This. This was the response OP needed.
Jackson Morgan
>body builders are weird >DO YOU REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME IN THAT ONE ANIME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Jackson Fisher
Video gave me cancer
Chase Bailey
Probly the weeb desu. Unpredictable
Dylan Bailey
Jack Clark
Maybe we just like lifting retard. Also being strong helps you when you're older idiot.
Aaron Bennett
bad lighting in that pic.. also covered by shitty 3rd world-tier tattoos
Jason Brown
>He thinks his faggot turtle rolling martial art works without competition rules LMAOing at your life while snapping all your small joints and gouging your eyes out