Post natty physiques

Post natty physiques.

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Hes so full of shit i cant stand him. I lost my respect for most, if not all, yt channels tbqh.

train well, train man

train well, train man

What is wrong with him? I used a lot of his videos to look up form when I was starting out

I saw a video of him explaining how in the ohp you gotta move the barbell backwards to lockout position. I kinda cannot trust him after that - you can fuck up, but that shit is basic.

But you do need to lockout in ohp wtf are you talking about user

train well, train man

train well, train man

i hate these...

are you retarded?

Let's see that natty ASS Scotty



You move your body out of the barbells way, you dont throw the weight forward and backwards
>these are the people giving advice on fit

The truth hurt is that Jeff look DYEL in clothes

>wearing clothes
user, dyel?

Literally watching his OHP form video right now and there is not an ounce of information that is wrong. You are terminally autistic.


Sure thing Scott.

The shill is giving me cancer.

Calm down guys. Watching advice vids from people like Scott Herman is good, but you shouldn't blindly trust any one person. Watch the video, and make your own judgement.

Scott generally gives very good advice but I would agree the locking out the OHP is probably a bad idea. His early videos are no where near as trustworthy as his later ones.

T R A I N W E L L, T R A I N M A N

train well, train man

What's wrong with locking out at the top of OHP?

train well, train man

train well, train man

train well, train man

Train well, train man

Is creatine considered natty?

>His early videos are no where near as trustworthy as his later ones.
he says in several that he promotes what has worked for him which I like.
I also don't agree with his bench press he says only go to 90 degrees and not to the chest

oi, scuze mate, does this train go to gainsville?

Train well, train man

train well, train man

train well, train man


people who have poor form with some exercises but show good physiques are usually making up for it with their accessories.

train well, train man

train well, train man

train well, train man

train well, train man

train well, train man

train well, train man

Train well, train man

train well, train man

Best fitness channel. Even veganfaggot can't shit on him.

He hasn't station him, has he?


This guy

He was once a roider. But he is natty again. Gives me natty inspiration.

Only natty physique in this thread


train well, train man

train well, train man

Train well, train man

doesn't count

"natty" means never having used anything at all

train well, train man

train well, train man

train well, train man

Train well, train man

Not true at all, he has the body of a natty now. You obviously have not been a part of the fitness world for very long.

train bad, train fag

"Locking" generally means pushing out your chest, so the barbell is slightly behind or directly above your head. I suppose there are two potential issues with this: first, if you drop the barbell perhaps it's more (?) directly over your head than it would be when not locked out. Second, maybe there's more chance you drop it behind your head? Overall I'd say it's not too dangerous, though. Generally if you drop the bar you're fucked locked out or not. And if you have grip strength the bench you should be fine for the ohp.

train well, train man

Train well, train man

Train well, Train man


train well, train man

That guy isn't natty what the fuck

Choo choo man train

Train well, train man

except you're retarded. Start here:
and then go ahead and do further research on things like the half-life of muscle cell nuclei. Using steroids gives an athlete an advantage for years after they stop using.

train well, train man

Dude got some legit advice but the way he talks make me wanna punch him in the face .

train well, train man

train well, train man

train well, train man

Train well, train man.

train well, train man

train well, train men

train well, train man

not tight clothes though

goat natty goal here

is his hair photoshopped to look fuller in the front?

train well, train man

He probably doesn't use creatine

has some silly gimmicky routine stuff, but I love his videos on anatomy and optimal training for that. trusted authority/10

train well, train man

train well, train man

T R A I N W E L L , T R A I N M A N



Train well, train man

Train well, Train man

train well, train man

Train well, train man!

train well, train man



train well, train man

if you drop the barbell you're too retarded to be doing OHP and deserve all you get

train well, train man

Lol the PAS group were long term users of anabolic steroids at high levels. This guy was on 250mg a week for a year. Not nearly the same levels as the PAS group in the study.

I know you weebs like to think you are smart and educated by citing studies. But without knowing the full scope of what you are talking about, and then quickly jumping at an opportunity to feel special by looking smart, results in the opposite effect.

Nice try, it probably works on 90% of Veeky Forumsizens. But really? You're retarded.

>dat face
>noodle arms
>fat cuckboii
frigg off isley

train well, train man