How far can you consistently jog Veeky Forums?

How far can you consistently jog Veeky Forums?

3.5 km here

Dunno, I'm not a faggot.
Shoo shoo gains goblin

The max i ran once was 15km, then again i stopped because i was getting bored and the podcast ended, could have gone for 5km more i guess

I usually ran for 15 km. Sometimes 20, but only twice a three times a month. I normally jogg 3-4 times a week and its my favourite cardio exerise, as long as I have a nice route to run. I dont like hard ground. Thats why I mostly run in the woods. The air is also better in the woods than in the city.

Shit I only ran 4 km today but then again it was the first time in a while after a long period of smoking, drinking and eating shitty food
Hopefully tomorrow I can aim for 6 km

Jogging is for faggots.

holy shit you cant jog longer than 3.5 km?


About 6 km in 30-35 mins

I want to be able to do half a maraton and more eventually a thriatlon.
It's about 22 km, right?

jogging is for fucking queer euro fags lol

you can come back here and call your self a man when your benching 4 fucking plate and weighing over 300lbs

cardio faggots make me fucking laugh, come into my gym, and I will fucking punch you if you even look at my weights

I would have a day rest between running. I would jogg 3 times a week, with always a day rest between the jogging units. You dont have to jogg 6 km in a row. Just jogg for 4 km, walk for a few minutes, jogg for another 2 km, walk abit again.

I can I meant consistently without stopping or taking a break

I jogged 8 km overall today

500 meters maybe

6'3' 190lbs
I do half marathons.

I usually do 5km on the treadmill in 20-25 minutes post workout. If I did it before I bet I could go 5K in 19min.

Used to put in 10k a run before I busted my knee playing basketball years back, now I just walk 10 to 20k a day to keep the juices flowing a bit, but whenever I try to do real cardio my knee just gives out.

Basketball is joint torture.


You can't be serious

he probably can be

I haven't done cardio in ages (fell for the bulking and SS; cardio kills gains meme) and now I struggle with 3k

What is it that you have a hard time understanding?

I dare you to try, nigga
I keep my glock with me

Usually I do either 5k or 10k, 21k is the farthest I've ever run
However, whatever I do, I can't improve my times no matter how hard I try, I always end up running 5k in 28 minutes which isn't impressive, and I keep hearing how some folks run 5k in 17 minutes, or at least less than 20

>not training in running

nothing like getting challenged to a fight and putting your arms behind you and putting in a solid 10k high speed run

bullies can't deal with this

Por que no los dos?

I have difficulty understanding how someone who exercises regularly can't jog more than 3.5 km without stopping

30k is my max so far

Currently training for marathon, wish me luck lads

I don't need to fucking run or do fucking cardio fag

i'm a fucking man, you think I give a shit about weight loss and queer shit?

I'd like to see your fag ass try to run from my concealed carry SD9 VE 9mm

Id knock you out before your hand gets past your massive gut to pull it
Then id end your life as you lay sobbing at my feet

Gotta catch your breath somewhere

A long while. I did cross-country at the uni when I was getting my BA, and I never really got too tired to stop running. I'd get sore, but as long as I had someone to run with, someone to compete with, I just didn't get tired.

Is this bait? or are you this unathletic

15km, did that once. I prefer cycling though. I usually get bored and stop after running 5km.

The distance between my room and my fridge

Did 20km once

I can barely do 4km now though

gotta get gud again

Holy shit I only stop for a few seconds before I resume jogging
You act like I pass out after running that distance

do you do any sort of programming?

After years of running, I just fucking quit a few months back. It's not worth the pain in tour joints man. And yes at some point youll get them.

guys i can only jog for about 500 m and then im winded at~@13% bf am i actually fucked?

20 seconds

7km is the farthest I ever ran. Working my way up to 10k but my speed is shit (7min per k!) right now so working on that. Usually I'll run a 5k once a week and then do a 20min run every other day where I just run as far as I can in that time; working my way to 5:30 per k.

Triathlons look pretty hardcore desu, sempai, friendo

Jogging is for faggots

Go hard or go home

I usually do 5km before a strength workout unless I'm doing legs or abs.

>start being serious about fitness
>start SS
>run on off days
>mfw squats on lifting days and running on the other days

Legs never felt so sore before

Doing it a bit easier now.
I hope it gets easier though. Running was nice
Did 5km in ~30min. Max non stop running was about 3km. after that it was just run - pause - run - pause.
Mostly because I felt muscles I have never felt before.

On an average run I can do about 15-20km but my asthma really affects lung capacity. I can do about 3.5-5k before I have to walk for a minute and catch my breath/use my inhaler

Roughly 7km because that just happens to be the longest route I've taken.

I can't even run for longer than 3-5 minutes.

lol y'all wouldn't do shit in real life faggots. So dumb i almost feel you're baiting each other

>being out of breath reaching for gun
>cant aim because of heavy mouth breathing

bruh if you can't jog for at least 5k without stopping to catch your breath, you're hamplanet mode as far as your cardio goes...

Jog? I've gone 10 kilometers, but then I stopped because my mate wanted us to leave the gym. I have no idea how much longer I might have gone, but I feel confident that another 5 kilometers wouldn't be too difficult.

Mate I run so fast your fat ass couldn't even shoot me.

Gotta go really fast.

anyone /parkour/ here?


Are you the guy who says he does a
>high speed 10k

Yes. I go so fast.

Literally no such thing as a fast 10k
Just jogging

Have you never seen pro runners bruv?

Got to go very fast.

Not over 10k
10k world record is 100m pace of 16 seconds
Not very fast

26.2 miles.

>RunKeeper's GPS is very inaccurate.

Jogged a 10k today in a bit under 49 min. I'm following a plan tho, I'm sure I could go farther, will I have an 8 mile slow jog tomorrow so I guess I'll see then. In all honesty I think I could mentally slowly jog a marathon, if my body wouldn't give out.

fast is relative

catch me bruv