Why the fuck can't I do a full set of pullups? My lifts improved a lot since last time I tried but it's like it doesn't matter at all. I can barely do 3 reps. What do I do to improve?

180cm, 73kg BW, about 14% b%
ohp 45kgx5
bench 70kgx5
squat 100kgx5
dl 110kgx3

Other urls found in this thread:


You do more pull ups.

I simply set a number of pull ups to do, like 3 reps or whatever, over however many sets I need and then increase that by 1 or 2 reps every week (or twice every week).

Practice doing more pullups.

Thanks anons, if I can't finish a set should I start doing negatives or rest untill I can do the next rep?

Also I think you're underestimating your bf% at that height and weight. Also your squat is suspiciously high compared to your DL. I wouldn't worry too much, but it might be worth it to post a video of you squatting.

I'd rest.

So if I had to do 10 reps total but I knew my rep max is 3, then I'd just do 1 pull up for 10 sets. It's whatever, really.

desu I think my DL is just especially weak rather than my squat being high. Or because I started with SS for a while....

Aight. Get up to 80kg and train hard and you'll hit 160-180kg for Christmas.

Once you are done with your... lets say 5x3 sets of pull ups, you could do some sets of eccentric pull ups.
I do those sometimes and they have helped me reach quite the decent weighted pull up after many months.

Do you have access to a lat pulldown machine? I usually do a few sets of pullups to failure and then completely ruin myself on the lat pulldown machine.

Use an assistance band and do sets of 5 until failure.

4 weeks from now you will be able to do 10 pull ups strict, guaranteed.

Try to do sets like a "pyramid"
1 rep
2 rep
3 rep
4 rep
3 rep
2 rep
1 rep

It s easier and you will improve fast

What is the definition of high test girls?

Go to symmetricstrength, plug in your weight, height and age, and scroll down to see the strength standards
The difference (in kg) between untrained and world class for pull ups and bench, or squats, is huge.
You are supposed to improve on pull ups, just not as much as in the other lifts.

Wew thanks anons, I'll make you proud I promise

I try to use progressive overload, like 2,5kg extra each time I deadlift.

Do you guys think I can deadlift heavy twice a week? Should I increase the weight twice as well? Deadlifting 110kg for 5 sets currently take a lot effort.

A lot of that has to do with how symmetricstrength gets its data.

I'd recommend a heavy day and a light or medium day (but really, considering the weight you're using I'd mostly recommend eating and hardening the fuck up. My 185cm 75kg friend has DLd 170kg and he be lanky).

Heavy 5x5
Light 3x10

Seriously though, just do more pull ups. You don't need all that shit. Pull ups.

Yeah deadlift more.

CNS fatigue from deadlifting more than once a week is a myth. I've trained with people who deadlift 3 times a week and that's why they're strong as fuck.

Do as much volume for your lifts as you can recover from. Any less is suboptimal.

3 week ago i could barely do 4 reps in a row

so i just kept doing 4 sets until failure 3 times a week and now i can do 10 in a row

just find a method and stick to it and you'll get there senpai

if i've been cutting on 1600-1700 how many calories should i eat on my cheat day? im thinking 2500? should i eat more than that or less what would be optimal

On pull days PPL I lose the feeling in my left forearm and my grip starts slipping, it just happens mid workout and I either do some push exercises or train legs for 20 minutes waiting for it to come back
Any suggestions

Wtf? Cheat day??

Dude, stop planning in cheat days and have them when you REALLY feel the need to cheat, and then don't make it a cheat DAY make it a cheat MEAL. I mean fuck.

Also if you're cutting on 1600 calories then you're a girl, a massive manlet or someone who doesn't need to cut.

my bad bro I meant a cheat meal...im still eating my usual healthy foods but thinking about ordering a pizza today because i feel like it..usually i eat cheal meals on saturdays but today im really craving it. Maybe you're right i shouldn't have a set date and just listen to my body

I could only do about 2 chinups in a set before technical failure set in on the 3rd.

I can now bang out sets of 8 without problem.

The key to getting better at pullups/chinups is TOTAL VOLUME and FREQUENCY

Do a set of 2 chinups/pullups after every set of any other exercise. I now do a set of 4 after all of my other exercises, essentially meaning I get about 60 reps in per workout.

Form-wise: if you're doing pullups imagine bending the bar. For both chins and pullups you'll want to focus on 'pulling with your elbows' to minimize the use of musculature other than your lats.

im a dude i'm 180cm 72kg

How many weeks have you been cutting for? If it's less than 3 then you shouldn't.

When I lose weight and I feel like I need a cheat meal I go do something for an hour and then reconsider. Usually my final decision is no.

DON'T CUT!!! What're your lifts? You need to eat and GAIN. Bulk to 85kg, cut to 77kg for summer.

Look up armstrong pullup program, 10-15 minutes a day 5 days/week and really works.

in total or since my last cheat meal?

it's been a week since my last cheat meal and i've been cutting in total for 4 weeks.

i have logged my weight everyday it's been weird i can show u my log if u want. it's my first time cutting btw

>Have a day where I do as many pullups as possible to see if I improve
>other days I do pull ups with ankle weights, then no weights, then resistance band to help me pull out a few more.

see improvements quick as fug i can see how people claim to get in shape by using pull ups only but i still rather go to the gym


my lifts are absolute shit I just got back into lifting again...but i wanted to get really lean before doing SL beginner routine and then lean bulk for a year or so...last time i fell for the eat big to get big meme i gained too much weight and got stretch marks on my biceps and hips

how much weight do I have to lose to be 12% bf if im 70 kg right now and 5'9 ? Not enough information ik but I want a number that will 100% ensure that im 12% bf

dont listen to the guy saying you should bulk. I made the same mistake , I was 75 at 5'9 and I bulked and even though I got strength gains , it was really demotivating to see my numbers go up but not look better aesthetically at all

Instead cut till you are ~65 kg and then start bulking. It will be easier to track your progress over a short period of time

Increase volume over time and do more pullups.
To progress, ff you can't increase reps finish your sets off with slow negatives for example.

Look, I can tell you this: I see so many skellies stay skellies without adding that much onto their lifts and complain about their lack of progress both aesthetically and strength wise. You are lean already, you are at most skinny fat.

You can get a 160kg sq, 130kg b and 200kg dl if you just eat and train hard and then cut down for summer. I'm not asking you to become obese, I'm asking you to try and do something that is uncomfortable for a while to reap massive rewards a year later. If you plan your bulk cut correctly you will gain a lot of muscle and get to show it off in time.

No one cares what you look like for Christmas.

I'm leaving the thread now, do whatever you want.

tbf people have different body types , most skellies are ectomorphs , and im 50 meso and 38 endo

When you bulk just measure your bf% every fortnight and avoid going too much over 17%, try and hover around 15% where possible but don't sweat it too much.

Measure with calipers

I can't do a single pullup, any tips on how to approach them ? I've been working with lat pulldowns, trying to reach bodyweight levels, but besides that I don't really know what to do.


Can you do chinups?

Do negatives.

How did you get those numbers? A skellie is an "ectomorph" because he's used to not eating a lot, perhaps because of how he was brought up, perhaps because he has genes which suppresses his appetite compared to fatties. A skellie can very easily become a different somatotype by eating more.

Somatotypes are excuses in pseudo-scientific packaging.

You have no idea how much your advice is appreciated...A little bit about me..In the past i've bulked for a year twice and both times failed my cutting and both times i quit lifting only to go back and try again...I have never been able to do a succesful cut..so i'm afraid to pack on muscle and lose it all again... but being a skelly was never my goal either so yeah you've convinced me to bulk again and this time im gonna watch my bodyfat so i dont get demotivated..and maybe incorporate some mini cuts if needed...thanks a lot Veeky Forums you guys are not so bad sometimes

Thank you for the advice, I will try to do some when I go to the gym tomorrow. Also, I don't know about chinups, I haven't tried.

This guy has a good idea of what's worth it or not: Consistency is key, don't stop training.
What programming are you running right now?

I learned thru using an iron gym and getting a chair. I got myself in the pullup pos. using the chair and let myself down slowly. I did this until I was comfortable w/ the feel and did it without the chair assist. You could do the same with assisted pull up machine or pull-up bar with a high chair stool thing. But what others said are fine too

Right now just my own stuff and i do a lot of cardio so i can eat more and still lose weight.
But maybe starting next week i'm gonna hop on SL 5x5 unless you have a better suggestion?

I got the numbers from bodybuilding .com
Ik that theres no science behind somatotypes I wanted to explain what I looked like without taking a picture of myself .

Glad you appreciate it. I've been in similar positions and for the past year I've steadily bulked but kept an eye on my bf%. If I notice I'm putting on too much fat I'll spend a couple of weeks intermittent fasting until it's about 15% again and then continue bulking slowly.


1RM = 1 rep max
5x1 1RM-7.5kg (1)
3x3 (1)-7.5kg (2)
3x5 (2) - 10kg (3)

4x7 (3)-2.5kg

7x3 (2)-2.5kg

Triceps 2x12-15
Biceps 2x12-15
Hamstring curls 2x20
Face pulls 2x20
Lats 2x12-15
Lateral raises 2x12-15 (don't take them above parallel, heck you can be a bit below parallel)

You increase bench 2.5kg/week, squat 2.5kg/session, deadlifts 2.5kg/session

If you feel like fuck, you're tired and sore and shit (this usually happens first at about week 3 or 4) then just skip the accessories a couple of times.

You will have to change how you program squats and deadlifts after a few months, then you could start doing 5/3/1 for them and have Friday be volume day for squats and DL.

If you run this then you'll see insane gains.

It might be smart to start with GSLP and then move over to my program with 5/3/1 squat/DL immediately since it'll help you deal with the huge amount of volume my program has haha.

What is a good number of
>bodyweight squats
to be able to do for someone who doesn't go to the gym?

I've heard of these assisted pullup machines, but my gym doesn't have one. I'll try doing negatives and see where I end.

>bodyweight squats

get out

sweet im saving all this info..so from now on i should just train 3 times a week? is it okay if i continue cardio? i really like running so i'd hate to give that up...thanks again user

this worked best for me
1) test your max amount of pull ups you can do
lets say your max is 10
2)the next day do this
75% of your max as first set (we could use 7 as 75%), the next are 6,5,4,3... 3min breaks
so it goes like this:
1st day: 7 6 5 4 3
2nd day: 7 6 5 4 4
3rd day: 7 6 5 5 4
4th day: 7 6 6 5 4
5th day 7 7 6 5 4
6th day: rest
7th day: 8 7 6 5 4
and so on...
3) when your 75%of max reps gets to around 12-15, the decreases should increase to 2 so it would go like this:
15 13 11 9 7
15 13 11 9 9... and so on
Try to do pull ups slowly, 2 seconds up, 2 seconds down!

Not the user you're talking to, but can you explain what this means

>4x7 (3)-2.5kg

If you like running then do it, but you might wanna reduce the amount of times you run to once or twice a week. If you feel that the amount of time you spend in the gym is too long then just move the lower body stuff to another day.

So maybe
M Bench
T squat
W Bench
T deadlift
F bench

You look at where I wrote (3), which was here:
3x5 (2) - 10kg (3)

Then you take that calculated weight and reduce it by 2.5kg.

Example bench starting week:

1RM 100kg
5x1 92.5kg
3x3 85kg
3x5 75kg
4x7 72.5kg
7x3 82.5kg

Dont stop running mate. Beside the fun good cardio is very important.

is that gay peoples muscles look like

I used to be kind of sorta Veeky Forums but stopped working out for about a year and half. Long story short, my fatass gained 50 pounds.

If lose 50 pounds in 5 months will I have saggy skin? If not can I maybe push it but further and do it in 3 1/2 months without having loose skin?

Thanks for the explanation. I will switch to your routine in a month or a month and a half when I start bulking.

how the fuck do you gain 50 pounds in 1 and a half years? I gained 70 pounds in 7 years before i started working out.

I know I fucked up badly

pretty much I got into a relationship and we went out to eat and spent time together almost everyday cause she had to leave to her home country after the school year.

Asking for a bf estimate - the bf thread seems to have died so asking here.

6 foot tall, 161 pounds. 33 inch waist. On a cut. Noob and only been lifting for a couple of months.

Do you still lose weight if you alternate between TDEE + 500 and TDEE - 1000 days?
On average, you still eat TDEE - 500 / day, so it would make sense to lose weight.

Any grills in? How the fuck do you go to the gym while on your period?Besides the pain, I have no energy whatsoever. Do you go and just do a lighter workout or battle through it and beastmode it until you drop (even if it means a shorter workout)?

Is there any food/supplements I can be taking to give me the extra energy?

keep working on lat pulldowns

Just use a tape measure and use the Navy method. It's got about 2% error margin.

Or buy some calipers, they're really cheap


Am I overtraining my legs doing cardio every day?

I've been jogging/biking every day for this week and my legs feel sore. I know overtraining is a thing for bodybuilding but I have no idea if it applies to cardio too

Why does everyone buy shaker cups for protein powder? Why can't I just use my nalgene bottle?

Your shoulders aren't very strong at around 100 lbs OHP. Although you should be able to spread your lats and not use much of any other muscle, there are plenty that inadvertently do.

Use the assisted machine to see where you are at based on absolutely dead weight

Did that, got 17% which sounded way to good, I felt like I was 20% at the very least.

Heard that calipers have a 10% margin of error or is that just a meme?

I can do 20 reps of pull/chin ups - is there anything left in the way of gains if I stick with them or would I benefit more by moving on to weighted or more taxing variations?

Drink something caffeinated and pop an advil. Don't let your period be an excuse to slack off, fellow femanon.

depends how shit at using them you are.

calipers, tape measure, electromachine thingy all have a similar error of between 2-5% when used properly and you are within a relatively normal weight range.

OK, will get some calipers then. Hard to tell what's a meme and what isn't on here sometimes...

Navy-thing says I'm 16%. Could that be right, that I'm around 18% at most, given how I look?

Where can I get some Veeky Forums smoothie recipes, senpai-a-lama-senpai-kun??

Those are improved lifts?
At 180cm?

What the fuck, are you even trying?

Any tips on low bar squat bar placement ? I like the form a lot more but it feels like the bar will roll forward or backward at any moment and then RIP.

Yeah it seems a pretty sensible estimation to me.

Just be consistent with the measurements you take and it'll serve it's purpose for judging changes in bf% over time


you're pretty much doing cardio at this point. Start doinged weighted pull ups

shaker cups have that whisk ball. I guess you can get one of those and toss it into a bottle, but the narrow neck might be an issue.


your body doesn't work on a day by day basis. You don't have a little calorie accountant that crunches the numbers at night while you sleep. Net calories consumed over a long period of time determines if you lose weight or not. So, if by the end of the week you ate -3000/4000 and +2000/1500, you're still at a deficit and will lose weight.


I don't know how to describe it exactly but tense up your shoulder blades and your muscles literally make a shelf for the bar to sit on.

My past two sessions have had my knees caving while coming out of the hole on my squat (low-bar obviously)

should I deload and focus on shoving my knees out throughout the movement or continue progressing? I am a novice and I was doing 190 pounds, I have been lifting for almost 2 months

Maybe train your pullups?
Fucking Christ, the retards on this board.
>my squat has improved a lot but i cant do a single bicep curl, wtf how comes?

>tfw you fell for the weightlifting meme

eat more

How much are they caving? It's not a huge issue and once your quads get stronger it should stop being a problem. Just really focus on twisting the top of your thighs outwards to engage your quads fully.

pretty significantly, like, enough that my knees were no longer parallel with my feet or above them

today is my day off so I'll actually be able to eat regularly thankfully

Do more quad accessory work. Are they caving in warmup sets too?

I literally feel back to normal just one-two hours after workout.
It doesn't matter how much or how hard i lift.
Two hours and i don't feel like i've been lifting anymore.

Does this mean my recovery time is two hours?


no my warm-up sets are fine in that regard

Try this


After a workout (especially if ab heavy) I get a lot of soreness along the bottom of my rib cage. It makes sense on ab days, but sometimes I get it on days when I barely worked abs. It also doesn't really feel like a muscle, it's just the bottom edge of my ribcage. Does everyone get this and just no one mentions it? Is there a muscle there and I'm just not aware of it?

I still have a tiny bit of fat I'd like to lose but it's taking forever as it's stubborn fat. Can I just do mini-cuts every 2 months or so? I just got out of a 6 month deep cut and don't want to continue anymore.

Will dumbbell side bends help against wide hips? (male)

this stupid meme needs to stop. Your body doesn't just flip a switch
