Yo Veeky Forums, how not to be boring as fuck to females?

Yo Veeky Forums, how not to be boring as fuck to females?

>get super QT GF
>together for 6 months
>after nice vacation with her, she says she doesn't know what she feels about the relationship
>we end up breaking up, although we agree to be fuck buddies

But it just struck me that it's most likely because I'm boring as fuck? My only interests are weight lifting and gaming. I'm so autistic on so many different levels with everything I do. Food, daily routines etc. I really think this is why my GF grew tired of me. Since we're still fuck buddies, it obviously doesn't have anything to do with me being unattractive at least.

Suggestions for future GF's? How not to be boring..

>to keep it fitness related, my current body. cutting atm. Snapped yesterday.

maybe dates that were more interesting, like hiking, skating etc..... obviously though, it ant just be you only doing dates, she should be doing stuff too.

Also, have you thought about asking her?

and what are your stats?


>get a hobby
>learn how to have a conversation
Easy as that, it's mostly practice. Most people develop these skills while they're children.

She has somebody else on her mind that she wants to be with.

Easy. Flirt with others girls in front of her. Let her know that she's the one chasing YOU and that she's the one looking for valadation.

you like what you like, and that's ok
if you find someone that shares your hobbies everything will work by itself
if not, keep yourself in the "mistery zone" to mantain the interest up
just completely ignore the girl from time to time and don't be so upfront with your interests if you detect incompatibilities
with this kind of girls you can do "generic" things together: go for an icecream, eat outside, see a generic movie that everyone likes, nightclubbing... that kind of things

understand, of course, that this kind of relationship is completely vain and draining in the long run. It only serves the purpose of regular sex and female company


Don't listen to this guy. You'll be bored (and boring) again in six months once you realize how much work it takes to become exceptional. You need to go on an adventure. .they don't make movies about a man and his hobbies.. This is why pua tards will never have successful relationships.
If a girl finds out about that part of my life they always immediately get more into it and want it to go somewhere past just sex

That's retarded almost everybody travels it's not special. If OP went across the country drinking by himself and taking pictures of tourists traps what kind of fucking story would that be. If you're bored, you're boring.