ITT: cryptonite
ITT: cryptonite
Fucking Sarsaparilla
These guys will rek your cut
>can easily down a whole tub in one sitting
i don't buy peanut butter or bread anymore. can't just eat one or two slices.
Greasy fucking fartsy Chili
Fuck I'm the same bro, it's always 1 slice or 1 scoop after the other
I can't resist this stuff to save my life.
wtf is that? oatmeal?
anzac biscuit, peanut butter and ice cream sandwich
Fuck I'm sorry
Not even Brazilian.
love that shit too
Your kryptonite is diarrhea?
that's not even half-bad though, as far as full means go. If you're gonna cheat on that atleast you can loads and loads of protein in which you wouldn't get with stuff like
>literally mince, vegetables, and spices
What's wrong with chilli?
Didn't know people can possibly like garbage
Now I'm cravin'
nothing, i just can't stop once i start
There is nothing better than a couple McDoubles after a workout. It's not all bad, though, because one of these little fuckers cost a dollar and has 22g of protein. It just has 34g of carbs per. But still a lot of protein for the price.
This, it makes you so energized at the gym but I forget to eat
oreos. i can never not eat the whole damn box. i only ever buy the little 6-packs to make sure i don't go off the rails.
>tfw eating yet ANOTHER full tub today
I would be a model human being if it wasn't for my uncontrollable desire to dominate and ass fuck traps until they totally submit to me.
These recently started getting imported and sold in australia and I swear to god it's some opium wars level bullshit level of addiction going here
same here mang, its just so intoxicating to think of a guy feminizing himself and getting fucked for my pleasure, making himself submissive for me.
what do you watch/sites you go on for your fix?
Dawg that shit's good for you desu
>what do you watch/sites you go on for your fix?
I go and fuck the convincing crossdressers/shemales in my community
thats one step i can't do, most are just hideous.
any pics of one of them?
>thats one step i can't do
Well then you haven't done shit. You've just had a wank. When you are having unprotected anal sex with trannies you just met all the time you will be at my level
>go to store to buy milk
>pass by candy section
>see pic related
>pace back and forth for 10 minutes before finally willing myself to not buy it
Too much sugar in both the chocolate and the peanut butter.
You can do this better yourself spreading 100% peanut butter (no sugar or trans-fat stabiliser, the kind you have to stir when it separates) on a little slab of good dark chocolate.
Peanut butter and chocolate together are the straight goods.
Too bad dark chocolate tastes like shit.
I have to eat two double cheeseburgers to get my full macros when bulking. I eat way too healthy otherwise to be able to get 3000 calories and not be bloated and want to barf by the end of the day
is that one of them? holy shit, here in the UK, there does not seem to be anything.
Fucking cake
confirmed. doesn't taste like shitty vomit chocolate either. 10/10
You are so wrong. I'm not going to help you though because you sound like a beta loser whose too afraid to leave his house for sex
Unlike you I guess HIV is something that overrides my desire for trannies.
Fucking. Cheesecake.
>Ooh shit that cake
There is low fat kind
I got you famiglia
>mfw this is the only food that gets my dick hard
>tfw I'll break out from the sugar and dairy
>tfw I can't simply eat one slice
Why, brehs?
at least it's the best on a cut
it's really high in sodium
Pic related.
And Bisuits and Gravy
And Pizza
And Pad Thai
And Key Lime Pie
red bull
coated peanuts
and something else idk the name to
pizza thuna pinnapple salami
it's just too delicious
>pineapple on pizza
My kryptonite is food in general. I've been binging too hard lately due to new location and more money. I've gained back weight I tried so hard to lose. How do you guys stop yourself?
strong bait
Not that beta user, another thirsty chaser who doe not fear AIDS or death. Teach me your ways, sensei. Where to even finds these girls?
Also I ate a donut today... on a cut. Gonna take a run to burn it off now.
>tfw those boxes of variety cheese cake
>3 pecan caramel slices
>3 chocolate brownie slices
>3 strawberry swirl sclies
>3 plain slices
pic related
>Jewfag here
Also, any kind of bread is my kryptonite, can pound two baguettes in a row no probz
Dürüm (burrito-style kebab) and Hot Dogs with Käsekrainer (eastern european cheese-infused sausage)
There are some vendors near my last subway stop before I get home and sometimes it's really really tempting
>I'm the sugar industry's cuck
>God tier
honey buns
oatmeal cream pies
zebra cakes
>ok tier
swiss rolls
cosmic brownies
>unknown tier
fudge stick things
regular brownies
it's my favorite pizza
i'm dead serious
peanut sauce
What is that
It looks delicious
Spotted the fatty
sometimes i eat cheese with chocolatecreme too...
my wife calls me disgusting because of that
the package on the pic leads me to believe it's disassembled chocolate pudding with vanilla sauce
I could drink this shit
And so should she.
It's the only fried chicken fast food chainq in my country
I make peanut sauce that is Veeky Forums. Use buckwheat soba noodles, mix pb2 powder with water to rehydrate it, then add coconut aminos, and sriracha if you want it spicy. Add grilled chicken breast and veggies to your peanut noodles.
I would eat this every morning if I could
cant stop eating these once i start
me neither
winter is cruel and delicious with it's delicious gingerbread chocolate pretzels
With warm, fresh pita bread
not too bad for u to be honest
keep it to 1 pita and ur gud
the ones from trader joes are pretty good (decent amount of fiber/protein to calorie ratio) and dont have nasty additives like partially hydrogenated oils. they also have them in milk and dark chocolate.
>no-bake cheesecake
absolutely disgusting
Why not? Could easily fit those macros in even when cutting. Unless you fell for the no carb meme.
>keep it to 1 pita and ur gud
thats the problem, i end up downing an easy 5 or 6
A ton of salt and a shit protein-fat ratio
Ate 17 yesterday.
Why is every Norwayfag on this board a white trash loser?
>white trash loser
Because they are Norwegians
Someone forgot motherfucking star crunch.
Each time I see one and have to resist eating it I die inside
Thank god bulk is coming