Hold me fit, a girl I was trying to hookup with said I had a nice body but a butter face. I guess it's back to hookers.
I thought getting fit would make me attractive, not feeling good brahs, feeling really down.
Hold me fit, a girl I was trying to hookup with said I had a nice body but a butter face. I guess it's back to hookers.
I thought getting fit would make me attractive, not feeling good brahs, feeling really down.
Other urls found in this thread:
aww fuck fit, don't abandon me in my time of need.
Date on a lower social chaste.
If you're rich, date middle class.
If you're middle class, date working class.
If you're working class, date impoverished orphan girls, the one's with dead fathers, not absent fathers.
Aim for 7/10, you may lucky out and get an ex-fatty 8/10 with low self esteem, but if you find a 6/10 with solid morals and good work ethic keep her.
Try to date in your own race or downwards (ashkenazi > white > asian > latinos/mutts > middle eastern > africans > abos).
Sorry to hear it Isley
9/10 post
if you didnt know that you were not the most good looking person in the room....
you're probably a naive slob from the start
What is I'm neet? Where do i fall on this heirachy? Am I supposed to go to the immigrant neighborhood to find a girl willing to chill with me? Because I don't live in some eastern european shithole where you can easily differentiate rich, middle, working, or impoverished class.
Also I'm tired of fucking fatties, the last land whale I did was 5'2 190lbs. I cried in bed after I came, she freaked out.
You dont make fun of someone to their face unless you want to fuck with them and dislike them. Shes a fucking bitch who has no manners and you should have smashed her fucking face in. Leave her and move on. Focus on the things you can change and not on the things you cant. Getting rejected from a girl isnt shit, just go after another one you ugly son of a bitch.
I shower, I shave, I clean my ears, I clip my toenails, I groom my body hair, I get a hair cut every 4 weeks. Nigga what the fuck else am I supposed to do? On top of this I do have a decent social group of friends, and get invited to hang out and shit. I'm not anti-social.
Well now you sound like a whiny bitch. Stop being a whiny bitch to people who dont care
do you have a specific style?
for all I know you dress like guy fieri riding into flavor town.
Ok, how do I up my game bro? I've been hitting up fatties on whisper and there's no way I can bare to fuck another one.
Tinder I get no matches. Where do i find the slags?
Just upset, senpai. It's frustrating when your insulted by being called a butter face. I fucking cried in the car.
Just a fitted pair of jeans and plain t-shirts. Maybe a jacket if it's cold. Everything fits good, this chick actually liked the way I dressed, she backed off when we got to the bedroom and she got a look of my face in the light. Like she visually shivered and called me a butter face, how the fuck do I recover from that? This is some severe psychological damage that's been done
Rich means nobody in your family needs to work and you can still keep a luxurious lifestyle. It is the same as independently wealthy.
Middle class means someone has to work to keep your lifestyle that includes occasional luxury expenses, losing job means sinking into poverty.
Poverty means barely being able to afford basic necessities and having to get into debt to afford luxuries.
Also if you are a NEET you shouldn't worry about dating, you should better yourself first, secure a provider position in the social hierarchy then looking for a mate. Females for the most part behave like parasites, become healthy and strong and they'll find a way to attach themselves to you. Stay a parasite and they have no reason to seek you.
You could learn to fake a higher social status but it's usually not worth it. Any female you attract this way will leave you once they figure out the deception.
>You could learn to fake a higher social status but it's usually not worth it. Any female you attract this way will leave you once they figure out the deception.
educated poor fag here, this is so true.
you sound like you have to emotional stability of a 12 year old and probably bad teeth and poor facial expressions.
dunno mang
it gets better with age the less you mouth breath and groom yourself in a distinguishing manner
Alright dude, I'll be attempting this.
Have you ever been called butterface, to your face? Emotional stability is fine, if not I would've been crying to the suicide hotline.
Post pic, we'll give you a straight answer whether she was just being a bitch, or whether you should start saving for plastic surgery
If they do call you one, what power do they have over you?
a. dick goes in
b. dick does not go in
if you're running with a shallow crowd as you're describing, you're bound to get your feelings burnt.
a. stop hanging out in that circle of drunk hook ups
b. fuck drunk bitches with no inhibition
This post is not help. Please leave my thread.
> Posting my pic on a bangladeshi jelking enthusiasts forum
A majority of chicks aren't so great looking either, user. That doesn't stop them from picking up airs of royalty.
Makeup is the ultimate lie. A lot of chicks are super insecure about not being as perfect as their sculpted face masks, so a 'right back at you' style response might be appropriate.
Stick up for yourself.
>ashkenazi > white
You know as funny as that pic is, people like that are getting laid. While I'm not. LORD HELP ME
>It's frustrating when your insulted by being called a butter face. I fucking cried in the car.
you gotta be kidding me m8
i suggest you to check your test levels
if anything, getting insulted should get you agressive instead of turning you into a pussy
there is more, but reading stuff like this
>This post is not help. Please leave my thread.
doesnt make anyone want to help you anymore.
That is, if you actually want help, and not here just to share your emotions with us for the sake of it, like a woman would do.
No brah, I'm just sharing my experience and looking for insight. Test levels are great, here's a body pic
>Start thread about face
>Posts body pic
well you are a butter face prometheus we all know this
>Start thread about face
>Posts body pic
>keep crying like a bitch ass nigga
Come on dude, I go to decent Uni, why the fuck would I post my ugly face on this board?
Dubs, I'm not crying anymore.
did you have it measured? there may be other stuff influencing mood, but seriously, crying isnt normal
i mean, i noticed after myself that lately, in the last year or so, i can feel a slight urge to cry when watching some sentimental shit, like an retarded person being tortured in a movie or something, but i am fucking 30 years old with wide hips and babby face - a young dude like you should feel that the world is at his feet
your health and mental health is more important than women bro, solve one problem at a time and start with that
what happened straight after she told it to you? did she just left or you replied somehow? as weird as it may sound, i believe you still could have fucked her
Nigga with a body like that you should still get pussy.
Your face must be some cross between a dropped pie and a piece of burnt shit
what routine do you do?
she sounds like a bitch anyway who gives a fuck. Have a wank and get over it.
Definitely gonna see consular next week. After she said that, I chocked up a bit and just walked away, held back tears while I was getting in my car. She said in really demeaning way, Initially I was just disappointed but than I got upset, I guess the first thought I got upset about was that I didn't wanna call another fatty to fuck, fuck that, that's to nasty, that I'm past fucking landwhales.
>Your face must be some cross between a dropped pie and a piece of burnt shit
PPL, although I'm only hitting legs once a week now. PPLxPPx
They are the current ruling race and have been dominating the intellectual scene for about a century.
It is a painful fact but it is a fact. Unless whites get their shit together and pull a global fourth reich and until transhuman overlords become a reality for better or worse the wanderers are running the world.
Isley is a good looking bloke dude.
I actually did this in high school and it worked out really well. She never hung out within my social circle so all the jelly Bitches who hated seeing eachother happy never brought her down.
Dude, one girls "butter face" is another girls "omg I want you to fuck my face"
What I mean is if you keep searching, you will find her. So what if this slag doesn't want some dick tonight? her fucking loss. Move on, go say hey to the next sexy girl you see. You will probably end the conversation in an awkward state but the more you do this, much like the bench, the better you get
>may your gains and slags ever be in your favor
I needed to hear that. I can sleep easy now, thank you dude, sleep tight everyone
Isley doesn't have a nice body, either.
Should've laughed the bitch out,
Dude 99% of getting laid is being ridiculous and having fun.
If a bitch told me I had an ugly face (in a very rude and demeaning way), I'd just make up some sob story on the spot about how my father used to beat me every day after we lost my mom.... and when I see the look of "oh shit, my bad" in her face. I'd just laugh and tell her "nah I made that all up. You're a cunt tho"
>dad always said, if someone insults you. Just smile and tell them Thanks :)
ashkenazi > white
Organize your white friends if you don't like it, build a resistance, have lots of white babies, maybe your grandsons will get to have a chance at a 4th reich.
shit you got me
Come on bro show us the face ill show mine if you show yours i guarantee im less attractive than you
sluts say shit like that just because they're bitches. Pretty much every guy I know who asks women out regularly has just been shot down in a bitchy passive aggressive fashion.They do it just to give themselves a confidence boost and it's determined by what mood they're in, not by how attractive you are. Don't let it get to you man. It's all about persistence.
>good body with ugly face
>ugly body with ugly face
choose one
find a syrian girl who is willing to marry you for the citizenship
Keep spreading the truth about the Jews.
Make the Earth a dangerous place for them.
kek, bluepilled gymcel beta BTFO
Subhumans must learn to know their place.
>Nigga what the fuck else am I supposed to do?
Not have subhuman genetics
All that shit you listed is literally just superficial cope for beta incels.
Chad doesn't have to do any of that shit because he is quite simply an objectively better human being than you.
without knowing what your face look like, it's hard to say anything smart. But I believe that with fitting haircut and cleaning your skin, you can make facial gains. Also, care about your facial hair, I am not saying beard up, maybe it won't work for you, just to take care of it. I mean, unless it's deformed you can do something about it. Even some deformations can be fixed with surgery.
Love comes from within.
It's always there in great abundance, but it might be buried under a lot of emotional debris.
When you dig it out, you'll find it's more powerful than you ever imagined.
Inconsiderate words from an immature person will not phase you.
If religion were not so cucked in this day and age, it would teach you these kinds of things.
You have the option of placing a paper or plastic bag over your head.
OP (and everyone else in the same boat), here's some honest advice:
>instant benefit
Clear acne if you have it (MUST FUCKING DO IT)
Grow a nice beard if you can (not a long one, but a handsome trimmed beard), always clean shave if you can't
Pluck your eyebrows if you have a clumsy monster one
Get a nice, cool, handsome haircut that fits your face and hair type (don't get eccentric here, just pick a trending one that women just like)
>long term benefit
Treat your fucking acne if you fucking have it
Do jaw exercises (google them, but mostly chew hard gum)
Get rid of oily face if you have it
Use moisturizers if you have dry skin
Straighten your teeth and have them whitened (go to the dentist for that), for that aesthetic smile
In addition to that, always wear nice, grown-up, sober, well-fitting clothes and a nice perfume.
You absolutely must do every single item on this list and I GUARANTEE you will go up many points, it WILL WORK unless you were very unfortunate and was born deformed or some extreme shit like that.
If you are well groomed and actually TRY being handsome by doing everything you can, you will still be rejected sometimes (even me, genetically blessed 9/10, get rejected), but never ever be called ugly or "butter face". I have many ugly but well groomed friends and they pick up many girls just fine when we go out together.
If ugly people didn't fuck we wouldn't have half you fuckers.
Now stop feeling sorry for yourself and try again.
I forgot to mention one thing, you can even resort to (light) makeup to improve your face looks. Too many famous people do it, you can do it as well and women won't even notice.
Why does everyone hate the jews?
Global ruling elite bullshit aside, I'm a jew and our family used to get shit on even though we're too poor to even own a car or house
Same guy here, I'll give one example on how to save a disastrous face
Look at this guy
>fucking terrible haircut
>bad eyebrows
>rapist moustache
>not smooth skin
>pale as fuck
You can't change your face's shape, but let's say he got a decent haircut, fixed his eyebrows, did a very clean shave, treated those pimples and shit on his face (albeit it's a very light condition, it must be treated), tanned a little bit and even put a very light makeup. Now if you attach the new, well-groomed face to this body:
It wouldn't matter that he isn't a 10/10, girls would never turn him down like OP's story. He WOULD have some success.
I've had girls tell me I have a face for radio. So what, just keep doing your thing.
I was on a date with a girl and she made a joke about the same thing. That I'm real attractive until you get to my face or something like that. I shouldn't let anything a woman says get to me, and she seemed really into me judging by how much she touched me but I just dropped her off at her place and went home to drink. Missed out on pussy cause the bants was too real.
>she backed off when we got to the bedroom and she got a look of my face in the light. Like she visually shivered and called me a butter face
>she visually shivered
poor Quasimodo
99% of the time this happens because people think that because they go to the gym, they are entitled 7-9/10s
If you haven't realized already, 90% of physical attraction for females is all FACE. Having a good body will increase your rating by 1, if you have a Greek sculpture as a body but face is 4/10, you go for average or ugly girls
Stop thinking you're entitled to the same girls as male models, and if you're one of those guys who makes fun of fat/unfit women, chances are those are the women that your genetics entitle you to, no more
> jews are the best!
> date women below your league
> :^)
>she backed off when we got to the bedroom and she got a look of my face in the light
> she visually shivered
You are such a fucking beta loser
Why so upset? No need to sugarcoat it, everything that o said is true. Females will choose a skinny fat body with a handsome face over the best natural body with an ugly face. Anybody can lift weights to get bigger, but outside of surgery, face is all on your genetics. You can't change them. Maybe you should adapt to reality, I'm not the one making threads about having a "butter face"
>be Nigerian
>current girlfriend is Icelandic
You can't stop me
Post jaw only
Tbqh you need to stop blubbering about this. You look great bro and some bitch who said your a butterface has probably had something similar to her. If it makes you feel better find a flaw of hers and make a.joke about it. You fucked up by now standing your ground and atleast leaving the bitch with a sour taste in her mouth, kek. You could be this fucking kid bro.