How's my cut going? 247 lbs on January 1st. 167 lbs today. Celebrating my 80th pound...

How's my cut going? 247 lbs on January 1st. 167 lbs today. Celebrating my 80th pound. Trying to get down to 10% before I start bulking. We're all gonna make it!

nice bro.

routine? how long did it take?, you natty?

Grab a slice of bread and spread some peanutbutter on it and stick it on me.
Because I'm jelly.
Sick bro, I've lost 8kg so far, have about 18kg to go, should take me til december.
>them facial gains too man fuark

Thanks! My diet is 1,500 calories per day (45% protein, 30% fat, 25% carbs). Lifting heavy ~1.5 hours every weekday. No caffeine, no cardio. Dates are shown at the bottom of the progress pic.

That is literally impossible

But of course. :)

Thanks, man! Congrats on your progress, too! Enjoy the ride and don't give up!

I mean your exercise routine. Also height?

OP here. Forgot to mention my height. I'm 5'11". Also, I haven't done any cardio or taken any caffeine on this cut -- it's all diet and lifting.

if this is genuine, fantastic work bro. virtually no loose skin at all, mirin

Ah. Chest on Monday, back on Tuesday, shoulders/traps on Wednesday, arms on Thursday, and legs on Friday. 5-6 exercises per body part, 5-6 sets per exercise, 8-12 reps to failure per set. I rest on weekends. As for my height, I'm 5'11".

Drastic as fuck, but definitely possible, I'm losing weight at a similar speed first 8kg took me a month and a week.

>no cardio when losing this much weight
Why tho

Because I don't enjoy cardio, and I like lifting weights. I might include some cardio in a while, but it was more of a little challenge to myself to see if I could do it.

Saw you post last night or so bro. Definitely merlin. I'm down from 202 to 165ish since January 1st and I'm plateauing hard with cardio and ~decent diet.

Did you plateau at all?

Thanks! It's certainly genuine. I do have loose skin, though. If my boxers were sitting lower, you'd be able to see it. It's not that bad, though.

Recalculate tdee pls m8.
Plateauing doesn't exist, you just need to cut more.

iI have to say it's fucking impressive. In less than one year you got a decent body ( in fact better than average )

>tfw already cutting on 1600 calories

I did a recalculation about a month ago and dropped from 1700 to 1600, though I basically do IIFYM but not eating shit like most people do on it.

Go to 1500 and try IF. I do it on my rest days (usually involuntarily: work and school prevents me from eating until usually 4-5 pm). Makes it a lot easier to cut down numbers and not feel starved. Plus, you'll find yourself eating a little less, which can help push it along a bit.

Hate to break it to you mate, but all you can do is eat less or excercise more.

Believe it, blob

OP here. Thanks! As you get closer to your goal, the weight loss definitely starts to slow down. If you're used to the weight flying off like it did when you were really heavy, it can be really disheartening. Your body can't outrun a deficit forever, though. Make sure you're truly eating at a deficit and stick to it. Monitor your weight from week to week and see if you're dropping weight, on average. If not, lower your daily calorie intake in small increments until you start seeing the proper change. Good luck!

OP again. Forgot to say "congrats on that progress, man!"

>replying again just to congratulate him
You seem like a genuinely nice guy man, I wish you all the best on the upcoming bulk, time to get SWOLE now

Thanks! I think it's awesome to see people getting in shape, and they deserve the praise! I can't wait to start bulking -- it will be so nice to actually gain some size instead of just preserving mass!

>it will be so nice to actually gain some size instead of just preserving mass!
Yeah man I feel you, my lifts are going up so fucking slowly, can't wait to be done with cutting and actually make some progress strength-wise.

Cheers mate! You're definitely an inspiration for NYR fags out there.

Im down from 210 to 181, recalculated my macros and cutting harder. Cant wait to pass 180

Jesus Christ man amazing job! I hope everyone saves that picture for inspo.



I use the Katch-McArdle formula to calculate my TDEE, and I haven't really seen much of a change in mine (likely due to the fact that it uses your lean mass as the basis for the calculation). My TDEE has actually increased just slightly during my cut.

Thanks, man! I have to admit, the thought of people saving my photo for inspiration is a pretty big ego boost!

Motherfucker am going to buy a fucking hat cause I need one to properly say...
"My hat's off to you"

Haha, thanks man!

Good work dude

OP again. Since I've just been cutting down from a really obese state, I don't really have any impressive mass. However, to celebrate the loss of my 80th pound, I took a few posing pictures to document the increase in definition. Here's my back.


that is absolutely fucking crazy, congrats with the progress dude, must feel amazing.
just need a little work on the chest and abs and you would slay all the puss.

>also, tips on forearms? mine are skinny af and they wont grow

Awesome progress. Well done m8.

Haha, thanks! I'm can't wait to put on some mass when I start bulking. It's all been about preservation of existing muscle during this cut.

As for forearms, I like doing DB wrist curls. Just pick a heavy weight and curl it until you can't anymore. Set it down, take a few breaths, and do another 5 reps. One more pause and another 5 reps. That's one set. 5 more sets of those and your forearms will feel like they're going to explode. Forearms always seem to provide the biggest pump!


>I'm can't wait

I failed to proofread...

Wow, that's really nice :3
What are your stats on the main lifts?
Did you have medical supervision, got some bloodwork done?
What o about your legs?

The fuck that's insane man. Good work, congratulations, all that.

I think you could start bulking now 2bh.

wow holy shit OP

Thanks! Stats on main lifts are pretty pathetic right now... Getting up to a body weight bench press was a recent achievement, haha. No medical supervision/bloodwork, although I do go in for DEXA scans to monitor my fat loss and lean mass preservation. I could probably post some DEXA results if people wanted to check them out. Here are the legs.

Thanks! I wanted to drop my body fat lower so that I can have a really lean foundation upon which to build when the time comes. Should be able to get there by the end of the year. I do sometimes daydream about just starting my bulk early, though... :)

Thanks, man.

You totally look like an athletic dude, maybe a soccer player. You probably look great in a well fitted suit.


Yo OP, im the one who posted your inspo pic in a progress thread a day or 2 ago. Still/again props to you man!

Huh you don't even have that bad of loose skin, looks like I have nothing to worry about

Why no caffeine is there anything wrong?.

t. Fatty thats been dieting for like a month and a half.

You're in great shape.

If you want you could get a surgeon to give you a tummy tuck for the loose skin. That's if you have the $$$. Not a big deal though.

Thanks, bud! Seeing someone else post my pic in a thread was a major ego boost. You're awesome!

i bet trainers HATE you. tell us your secret??

Thanks! I don't think I even own a suit that still fits anymore. I need to add that to my to-do list!

I do have some loose skin. It's basically unavoidable after major weight loss (no matter how quickly/slowly you lose it), but having some extra skin is WAY better than being overweight.

I don't do caffeine because I take creatine, and there have been some studies that suggest that caffeine negates the effects of creatine. There is a lot of controversy and debate over these studies, though. Some people say it's nothing to worry about, and others disagree. I thought it was a case of "better safe than sorry," and I don't even like the taste of coffee anyway, so it was an easy choice for me!

Hahaha! I love it!

Great looking and very inspiring/motivating...

I started cutting a few weeks ago now. But I am still a total fatass, started at 125kg, now 120, still in progress. I'm trying to stay between 1600~1800kcal per day, but I try going down more and more...

What was your motivation to start and what kept you going?

That's something I've been considering...

It really bugs me when I see people who have never dealt with actual loose skin telling others that it can be avoided by "losing weight at a slow pace" or using certain creams/pills. It's true that lots of people who claim to have "loose skin" still have a decent amount of fat underneath, but losing the fat still won't tighten up their skin. Also, the stomach is basically the only place where you can't fill in loose skin with muscle, since it's not like your abs are going to get that massive. Surgery really is the only option to get rid of it.

It's REALLY depressing/disappointing to put in all the time and effort to drop your body fat down to a lean level, only to be left with embarrassing saggy skin that you wouldn't want anyone to see. It almost defeats the entire purpose of getting in shape (from an "aesthetics" perspective), since you're still embarrassed to take off your shirt. I can certainly understand why people would pay the money to get it surgically removed. However, the only thing that makes me uneasy about that option is seeing some of the horrible "before" and "after" pictures from those surgeries. I don't know if I want to roll the dice and take a chance on looking like Frankenstein when it's all over.

and yet OP did it

Doing great, but get on that cardio, man.
Cardio is fucking fantastic once your body adjusts. My favorite exercise. Very good for you, to.

Thanks! Yeah, I'll probably end up adding it in at some point. I just wanted to see how far I could take it without cardio, as a personal challenge!

I'm you on the left. I have no idea what routine to follow. Could you please post your routine, like all the exercises you do? Hopefully I can get half of your progress.

10lbs a month is very possible

you've inspired me. Im can do it too.

Reform the line, sound the charge, take them head on

Very interested in knowing how long it took you before you yourself started to visually notice a difference. I started just over a month ago at 365lbs looking very similar to you and now I'm down to 249lbs and I don't think I look much different yet. Maybe it's too early or I'm just not sure how I looked before, I only just took my first photos a week ago (yeh I fucked up)

Started at 265lbs I mean, if that wasn't obvious

>I don't know if I want to roll the dice and take a chance on looking like Frankenstein when it's all over

Don't worry about it you idiot, the scars heal like any other scar and fade and become barely noticeable. People always look at post surgery pictures that are very recent that's why they freak outm but the scars won't be red and scrunched up forever

Do you not know what a "Blue Board" means?

Do you know what "fuck you" means? It's a medical picture for fuck's sake, grow up
It's also completely thread relevant


I don't want to be negative, but youre right getting visible abs 9 months after pic 1 isn't possible natty

You have like 0 loose skin though.

I am 185 lbs and fat around my belly. I am scared i will get loose skin. 18 yr old 5'10

He's flexing his abs pretty hard in the after pic

Fuck you I just got promoted at my shitposting job

Seriously doubt you'll get loose skin from losing 30 pounds you crybaby

you are a beast mate. keep up the good work

Nice work, man! Keep it up! I decided to make a change when I finished my PhD and finally got out of school. I had really let myself go, and I thought, "I'm about to get a real job and start a new chapter of my life, so I might as well get in shape, too!" I'm a perfectionist, so that plays a large role in keeping me motivated. I have an ideal image of myself in my mind, and I don't want to stop until I reach that point. Seeing the changes in my body and watching my progress reminds me that I'm on the right track, and it keeps me hungry for more!

amazing progress brah

what kind of exercises do you do for each muscle group?

You're retarded nigger

Here's another one to help you get employee of the month mate

My stomach is disgusting.

In b4 boner

zero chance of loose skin there

if you dont see an excess of stretch marks around your gut you wont get any loose skin.

That's broscience

Currently lost 27 lbs, you are an inspiration, I looked very similar to your before.

Are a couple of fairly faded ones a bad sign of loose skin? I have them at either side of my waist but none at the front

I do have stretch marks though. Like thin red lines. But i dont think stretch marks = loose skin anyway.

However i am young + non smoker + take fish oil pills.

Going to do a weight loss program (kris gethin) after my exam in 65 days time.

1 q - does speed of weight loss count? Im going to do kris gethin 12 weeks and it may be too quick

why else would you get loose skin if wasnt stretched in the first place? look at any picture of people with loose skin and its always loaded witch stretch marks.

>I have no idea how the human skin works but I'll try to explain it anyway

post non stretch marked loose skin, i'll wait.

Rather than posting my entire routine (which will probably draw all sorts of criticism anyway), I suggest that you head on over to the forum at There is a whole subforum dedicated to exercise and pre-made routines, as well as an exercise database with ratings and tutorial videos. You have to choose/create a routine that works for you.

M8 im only going from what plebbit fitness people say. Also, women dont have loose skin after birth but have massive stretch marks

Wow, that's awesome, OP!

loose skin = stretch mark, stretch mark =/ loose skin.

Right on! Get out there and crush it!

It took me a number of months before I even realized how much weight I had lost. The thing about that is that you see yourself multiple times everyday, so you grow accustomed to the way you look from one day to the next and you're blind to those gradual changes. Luckily, I took a photo of myself when I started out, just for the hell of it. If you had a picture of yourself that was taken at your heaviest, you could compare it with your current picture and you would see a massive difference instantly. The people around you can already see it (especially those that you see less frequently). Keep up the good work and keep taking progress photos! Seeing that side-by-side progress is a major motivator!

Check and

Just post your routine dude what the heck
That's not helpful at all

I don't know what to tell you other than, "I'm not on gear." It's just my top 2 abs that are becoming visible -- the bottom ones will probably take forever to show up. :)

Yes I am, and I'm not ashamed to say it! This is the first time I've ever had visible abs in my life, and even if it's only the top 2, I'm proud of them! Haha

How old are you?

And how will you deal with the loose skin?

just post your routine bro, it clearly worked for you so we're interested in it


Thanks a lot! I like a lot of the "tried and true" classic exercises: flat/incline/decline bench press, flyes, pull-ups, lat pull-downs, cable rows, bent-over DB rows, bent-over lateral raises, lateral raises, front raises, DB shoulder press, barbell shrugs, squats, leg press, leg curls, leg extensions, calf raises, EZ bar curls, preacher curls, concentration curls, wrist curls, triceps pull-downs, overhead DB triceps extension, skullcrushers, DB wrist curls, crunches, leg raises, planks, etc.
