
>ethnic background

5'10" in the morning, and about 5'9.3" after slouching in my chair all day.


do you measure yourself daily in hopes that you will grow out of the manlet stage?

5'10" is the average for white males, but probably once every few weeks, unironically. I just want to get above average. My father was 6'2" at my age, supposedly, but my mother and her entire family are short people.





well we found our first shitposter

Half Macedonian / Serbian

>in betwen 6'0 and 6'1

I-im still 19, there's gotta be hope for me right guys?

do you mean European, Arabian or something else?


no you're basically done. You may get like 1 inch in the next five years but that's basically it. be happy that you're above average at all.

Dude you swallowed the Manlet pill way too hard. Get off Veeky Forums quick before you go to china and pay them 5k to break your fucking legs

182cm dutch

half gypsy and half serbbro?
how is that even possible?

wut? I'm pretty okay with my height. If I could be 5'10 at the end of the day, I'd be totally fine with my height.

Darn it.

>You may get like 1 inch in the next five years but that's basically it. be happy that you're above average at all.
I might be tall compared to my school mates (the average height in my year was 5'9/10 or something like that) but I'm a manlet in my family.


Not all that certain. Off the top of my head Russian / general Eurasian, northern native American, French, Irish, English, distant Ashkenazi Jew, a tad bit of Mediterranean and pacific Islander. Very possibly some other Asian roots that I'm not aware of, but it's likely largely Russian / the region that's modern day Ukraine.

There are large chunks missing of 2 whole branches of my family though.

or you could just say you're a mutt.

178cm 3/4 Greek 1/4 Arab here,average where i live.



I want to conquer some shit, brehs.


I could've, but decided to be explicit nearly to a point of excess.

Muh what?
M-Muh manlet e-e-e-etc?


my sincerest apology


I am the average here.

You don't really think you have ethnicity beyond generic white guy, do you?

how does it feel to come from a land of subhuman apes who feel the need to kill and rob eachother for a living?


where's your sister krenar? ill pay you 5 dollars for a quickie with her

I barely interact with any albanians and don't really look like one either. Most people think I'm native (switzerland) or I've gotten britan, american and south african, because our "r"s sound the same in albanian as in english and it's one of the few things that stuck with me.

Why does the Macedonian look so happy? I heard they have a nice coastline and an outdated aluminum plant.


at the end of the day, you're still a dirty albanian nigger

he just got done fucking your mom

the guy in the picture is not macedonian.he's gypsy albanian fyrom scum.macedonia has a coastline,fyrom doesn't.


Well, at least I'm not a slav.

Funniest thing about that is, my parents were smart enough to not give me a central european sounding name.

this,you should kys or pretend to be italian like the rest of the albos do

.t dirty greek

Serbia represent

But you'll never know that by looking at me. I don't even have an albanian passport anymore because I never want to visit that shithole again. But fair enough.

Dude you are telegraphing self-hatred. Just explain why that many pillboxes were required.

Oh jee.

Did you read anything I wrote? I'm very well integrated and no one even knows I'm albanian. Fuck is your problem serb?

>that one albanian that thinks hating his own kind will make him more liked

fuck off nigger

Is this a eugenics thread? I'm downski


W I T H I N 5 0 0 M I L E S



>the self-hatred meme
I just recognize that the place is a shithole, just like the rest of the balkans.

>or pretend to be italian like the rest of the albos do

they do this?


A Albanian man went to a carpenter and asked, "Can you build me a box that is two inches high, two inches wide, and fifty feet long?" "Hmm..." mused the carpenter. "It could be done, I suppose, but what would you want a box like that for?" "Well, you see," said the Albanian, "my neighbor moved away and forgot some things, so he asked me to send him his garden hose."

>filthy greeks and serbs thinking they're in any way superior to albanians
It's all shit, including you.

6.1 (187cm)
Serbian with some Montenegro ancestry

Pay your debts, malaka.

5'6" - 168cm

Portuguese/Spanish/South American Native


The Balkans can't be that bad. You guys have been willing to fight for it for a while now. Also you didn't explain the pillbox thing.

put a cock it in you autistic american

>Half English, half German


1/2 russian 1/4 azhkenazi 1/2 unknown (probs russian)

It is that bad and I honestly don't care what "my" people have been doing in the past. You're almost as bad as SJW who try to guilt trip whites for slavery. What the fuck can I change about what warmongerers did 25 years ago?

>What the fuck can I change about what warmongerers did 25 years ago?
kill yourself and spare the world of your shitty albo warmongerer/drug dealer/criminal genetics

Sorry, I'm actually Scotch/Irish/Alsatian. And according to that one dick size infographic eurocock isn't much of a threat.

like i give a fuck, put a cock in it you curly red headed faggot

>what can I do about slavery in the past
>kill yourself you white male and spare the world of your shitty white slaver trading genetics
Really makes you think.

Funny the guy is in fact a greek, so you're right he's a gypst albanian "pseudogreek" scum

>100% slavic goodness

you can tell by the nose, also a distant relative has the family tree written down to the 16th century and they haven't really moved further from the austrian/czech/polish area a lot


185cm Danish

Too bad it's pretty much average height here, but I feel like a giant when visiting other non-scandinavian countries

North German (I think)

are you a doge?

african & english


1.86 (6'1"?)

>tfw average height among my Dutch peers
Luckily I live in Rotterdam where 50% of the population is non white so I'm still taller than 90% of the people on the street :^)


West african / Irish

5ft9 real height
6ft1 with my height inserts

>not even a royal manlet
>acting like a royal manlet

5'11 dutch and french.
My body type is gg. Gains are easy because of french genes and dutch genes give me a chad face. Shit is cash as fuck



I'm a pajeet. Genetic freak over here, I tower over almost everybody in my country.

British White

its friday,shouldn't you be at your mosque?

You need to go back

All my Dad's side of the family (Scottish/Irish) are short arses so I'm guessing I get my height from my Mother's superior viking genes.

>it's an everyone on Veeky Forums is 5'9"+ episode

like over half of the CBT images show 5'5" manlets so stop lying.

>like over half of the CBT images show 5'5" manlets so stop lying.

will you fuck off and let me feel tall for once?

ITT everyone lies.

I aint lying senpai. This is me.
Why would I lie about being average? Also don't fucking quote every fucking post you insufferable faggot.

Triggered shorty detected

5'9 Egyptian Male. Other than height, shit is pretty cash.

My peepee is 6 inches.

So there.


so close to 6'0 master race yet so far

maybe they finally learned?

lol at /mlp/ virgin %


>avg age 18
So 18 was the lowest they were allowed to input?
>short, fat virgins
Why am I not surprised?


She is perfect wife material.
Would marry the fuck out of her.

English/Italian/French/German/Irish mix
About as much as a mutt as you can get.

She's 4'7", not memeing.