With the popularity of tattoos in recent years within the bodybuilding community, do you have tats? If so...

With the popularity of tattoos in recent years within the bodybuilding community, do you have tats? If so, what type would you get?

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Another pic of this guy's tats

Only my Calvin pissing on a Ford logo and Tasmanian Devil tattoos.

I don't get what she sees in that short fetal alcohol syndrome soft looking fuck. Bet he cant even squat 3pl8s

This game was rigged from the start, and his tattoos are fucking gay.

i got a lot of tattoos but i got them before i took lifting seriously. some like em some dont, in the end who gives a shit

none and none

Tattoos are fucking degenerate unless they actually pertain to your ethnic background.

And you should absolutely judge girls with tattoos.

>fetal alcohol syndrome

I think they call that "asian"


>Mfw im asian and i look soft
>Mfw the game is rigged

why dont you become un-soft?

Thinking about getting picture related, not me but i want the exact same eagle and in the same place. What do you bros think?

Only tattoo i want, and will ever get. Always loved eagles too and want to be one in my next life when i end up passing away.

Looks like the eagle is looking to claw that nip

it would look better on your arm than on your chest. having a single tat on your chest like that looks awful.

wow user, it will definitely make you a unique person
this is really gonna show the whole world how special you are

Meh, i still think it looks mint.

I was tempted, but decided with my chest. Personally think it looks good, and will look sweet as fuck with my broad shoulders. I'm already picturing myself with the tattoo and wearing a tank-top.

Still don't know what i should do though.

in general tattoos should wear only members of gang, mma fighters, members of tribal clans in africa, members of special millitary formations. Unless you fall into these 4 categories you are as same as attention seeking 16 year old girl updating facebook status.

English is hard huh?

not really it is alot easier than German or French


Who the fuck would consider this a bodybuilder

>members of tribal clans in africa
Why Africa, specifically?


Thais are fucked.

>Gets buddhist tattoo
>Continues to whore themselves out, extort businesses or kill rival gang members

tattoos on girl = fucking dropped

>the bodybuilding community

It's a known fact that tattoos handicap you in competition. You're not talking about the bodybuilding community. You're talking about a bunch of preening, closet-homosexual youtubers who happen to take roids.

I have some American Traditional style tattoos of various degrees of edginess... The style isn't too common around here. Most people have grey scale wavy designs that say FAMILY in the middle or their gay last name.

Unless your a gang member, sailor, member of the military or a professional athlete or musician you shouldn't get tattoos.

My brother in law is paying $10,000 to get his prison tats removed. Most people regret them after a while..

Tattoos are common trash. Everyone who has one thinks its rebellious and makes them wild, but go to a working class event of any sort and literally 8/10 people have them.

I have respect for people who view it as an art project and get swathes of their body done, but otherwise it is just a predictable trash marker.

This may sound gay as fuck but have you tried to get that tattoo in henna first so you can see how it looks on you?

I like how she has to slouch and bend her knees so she doesn't appear taller than him.

do you see any tats here?

thought so

> have you ever tried just the tip to see if homosexuality is good for you?

Not sure why they would put stephen merchant's head on such a Veeky Forums statue. Weird.

It's a shitty trend in my opinion and I hope it fades away. I hate tattoos, never understood the appeal of them.

that below collarbone/uper pec writing is only fitting on a person that did time

worst tattoos are literally those spiderwebs on delts or elbows just for the fucking sake of covering skin

individual beautiful tattoos can be good but this is trash

I've got a dope print of fenrir and tyr on my thigh. all I got so far.


WHEN I win powerlifting nationals I'm gonna get a tattoo of an eleiko plate on one of my shoulderblades

> Girl #84563240 with infinity tattoo
> Guy with wacky but dramatic chest tattoo

Hilarious self-red flagging

Tats were relevant from 2008-2012, now they look generic af unless it's actually a unique pattern. Most of them have been done to death and just look bad.

If any of my friends drag me in to get a tattoo, i'll get a band of paper men around the peak of my bicep in blackwork, I have pretty low peaks, so it should look pretty good. I probably wouldn't get it on my own though, it's not a lack of want really, but a lack of care, it's really the last thing on my mind and i could spend my money elsewhere so much better.


All I think when I see someone covered in tattoos is "they are going to regret all of their life choices within 10 years"

So never then



Actually that's pretty okay, it's not terrible.

not a huge fan of those open skin tattoos but it is still cool

I hate everything but blackwork, so i think it's meh, but i'm picky as shit. looks aight.

Weak arms, i think you want /po/ and not Veeky Forums

Post pic

Hmm I wonder what he might be compensating for...

personally i dislike those torn skin/see beneath style tattoos. When u have seen one or two it gets old really fast

Fuck no. I'm going Hellenic purity mode.

Most guys with tats I see are just spiritual "I'm just expressing myself, dude" types.

I personally disagree. Some can look really cool depending on the skill of the tattoo artist. I always like a well drawn 'flesh tattoo' that looks like an open wound if it's realistic.

>"special" military "formations"
Do you mean units? Because formation is something you stand in. And also you might want to tell every navy in the world that they're wrong about who should have tattoos

this desu senpai, baka

>tfw gf looks legit close to a hellen qt
>has a piercing on her nose
>wants to have more
>want's a lot of tattoos too

>>ripped and juicy
>>still a dicklet

Pretty much Veeky Forums: the Statue.

>tattooing 3D effects onto your body

That's extremely gay. It always looks corny as fuck in person, when a person is moving and you see it from different angles.

That makeup though

they did statues for a lot of reasons but pornography wasn't one
that's why they are "dicklets".


I drew out a tattoo for my back that I'm going to reward myself with when I get my degree. It's something legitimately unique and relevant to my life, and I'm going into a field where aesthetics aren't taken into consideration for anything anyway.

>true color of greek statues.jpg
>emperor augustus


I guess he just didn't learn and then ended up a hotter gf than you will ever achieve user

>not sticking your foot long schlong into your asshole so it doesn't hinders you in battle
It's like you want the gauls to win

He's clearly taller though so what're you on about

I've considered a small Brand of Sacrifice on one of my shoulder blades but I doubt I'll ever go through with it.

thinking of getting one that say "drink more water" on my ribs whatcha think

>ITT lanklets mad that manlet is just a meme

No I have a bigboy job.

Yeah I have 3, all the same story. Was drunk, young, and in the Navy. At least they're all really small. I have a small anchor on my chest, four leaf clover on my left shoulder (grandpa/ancestry from ireland), and pop eye the sailors small head on my other shoulder lel. Thought it was funny at the time.

>>Implying Gauls weren't provincial Romans for a greater part of the empire's history than not
>>Implying the Gauls were ever a serious threat except when another border was in danger
>>Implying the Franks didn't smash those Gallic faggots better than the Romans could anyway

Wew lad.

I always wanted a cool tattoo when I was 14 then I grew up.

I'm at work. maybe later if this bread isn't kill

Sailor Moon tattoo?

Tattoos are trashy OP

>this game was rigged from the start

kek, gonna start using this

it was more like Power Rangers

Oh no, one guy doesnt think she is attractive
Now she only has 249 999 left, how will she survive?

>doesn't list sailors