>no body ever stalls or deloads on SS
Wanna know how I know you're retarded?
>no body ever stalls or deloads on SS
Wanna know how I know you're retarded?
What are your lifts like and what are your goals?
Personally I think Candito's 6 week is pretty good around for size and strength. Early weeks have lots of volume and plenty of upper body work, later weeks have pretty high intensity. It's a solid program.
If you're out for something just more bodybuilding type I'm not sure of a specific routine, it's not my style of lifting, but doing the major compounds for like 4 sets of 10 at like 70-80% then supplement with good accessory work would do the job. I'm sure there's good routines out there if you look.
>I've done SS for a year now
Some of us are dedicated. U mad?
5 day split
Monday shoulders
Tuesday chest
Wednesday back
Thursday shoulders
Friday chest