/Plg/ powerlifting general
Buda stay out you creepy old man pedophile
/Plg/ powerlifting general
Buda stay out you creepy old man pedophile
Other urls found in this thread:
First for C6W
>Gym's shitty Jordan fitness plates are 42.5cm
End me
Is it normal that my close grip bench is more limited by my pecs than my triceps?
hello!! plg!! today I felt like shit and failed literally every lift, and my ankle feels bad...
Guys,how do I start Sheiko? my deadlift and squats are going nowhere and I can't find the template.any advice?
Never lifted before and I'm unironically interested in doing SS, despite all the Veeky Forums memes
Considering the huge focus on lower body, I was thinking to add in pull-ups aswell. Would that make for a good program?
fuck, they use the same plates at mine. the rubbers falling off a few of them too.
their jordan bars are shitty too.
jesus fuck
I know it's impractical, but there should be some minimum wilks or something for tripping. remember when Isley was the weakest tripfag? now we have
>Twink Alex
and I'm sure I'm forgetting some. but I swear they've all been lifting for less than a year seriously and they think they have achieved anything or know enough for us to care about them.
FUCK I hate this general now
Google sheiko intermediate medium load or just go to the forum.
Who cares, just filter them and ignore if they annoy you this much. You don't need to meet some kind of special criteria in order to tripfag anyway.
>and I'm sure I'm forgetting some
You're leaving out the fat american kid
>remember when Isley was the weakest tripfag?
Most of the Jordan bars at mine don't have knurling in the middle and are thick as fuck.
You forgot me senpai
I'm almost an official member of the home gym club.
What are some 5 day week programs? Hell, not a lot stopping me lifting 7 days a week other inevitable self destruction.
read the FUCKINg book
half of you tripfags can't even squat 2x bw and you're running shit like c6w, smolov, or even god forbid fucking sheiko
its honestly pathetic tbqh
>tfw want to get salaried and buy a shitty house with a big garage just so I can fulfill the home gym meme life
Truly suffering
The secret to liking this general is post less. I've been making like no more than 5 posts a day for the past half week and I'm liking it.
I use to make like 50 posts a day, minimum. Now this is like my 4th post and the days partially over.
Bulgarian method
Can I read it somewhere online? Does it have a lot of pages? Are there any sections I can skip?
I can't otherwise the whole fucking thread is just filtered because the thing hides any responses and filters responses to filtered posts so the whole thing just goes to shit
whatever it doesn't matter; I've made my point
you can bench alright at least
and you at least have a job with this shit so you must not be a total dumbass, even if you aren't as strong
how does that help? srs pls tell
I bought a metal shed. Its got a sky light, ventilation and nice horse stall matts. Pretty much dirt cheap, doesn't require a large garden.
I'll look into it thank yoy
>because the thing hides any responses and filters responses to filtered posts
That's kinda the whole point. Unless you like tripfags but are just in denial and want to read their posts.
It helps in that I don't actually care about the quality of this thread because I only post when there's something to post about.
Before I was on here all day, every day and had to sit through all the shit posting.
I have no idea what's happened to make you mad and I don't even care, all thanks to not caring
no, see look if you respond to like 4 or 5 people with one post, and ONE of them is filtered, then your whole thing and any responses you get are also filtered.
ok I'll try that. thanks user
My deadlift is 240,squat is 210... this has been like this for a year now,even tho I gained a lot of weight these lifts are stuck.I'm also experiencing constant lower back pain in the right area,the muscle has been tense for a few months,that could be related.bench is 180 and press is 105 tho,so I'm happy about that.
can you lads advice me? what should I do?I weight 94kg atm.
reminder that panzer can only bench 113kg
That's a smug looking dog.
yep, you've got to hunt the two bars that do have it every time you want to use one, then autistically take it round the gym with you so no one with the same idea tries to steal it (this is an annoyingly common problem too)
It's a good life. You can do it...just takes time :)
read chapter 8 for programming
do rows instead of power cleans
you can read the other chapters if you want but I recommend greg nuckols' how to squat and how to bench guides as they're shorter and easier to understand
pretty sure smolov is for weak people. idk how anyone else would be able to do like x7 @ 85% or some of the shit that's in there. look at lotus, genetic freak and still failed every single day. its probably pretty good for getting noobs to not-noob pretty quickly though.
Godamn read the fucking OP before making a post in this thread you freak
Any advice on making my shed gym homely? I was thinking putting up Christmas decorations all year round. Maybe a blanket to rest with between sets
it heard about panzers bench and is smug in the fact it can bench more
the best part is how insecure he is about it
I can squat 2x bodyweight and am still on sl
what do I win user???
do you just run your sheikos back to back or do you take a week or whatever off in between?
ran smolov jr for squat and bench as an idiot noob...hurt my knee and elbow
do not recommend for anyone/10
smolov is for Russian druggos, that's what it's for.
String lighting and deer antlers. Go to goodwill and find any lame outdated genetic paintings. Old, big speakers :) make it yours.
mhmmm livias latest instagram photo is sooo hot!!
pretty sure its for russian noobs too.
with coaches... or something.
Isley isn't even weak
>not even 400 wilks
>anything but weak
HE has never broke 400 wilks
let that sink in your head for a moment
Have you?
You said something pretty silly the other day
Do you know to which comment I'm referring?
If you dont break a 400 wilks within your first year of training you should most certainly move on from powerlifting as this sport most likely isnt for you
remind me to never step outside my /plg/ safe space
the rest of Veeky Forums is literally retarded
say bye bye to senorita maria because seƱor trumpo is gonna throw that punta over the wall
Answer my question.
I don't believe you
no i don't remember posting the other day actually. what was it, friendo?
oh wait was it the permanent ban for uspa competitors?
>plg isn't
>sub 400 wilks
>not weak
russian noobs would probably be put on SS (soviet strength) by markalov rippetoe, he even said he took a lot of his programming knowledge from reading soviet literature on it. I'm sure russian athletes as beginners would definitely have just been doing some simple squat-thrice-a-week programme.
smolov is much too complex to waste on a beginner who doesn't at all need such relatively complex programming. it would suit down to the ground an elite level russian lifter who recently started making rapid progress again and might just have suddenly developed an odd resistance too injury and decrease in recovery times :^)
you're probably right tBh. when i originally said that i forgot druggos existed and i couldn't think of who else could possibly keep up with the progression/progress fast enough to make it doable.
>look at lotus, genetic freak
sluttiest pic to date, i think shes lost it since the dozing haha
Maybe you should answer it yourself
what deadlift varation should I use? Paused (convetional) deadlift or snatch grip deadlift? Been doing candito/s program and I have been doing stiff legged deadlift but want to try something else.
I'd like to try paused but some days I do 8 reps deadlifts, isnt paused for 8 reps a bit too much?
I recon I might paint the inside walls from steel grey to more vibrant colours. I almost want wooden walls so maybe a wooden coloured paint? Or maybe put up shin sheets of ply wood.
Bulgarian method is great. Also you can watch omars recent video and hamilton talks about his auto regulation stradegy and working on triples.
Its also what i do and gotta say im enjoying the slow and steady progress.
im also just under 400 and am also weak
what is your point
prove it
Hahah like I would do that
no this pics a special keeper for just me
gonna jerk my giant dick off to it later tonight
ok so you're lying
sean! sean! help!
With what?
>thinking im going to fall for your "your lying bait" and post it
no lol
I think shes been bulking cause her legs are THICK and her hips are FEMININE
do you remember the name of that ref & crew that always fucks over the patriots?
My plates say 44lbs and its triggering my autusm
I've got a load of 18 year olds that need perving on stat
I've got two weeks before a forced break so I'm just fucking around now.
Did diddy doubles from 160 up to 200 in 5kg increments then back down. Damn it's fun and I'm sore as shit. I love a break from programs sometimes.
I have some 25kg plates but they look really small like a little bit bigger than the 1.25kg ones and feel real light too
dunno what's up with that lol
nope I said you're lying because you're lying
Clete Blakeman?
or jerome boger?
or ed hoculi but he fucks every team over because hes just a retarded piece of shit
Eat some fucking food and deadlift and squat more? Seriously if you're stuck on a 2 plate deadlift after a year it's not an issue with programming, you're just being a pussy...
welcome to europe where plates are made lighter for their poor continental handies ;-;
And I mean ACTUALLY squat. Don't be a little fag like all the benchbros and do 3 sets of bitch squats and act like that's a leg workout. If you can sit down on the toilet easily to take a dump then you didn't try hard enough.
they're kg baka, look what he gave his weight in...
Who the fuck is livia?
our princess
a Mr george 'isley' seeger would like a word with you user.
Pulled 4pl8 for the first was nothing but a peanut baby feels fucking good
mightve been blakeman
hochuli is peytons biddy, idk if hes fucked us over much.
in for gains train pls come back
I thinknit was Pete Morelli maybe
Hochuli makes shit calls whenever I see that fuck face
Can you remember a certain event or game
he's ugly
Livia is a she and she's the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world
Why do powerlifters often keep their hips off the bench until unracking the bar? Just interested I know why to keep the back arched any everything else, just why that order.
T-those lifts are in kg, user, right?
If lbs, what weight did you start at? Have you posted form checks? You should not be stalling at that weight at 94 kgs.