/plg/ - pahrliftin' genral

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What a meme

What are equipped cheaters even thinking?

Lifting weights you can't do properly is just cheating yourself.

So far for my home gym I've got
>a power cage with chin-up bar and dip handles
>weight plates
>flat bench (sorry gbro)

I've got about £75 left before I reach my budget.
What fun toys should I get? Should I just be boring and buy adjustable Dumbbells and a dip belt?

Or should I get some fun bar like a Swiss bar?

Like who would go to a meet, choose an opener they cannot handle, and deliberately bomb? Who?

Those people are fucking morons

Save your money and wait till you figure out you're missing something you could actually use.

wtf 350kg RPE 0


West european championships


>Sumo is for faggots real men pull conventional, if sumo was banned kevin oak who is a true blue american would have beaten the cheating russian belkin. Anyone can pull big weights with sumo


buy some personal equipment maybe, get a good belt or some chalk or some knee sleeves

>dip belt?

Definitely this otherwise your dip/pull up bar will get boring quick

Is carb backloading a stupid idea for strength training?

in addition to what they've said, a cheap ab roller, and i'd probably want whatever you call the thing you do preacher curls on.

>Or should I get some fun bar like a Swiss bar?
yeah i would say thisbuy what you need
you arent a millionaire with a state of the art homegym

what was the budget anyway?

How would I go about doing this?
Can someone explain RPE? or link to a reliable source?

just hit a 115kg bench

i know its not very good but im still happy

Good morning, /plg/.

Everyone having a good weekend?


I'm going for a 205kg deadlift tonight as long as maxing my squat 2 days ago doesn't have an affect on me, I think I'll smesh it, then maybe some light bench. I'm gonna take a deload next week then start a new Sheiko cycle.

Getting ready for my first raw competition... Feeling extremely anxious... how do you get passed that?
Physically I am there.
Mentally I feel weak as fuck.

Congrats, friend.

Gonna go in and see if my back is ready for deadlifts. It probably isn't, and I'll probably end up doing some upper back stuff, hamstring isolation, and cardio.

I did some sloppy DL doubles at 80pc
Some okay benches at 70pc
And some dull assistance. Still have abs to do. I hate abs. So boring


past... fuck.

any of you lads have little sisters?

I think I'm going to do some light 12's with incline and close grip.

>how do you get passed that?
you dont really,
just dont make your openers too heavy especially for your first meet
and remember everything is a meet pr ;^)

does nose tork help?

i never use it
if youve tried it in training and it worked for you then go ahead but i dont think it will do much for nerves
and dont just try it for the first time at the meet, it might throw you off

Yeah man, I was training the other day and I was just envisioning being in front of a crowd and I nearly dropped 305lb on my chest.. The same thing happened when I was squatting with 4pl8 just instant anxiety and inability to complete the lift.

yeah really open light
failing an opener is going to make that anxiety shoot through the roof

youll be fine tho lad, its generally a supportive environment with people you dont even know cheering you on, at least talk with people in your weightclass, get information from them and tell them its your first meet, you will likely find someone happy to help you through your first meet

when is it anyway?

Currently POOING

Adjustable dumbbells.

September 25.
I'm lifting with my university so I mean I'll have them there. I just still feel extremely uneasy.

> I just still feel extremely uneasy.
its normal
make sure you remember the commands, get your friends to do them a few times leading up to it

you got this lad

3 older, 1 younger

Worked up to a heavy single deadlift.
160, 180, 200, 205, 210, 215, 2̶2̶0̶ (got it pasted my knees but didn't have it in my today.
Then 5x10 leg press and a shit tonne of back hypertrophy


/plg/ BTFO

My chucks are tore up so I decided to get weightlifting shoes for squatting. What are ones you guys recommend? I'm looking at the Adidas Powerlift shoes because how cheap they are.

I've got a pair of Power Perfect's and they're fantastic. Not sure if they're still available but I got them for $60 with an Adidas coupon a couple years back.

just sounded like the adrenaline rush might help, to focus on the lift. might try it at some point, see if it works.

Yeah m8

How to fix good morning squat?

Lift in the evening

>Adidas Powerlift shoes because how cheap they are.

Do it. They're cheap, they work fine, anyone saying anything about a compressible heel is memeing you hard.

This desu.
Also they came out with powerlift 3.0s for if you have wide feet.
I should really get a pair.

Greg Nuckols says it's weak quads guess I'll work on that. strengtheory.com/fixing-the-good-morning-squat/

Paused squats, consciously not collapsing forward when the rep gets tough.

Pulled my first 400lbs deadlift today, feel like I'm finally moving out of the 'total amateur' range into 'novice'.

this is written as if it's ironic but it's right

unless you're 100lbs it's not even novice yet

I was being totally serious, I weigh 156lbs, been training about 6 months.

good lad

Nice job. Been training for 4 months haven't even pulled 3 plates yet 2bh familia

Ok. Why, though? Performance decrease?

4pl8 isn't novice

400lbs at 156 is respectable. Well beyond novice.

lads please this is plg

That's pretty good for being new. People say I'm a decent deadlifter (for my size and training age, inb4 "no you're a weak twink") and I pulled 408 at 163lbs bw after 9 months lifting.

Congrats on the PR, user.

yea and we are realistic. 4pl8 is above novice.

>knee status still iffy
>not sure if shoulder is completely healed
>tired of not being on a program and just fucking around
>but don't want to start program with injuries and just disappoint myself


Nice blog faggot

Yeah m8.

I mean you """don't need""" ATP (by extension, carbs/glucose) before you hit like 6 or 8 reps or something, but you totally do and training without some carbs in reserve will be tougher. Plus I think the effect of the post workout insulin spike is massively overstated.

Tweaked my back a bit over two weeks ago, and it still isn't healed.
The interminable waiting...

Such is life when you want to eek out marginal gains in something

Medium sets of fahve + bodybuilding and prehab and be sure your shit is fixed, then go HAM senpai

>spent the last 7 months unable to do any lower body training with hip flexor/sciatic nerve issues
>finally just getting back into a routine now

I feel you my dude.

Thanks. Make sure to tune in for more complaining later today.
The worst part is knowing you can only do so much and the rest is just time.
I'm lucky to get marginal gains even when I'm healthy. And I'm still weak as shit.
Yeah this is prob the best idea. I'd been doing pyramids for funsies but sticking to simple, moderately hard 5s is better in my context.
>7 months unable to do any lower body training
Yeah this was me last year. I don't wanna repeat it.

what a joke

I've officially switched to high bar. For the past 2 weeks I've been doing front squats, after maxing out front squats today I decided to try high bar squats.

There was an amazing difference in comfort and power compared to my low bar squat, my back was far tighter, it felt far more natural.

Downside is it hurts my lower back, while low bar may or may not hurt me, depending on the alignment of the planets or something, I can't tell.
I hope to high bar squat in the future however.

>Want to try a bench shirt
>Live in buttfuck nowhere
>Very few equipped lifters in the BCPA


What do you do for knee pain? I have some permanent knee pain that I just ignore. It never gets worse, only better, but returns to normal after squatting.

It's a mutual relationship. I don't squat a lot, so my knee only hurts a medium bit in return.

For dinner I'm planning on having poutine and ice cream. Worth it? I've never had it before.

Poutine can be shit depending on where you get it.

Rest was the only thing that fixed it before. About a month of no squatting at all.
This time I've been doing that seated IT Band stretch and it seems to be helping a lot, although not completely eliminating it.
There's not really a fix-all because there's about 42 different things that can cause knee pain, even the same kinds of knee pain.

I was gonna make it myself

It's gonna be shit. You get fresh cheese curds? You make the best gravy every? Do you know how to twice fry Pomme Frites?

I recon mine is related to knee tightness. I can get rid of it just by stretching.
I've got some funky lower back pain I know how to rehab very well. I'd like to be able to rehab joint pain too though.

When you figure out the ultimate knee rehabbing let me know please. For now though I'll take your advice, thanks :)

I was going to buy packaged cheese curds, oven baked chips and make some gravy from an oxcube.
Should be good, I'm excited.

Such is life for people like us

Can you do me a favour?

>oven baked chips

Never speak to me again.

I've got 305 Wilks score, am I weak or normal?

he's shitposting


I'm at like 320 and I'm weak as shit. 300+ is normie strong though.

reminder that fatigue is a meme and you should be eating more

>Everyone having a good weekend?
nigga it just started. should be good tho. going to the badger game today. it'll be my first time at camp randall for something other than team state wrestling meets. inb4 they lose
attempting social gainsxf

try harder
for twink, I told him to think about pushing his elbows forward, and that seemed to help
mostly just try harder though

wow m8 that's pretty impressive. you could probably do pretty well at nationals with that score, according to /plg/

Can I get a form check on my shitty 2pl8 squat and my DL?
I know my bracing is shit and I'm hyperextending, anything else?

>atlas stones
>jumping calf raises
Seems accurate

Why did God invent girls?

>In terms of pl
Weak as shit

>compared to normies
Decent enough

Seems like a p regular day at the gym to me, lad.

You got a good morning squat going there son.

My bad about the shit angle not really used to recording myself

To make straight men and homosexual/bisexual/queer women happy.

I wish deadlifts gave me a boner 2bh

btw PNF stretching seems to help a whole fucking lot with this.
Along with doing the seated IT band stretch every day, I've started doing the PNF technique with it a couple times a week.
Could do it with a lying quad stretch if you have a band or something similar.

Why are you still doing the low bar squat meme?
Honestly why? If you have short femurs and a long torso you're just wasting your time and ruining your back.

God isn't real friendo
On a biological level girls exist to be attractive to make guys want to impregnate them to further our species. If we didn't meed girls to reproduce then only guys would exist due to superior testosterone based genetics.

lock your knees out before starting the rep.
the control gains will be immediately noticeable.

he wanted the world to feel more immersive, so he added a bunch of NPCs that would be easy to discern from actual people. they also act as a built-in reward for certain quests

Doesn't seem like you're locking out your knees at all for most reps

Because I have long femurs, short torso and shit ankle dorsiflexion from ankle injuries

The issue I have is I keep wanting to put my wiener in girls butt