Be me

>be me
>second year of uni
> sex with 2 girls made out with 3
>fail every single time I try to talk to girls out or at parties or with my friends.
>have one girl I consistently bang from hs which for a while was basically keeping me sane.
> we were good friends but she was still a massive whore and has fucked 17 guys so far.
> she only sleeps with me right now and I've started to catch feelings. She wants to get wifed up and always says how she "regrets her past" which ik is bs
What do ? Stop seeing her and work on myself try to find other girls? Or just keep digging this myself deeper ?
Also power cleans or squats first

Slowly distance yourself from her
It'll be better in the long run

My only fear is that once she's gone it's back to the days of 0 female interaction. I really hate that

Well that might happen so you gotta weigh the pros and cons
I'd start looking owing for a new fwb asap though

I think you should keep the option open.

What I would do, personally, is stay friends with her, and bang her when we're both down for that, but wouldn't exclusively see her. I would hang out with other girls and see if I find anyone that may be more interested/interesting. If down the line it seems she genuinely does regret her past, and wants to change and that change includes me, provided I hadn't found a better girl, I would pursue that change with her.

Or, you know, you could dip your dick one more time and then ditch her. If it really bothers you she was once a slut, that's not gonna change and will ruin any relationship down the line.

We aren't exclusive to each other. She'd like to be but knows I want to fuck around with other girls and we're both allowed to do whatever we want. But I still always fail with the other girls and never get any.

Depends what's your priority. If you care about Big 3: squats. If not really - cleans. You gonna lose shit ton of explosiveness if you do them second.

I had a similar relationship. Was banging this girl and we both fell pretty hard for eachother. It was awesome af for about a month, and then, before we were about to hit up a bar for the night, she" friendzoned" me because "she wasn't in a good place mentally for a relationship." I was pretty depressive for a few days, and eventually ended up going getting dragged out by a bro, his gf and his gf's friend. Ended up fucking his girlfriend's friend, and the first girl found out about it. She freaked out and called some one night when I happened to be drunk bragging about fucking some guy at her uni. I still like her so, being drunk, got pretty mad. Lots of feelings came out on both ends and to shorten an already long blog post we're back together in somewhat of a confusing but hot relationship.

Guess I took an essay to say anything could happen dude. Just keep an open mind.


I was and still am a lot like you. If you like her stay with her. But the fact of the matter is a lot of girls who fit this profile are unstable and not worthy partners. From mine and friends anecdotal experiences they'll often end up cheating on you or at least be fucking nutso. So logically commitment should be out of the question. Probably a good fuckbuddy but given your past you're probably not ready for a fuckbuddy that you won't get attached too. In your head you know the right decision.

We both admitted we like each other but I remained adamant that I can't date throughout that so we didnt. But we've been having sex since last January so it feels ``````stable`````` but due to the fact that she is a women I know better than to think it is

Estrogen is a hell of a drug man. I do know that. But also keep in mind she could really actually like you the way she says she does.

looks like you realized you're too ugly to hook up with normal looking girls, so you have to resort to the schools 4/10 slut

sucks to be you

if you're even considering being in an exclusive relationship with a girl that has fucked 17 guys you must be fucking retarded

the only reason you think your not gonna find someone else if because you have low self esteem. you have banged girls in the past and you will in the future. dont be a fucking sad cunt an ditch this slut. can you imagine having a girlfriend thats had 17 dicks inside her jesus christ fuck that shit i would be ashamed

What if you had fucked 17+ girls?

strong and valuable genetics

Just accept that men and women are in no way equivalent already.

He's just sexist, ignore him.

Yeah it's kind of a turn off, and this is gonna sound a little queer, but love is love.

Besides that, epithelial tissue renews itself every 30 days, and something like a vagina is gonna do that even faster. You aren't fucking the same sausage wallet the other guys did.

>men and women are the same despite qualitative biological, neurobiological and teleological difference

>17 guys
Enjoy getting cucked faggot, who knows what she'll do if you do wife her up; once a hoe always a hoe.

They are absolutely not the same. The problem here is a lot simpler than male/female. You're just being a hypocrite. It's really that simple.

nice ad hominen attack bro

Nice ad hominem attack bro

If you actually think about it the concept that a girl having sex with numerous guys (without breaking into truly extreme figures) devalues a woman in any significant way is a purely subjective view born of obsolete social expectations.
Unless they've had a history and presently display a habit of cheating just because they've been promiscuous doesn't mean shit when it comes to being faithful.

Or, you know, are literally littered with STDs, which is the reason that view arose in the first place.

Look you're not gonna convince me. I have my opinion on these kinds of girls. My thread was about what to do with the one on my hands and my sex life in general.

As long as they've practiced relatively basic levels of safe sex and get checked every now and again STI's really shouldn't be a great deal of an issue.

It's been proven that sluts are more likely to cheat and more likely to divorce.

She showed me her test results so at least I know she is clean

You are aware you can change your opinion?
If you're only into her because of the fact no other women will interact with you in a similar sense it may be a doomed relationship from the start anyway. if you;re genuinely into her as a person it would be worth trying to change outdated views for the sake of actually being happy with someone.
Keep seeing her if you're having fun but make it clear you don't have intentions of a relationship so you don't lead her on.
Can just friends with benefits while you go for other girls?

I'd really like to see some of that proof.

There's some graphs that have been floating around Veeky Forums for years which basically show that the more partners a woman has the less value she has as a long term partner.

Attractive women will have more sex. Same goes for men who have better game (or who at least TRY more). It's not rocket science.

The reality is that you should know if a girl is LTR worthy within the first few intimate conversations with her. Number of partners is a factor (and can be a symptom of a problem) but shouldn't be the only factor. You should be able to read a persons personality well to know if they're mentally stable or not.

Also correlation != causation to the autists arguing that women with high # of partners cheat more (although the stats are legit).

Don't "wife" a girl if you're under 30.

Don't become a fucking statistic, you knob.

Hmmmmm not totally convinced myself, stuff like that is extremely hard to quantify.

Power clean before squats. You won't be able to power clean effectively after exhausting your legs on squats, and the loading for power cleans is light enough to not impact legs too much.

>he's just sexist
>love is love
jesus fuck what happened to Veeky Forums

I mean in the sense of date. But either way I can't justify it


It's almost like you can't read.
I'll told her I won't date her because of that fact
Now I'm asking you monkeys what I should do mentally and emotionally to better myself

But that doesn't delete her past