Safe benching without a spotter?

I just moved to Germany for a year and know literally no one. I have a gym and go regularly, but I don't have any Gym bros to help me out because I literally just got here. I definitely don't want to be that asshole who gets stuck under the bar and has to make someone stop their workout to save me. Is there any good way to bench safely without a spotter? I can feel my gains leaving my body as I type this.

what are safety bars?
use them till you found a gymbro

I would but they don't have them here.

do weighted dips instead

Do weight you know you can do.
Increase only when you know you can.

>Is there any good way to bench safely without a spotter?
Bench at manageable weight?

People are very friendly over here.
We also enjoy proper education so around 90% of the youth and even adults is able to understand you just fine.

So ask for a spot.
Where in Germany do you live?

Never go past your 5 rep max

if a final rep is going to take 100% then don't do it

Outside of Muenster. I speak alright German as well, but sometimes it's difficult for me to understand other people since they talk a bit fast for me.

>bench at a manageable weight
Even at a manageable weight, by your last set you could still easily fail.

What the fuck is this shit, kek

Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind

if you're that worried, do them in a power rack with safeties

People who have never had to do the roll of shame or let the weights fall off each side and completely embarrass themselves.

Totally embarrassing yeah, I mean what would all the people think? No way!

All these autistic faggots in this thread...

Just ask someone!

Hell, I'm autistic and even I can get a spot when going alone.

This is exactly why I made this thread I want to avoid that at all costs without hurting my gains or slowing my progress

It's fine, just ask them for a spot and everything will be alright.
People in this thread are obviously retarded, don't listen to them.

Just get a spot and try hard.

Thanks anons. I'll go for it next time!

That you're a fucking dyel. Always get a laugh when I see someone fail like a retard. I help them though.

Find whats comfortable for you. You should always be doing at least 2 warmup sets. One at really low weight, one with a bit more, then the rest where you should be. If you're finding it difficult to complete the last set, either give yourself a little bit longer of a rest, or take off a small amount of weight.

Don't put clips on the bar, if you're stuck under it turn the side and plate drops off

At my school gym they have these angled spot racks for the bench. There angled so it is higher nearer where your head is and lower where your chest is. It works so if you need to bail you just move the weight above your head and it racks, but you still get full ROM by your chest. I can't find it online, but it is helpful.

Kek, I am sure you'd think I was DYEL when I barely missed 150% of your max.

This is fine for anything under 80 kgs, after that you can injure yourself pretty badly.

I have a nasty scar on my abdomen.

>Roll of shaming that much fucking weight
>Letting the weights fall off with that much fucking weight
You trying to injure yourself and other people you stupid fuck?

Who even mentioned a roll btw? The first and most logical answer is to get a spotter.

Your first answer was to never max out.

I can't really believe that you are actually trying to defend this stupid advice.

>Who even mentioned a roll btw
The entire thread is how to avoid kill yourself when you have no spotter dumbass.

Roll of shame

No, the thread is about OP being in a new country and not having a gym bro you autistic retard.
OP literally accepted the "just get a spotter answeres already".

>people this stupid browse fit
It explains so much

He literally asked
>Is there any good way to bench safely without a spotter?
Can you even fucking read?

but that was not the issue.
is how to do without a spotter, working out is not some group activity for everyone

Ask for a spot TO get gymbro's

No one in his right mind would go out of his way to just to bench without a spotter, solely because he doesn't have a gymbro at hand.

The correct answers is to man up and get a spotter.
I know your autism makes it hard, but you can do it.

The second best answer is to bench in the squat rack with safties applied.
I know your autism might make you think you can't do that because it's weird, but you can do it!

And the third best answer is to use no clips and learn how to bail benches.
I know, once again your autism makes you fear the judgment of others, but hold strong, you can do it.

>would go out of his way to just to bench without a spotter
I go out of my way to bench without a spotter because I like lifting alone. I gym with a bro but we do our own thing unless we're trying to do our max, but that wasn't the original question.
>Taking up a squat rack for your bench, especially if there is only 1-2 squat racks
>Bailing benches when you're doing heavy weight
Enjoy being retarded.

Ask me how I know you never benched over 3 pl8

Just do this,
Entschuldigung, können/kannst Sie/du bitte mir helfen. Ich muss X Wiederholungen shaffen.

Says the guy who thinks it's fucking safe to roll the weights off when doing 3pl8.

It's not. You'll injure yourself or someone else.


How the fuck am I going to injure someone?
I remember at least 3 times that I rolled that weight or something close to underneath or above it and it went without a problem.

2 rolls, 1 drop. 3 plates and maybe some tiny shit each side, that's it.
Do you think these plates suddendly jump across the room and hit people in the head or what the fuck do you expect?

A quick check left and right and you drop them, done.

>A quick check left and right and you drop them, done.
Not everyone is that calm when you're failing. Just because you personally have never hurt someone or yourself doesn't mean someone else wont.
Also dropping weight on one side and not being ready for the weight change can cause you to injure yourself easily.

It's just a fucking stupid idea all around, why would you do it?

How much do you bench? I don't think it really becomes a safety concern until you got 315 over you

It's not a stupid idea, it takes little amounts of practice and common sense.

I mean, who the fuck I surprised by the bad snapping back after you dropped one sides plates?

Any proper linear progression program, bench or not, has you peak eventually in someone kind of form.
Be it in 1s, 3s, 5s or more.

And if you limit yourself because you are sacred if trying the last reps or the heavy weight, then you are slowing yourself down tremendously.

And that's not even mentioning that it is possible to miss judge, since you are human and not perfect.
So what then? You don't have a spotter, no safties and aren't prepared for the roll.


well i'm assuming you know how to forge your own plates, why not craft an iron benching collar as well?

That way if the bar rolls back on your neck, the collar will keep it from crushing your throat.


Don't fall for the strength meme and do 8-12 reps never to failure

It's not limiting yourself. It's knowing your boundaries.
I rep 275lbs and I've never benched with a spotter or dropped weights because I couldn't finish. I'll stop if I know I can't do the next rep. Going to failure just seems silly.

dumbbell bby


OP is a fag

pretty simple desu

slowly increase your load and when you find yourself doing that thing where you put one arm ahead of the other and/or cant do reps the same speed as others you decrease the weight or do a little less reps

itt skinny fags who have never gone over 225 because they're afraid to ask for a spot.

Convert to islam, go to any worship place of them
Enjoy getting to know 80% of germans, also free pussy to rape
You can even get a German nationality if you try hard enough

>yeah, it took me eight months to bench 1pl8, why?

Then go to another gym.

Just ask someone. They will help.

Kannst du mir hilfen?

Can you help me?

As far as I know, there is no verb for "to spot"

Some other phrases you may hear/need:

>Brauchst du hier/diese?
>Do you need here/these?

>Wie lange hast du hier?
>How long do you have here?

>Wie viele mehr Sätze hast due?
>How many more sets do you have?

>Ich bin (fast) fertig.
>I am (almost) done.

Check out the app called opensport. It's tinder for sports/lifting

Idk if it's on Germany tho

I started bench at 1pl8 + 25. Former fatty masterrace.

Your german is terrible mate