>Woooooeeee these results are terrible
>You have the heart of a 90 year old in your 20's
>You bought illegal injectable drugs from a foreign website?
>You were advised by the "resident expert cartoon imageboard poster"?
>What do you mean by, "I was shown the light" by, "/fraud/ and r/srs" ??
Other urls found in this thread:
>shows me the results
>hands me a blank peice of paper
And people thought I was retarded
Congratulations on overcoming your depression and becoming a doctor.
I regret taking my first steroid. I'm 23 and can't do cardio for me than 60 seconds. My heart and liver are very close to giving out. And I lost all my gains and look worse than before I started lifting. The brief moment of gains, glory, and erectile dysfunction weren't worth it
Kek I'll take the b8 just to keep everyone else informed. none of that is from steroid use unless you decided to do some of the following (that you're not supposed to do):
Ran tons of orals (they're garbage)
Didn't take an AI
Didn't eat right
Was a fat piece of shit before you started
You should be a low bf before started, make sure to regularly take AI, monitor your e2 levels, take a pct and continue doing cardio and you'll have zero problems.
Only thing I've ever gotten is mild trendick and increased acne on tren and I've ran SARMs, orals, PHs, oil based test, EQ, tren, etc.
>You were advised by the "resident expert cartoon imageboard poster"?
>tfw somehow managed to get a date for today
>tfw 1:30 am
Having no friends is a nightmare, I pretty much rely on girls to go out.
Do yourself a favour and make some friends /fraud/
>you take advice from an anonymous poster on a chinese cartoon board with no credible scientic resources to support any of their claims?
why is the thread so slow? everyone is natty now or what?
yeah man
2014-15 was the meme year for gear
Hype is over
hello lads, took a 12 week cycle of test e last summer, got off and everything is great. Although i've been paranoid wondering this ruined my testosterone production for the future even though i have no signs of low testosterone. I am interested in doing another 12 week cycle of 500mg/w of test e, just wondering what are ways i can mitigate the damage to my endocrine system, once i get off i want my testosterone to be intact again. Wat do?
forgot a crucial bit of information, i'm 20yrs old
bro chill, you have like 17 years to get and be jacked. test is super unnecessary rn
someone make a real thread please
>tfw steroids are illegal in my country
You know, controlling e2 is so fucking difficult and AI makes me a moody cunt. Best solution is low tren + something non automatizing. Nothing builds mass like test, nothing gives me milky lactating nipples like tren which is probably actually deca.
Nothing gives me a fucked up mood like AI too.
Orals are shit...
I'm getting fat now and honestly I need to cut, infact I'm using this cycle, as soon as my fucking cellulitis infection (ironically not from a pin, I cut my ass by accident at a friends house because they had a nail sticking out of the wall) goes away, ending my B&C, taking Trip and doing an extensive relatively long PCT and staying off for good.
I'll probably be 10lbs lighter but at my natty limit because that's not far off where I started (lifting 7 years before gear)
Fuck gear.
I honestly don't think it's worth the hype.
But then I have trouble controlling my E2 so of course its shit for me.
Don't bother. Make gains natty, do UD 2.0, get into powerlifting. Reach your peak.
I b&C for a year and can tell you it's not really worth it, oh and I'm 21. Do it when you need TRT.
>implying it wasn't the med track that made him want to kill himself.