Hey, Veeky Forumsotherapists, what's the best fitband?
Hey, Veeky Forumsotherapists, what's the best fitband?
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A pen and paper, spend the money you'd be spending on meme electronics on protein powder you pussy.
a fitband is basically a fancy overpriced pedometer so just by one of those you can clip to your belt you'll be good
Where the fuck is the Nike Apple Watch you stupid cock
Do you even high-tech bro?
Just because I lift doesn't mean I have to act like a caveman.
She was pressured and guilted into marrying him. She didn't want to be judged as "that bitch who left him after all he went though" by everyone around her. They divorced soon after the marriage.
None, why do you need to waste $ on this silly faggotry to lift more?
Or, spend the money on a few vials of testosterone and make 10x the progress you would staring at a faggy little watch.
Getting one for my mum OP.
Looking like the Fitbit HR Charge 2.
Those fitness bands are for lazy fucks who want to feel like they are exercising. Why do you care how many fucking steps you took or your heartrate graphed over the period of a month?
What a shitty ending.
How else do you track what calories you burn?
I use the Moto360 watch, not necessarily a fitness band, but it does track steps, cals burned, pretty much most of the stuff many fitbands do. But I bought it for those things and the other capabilities too, like music control, checking/replying to texts when I'm at work, you get the idea. Works really well, better than my Fitbit Surge which was about the same price as my Moto.
>How else do you track what calories you burn?
You don't. If you're trying to lose weight, don't count it. If you're trying to gain weight, eat a bit more if you did some cardio. Those are not accurate enough.
Xiaomi Mi band. It tracks your steps and that's all you need.
This,plus its $12. 2 week battery and it looks minimal
Well it seems fairly accurate to me, hasn't done me wrong yet.
I jot down quick notes in a book and then later on that day translate it onto a (closed) blog online so I can get rid of the book when it's filled up. Feels good.
I got a 1gb mp3 walkman from 2006. It counts steps, time, calories. It's got FM radio, plays music. And I don't even have to use a phone or some other bullshit. if I want to save results I write them down. It's great.
The battery last like 3 days on top of that. Then the 20 minutes to charge.
Why do you need to know your steps?