Have to chew the protein shake

>have to chew the protein shake

buy a blender you dingus

>spend 15 minutes stirring the shake vigorously with a spoon but it's still full of whey clumps so you have to feel them go down your throat

Mix it with plain yogurt or buttermilk.

>stirring SHAKES

Fuck me this is advanced autism.

Stop using milk you retards.

>fill shaker with milk and chocolate syrup
>get to my supp stash and add a scoop of creatine
>watch tv and sone out
>drink the shake and realize i forgot to put the whey in
>theres no more milk left

Life can be funny

Whatt the fuck is wrong with you people just down the fucking shake

Not gonna lie I laughed n my ass off reading this op

>he unironically drinks protein shakes

eat food ya homo