Is my wife fat?

Is my wife fat?

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Are you blind?

nah just big boned

I dunno, is she hiding behind that beluga whale in the photo?

She's very brave

Nope. You're golden, enjoy the rest of your life together


Idk man, how strong are you?

God, I love a shiny woman

Shut the fuck up, Doug. When are you going to actually retire your stale "review" shit?

I hate this fucking so much

Post a picture of her and we can let you know

You want beta, go watch the clusterfuck review he took part in on the new Ghostbusters movie. Literally him in a roundtable of 4 girls while he looks like a cuck agreeing with them the entire time

How is James a cuck? He literally said Ghostbusters is shit and made a uproar in the whole medium


ask /v/ or /pol/


Best motherfucker coming through


Why is his dick so hugh mungus?

>10 inches penis
>full hair at 36 y-o
>has a bangable girlfriend
>has a sweet video game collection
>is actually good at video games, unlike James


Christ, imagine Doug having sex

>fat bitch laying on bed
>lights are off
>door creaks open
>NC theme song begins playing
>his silhouette appears in the doorway
>as he comes into focus, you can see he's completely naked except for the hat and loose necktie
>he approaches his swine
>they begin
>all of a sudden he starts doing his Melvin, brother of the Joker impression

just......fuck, dude

Poor James

>Same age
>Looks 10 years older
>Deformed daughter
>Wife has him pussy whipped

At least he makes a lot of money off Cinemassacre, but Mike provides majority of the content, he's the real MVP. Bootsy too.

the fuck is up with Doug's style? Does he think he's nerd-refined or some shit?

having sex with her would sound like unclogging a toilet


Doug and his brother are both cucks.

You married her, so we dont have to