Fuaaark brahs
Fuaaark brahs
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I honestly don't understand how a human being can be so uncharismatic. Also why wear a belt while doing seated presses?
steroids make you slip a disc in the back its a side effect
jeff pls go
>Doing a little cardio
Fucker is turtle speed walking drinking coffee
Why the fuck is he using 2 benches and dropping dumbbells?
Srs question, what's this guy's target audience?
Does he still claim natty?
Hs girls looking to get dick.
homo lanklets
me and you
Veeky Forums
lmao of course he fucking does. The fitness industry is so fucking backass that he'd instantly become a pariah if he was just honest about the bicycle in the room.
Give it 18 months. Details of the schmoe Jeff is selling his ass to will eventually come out.
Jeff pls go
that is ridiculous, honestly feel bad for kids that don't know any better
You've got the physique of Zyzz, kid, but where is the pizazz?!
jeff pls fuckin go
it just to get the blood flowing and warm up not to lose actually fucking gains
>that is ridiculous
> Sponsors supporting athletes who admit to using illegal substances
ok so im new to this guys channel. is this guy trying to parody zzyz or is he serious?
also didnt that hairstyle die in like 2008?
Yeah this isn't professional sports where someone is cruising on some HGH and it's not super obvious. This is body building. It's almost insulting that people claim to be natty loudly instead of just keeping their mouth shut.
>body builder
Choose one
Yeah it's how you end up with retards on instagram claiming 7 chicken breast meals a day and doing 12 reps with baby weight is all it takes for you to get jacked, just gotta be dedicated bro srs.
I chose that you are fucking retard memesters.
>jeff seid
>not natty
i've been training since his childhood you fucking retards
That probably is exactly what they eat and how they train, but everyones who is in fitness industry know how it is in this sport, its normie faggots who would follow that shit and do a 6day split with out gear expecting to get PROPAH jacket
Well yeah, the idiots leave out the massive amounts of bathtub chemicals being injected because they think shit like Jeffy is natty. GONNA GET JACKED DOING ONLY DUMBBELL AND CABLE EXCERSISES BRO SER-IOUS-LY JACKED.
Jeff is natty you jealous phaggots
He explains it in his videos.
Go back to your dorm you retarded millennial shitbag.