I have a new waifu
I have a new waifu
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Yeah, I'd bang your mom.
I too use imgur
she goes to my gym. do i win anything?
Hopefully a 57kg toy to bounce on your dick
She got a new haircut.
What exactly is """""she"""" tucking?
T.G. Semenya
go back faggot
Is that the seid guy you all gossip about
Damn she's super qt
Don't fuck her she'll steal your testosterone.
To each their own. She's married to someone who loves her, you're single and shitposting on Veeky Forums on a Saturday night while she's probably giving up the 'tang to her hubby or their out on a lovely date.
Rather be single than date a tranny. Fucking numale faggots these days
She lifts more than you.
She needs to do a tracer cosplay and let me smash. Fucking LUL
Shit like that though ^ is why I lift. Let's fuckin go boys
You have Stockholm Syndrome.
I'd fuck Tucker in the Pucker
>has a better jaw than me
This is the last pic I have of her.
>camera angles
She has a bigger chin than me
Don't get me wrong, the body's great and all. But that chin...
Looks like my mate Gerald
I-i-s it wrong I find her face sexy af?
>170kg = 374.786lb
>still beating her by ~0.3lb
close1 Veeky Forums
She's got a dick you know.
no you're just a faggot. you'll fit in fine here.
Possibly a sign of homosexuality
>search chick's name
>first article with her
>first line = 'For anyone who isn’t a complete freak of nature (aka normal genetics/build) the general rule of thumb on how much they should be able to squat is 1.5x their body weight.'
>mfw these retards get paid to write shit this stupid
that's not what stockholm syndrome means desu senpai. try again buddy
No, you're full of Stockholm Syndrome of Veeky Forums.
Grill like that comes up to you and says, "I'm gonna squat on your face," you'd do it if you weren't so beholden to Veeky Forums's absurd standards.
pic related: what you look like so you hate a woman who can lift more than you.
>Not being attracted to this kind of woman means you have low standards
I am another user, but I can also say she is just not my type. Nowhere near feminine enough for me. There is nothing wrong with having standards and preferences, and even high ones at that.
she needs to dress up as ibuki.
looks like a dyke
that's a flattering picture. she looks like a MTF in every other pic
is this irl zarya?
>dat rare dingy/cozy feeling
In that right photo she looks just like Cody from Cody's lab.
l m a o
confirmed lesbian this ones mine guys fuck off go get one of the DYEL cardio chicks.
wait is.. is this a guy??!?!???! answer me faggots.
is it because she lifts her dick and balls also?
do you also like her feminine penis?
well, a man lifting more than me shouldn't be a surprise.
Pretty sure this is pumpingfe yeah? She's on reddit fitness a bunch. Holds some records and such
My lifts are bigger but she also weighs nearly half of me so....
Looks more like a huspando.
pretty sure she has junior ipf records, so thats pretty impressive.
Either way, would bang for daaayyyysss.
dat chest tho
fuking kek
good one
does that mean it's actually a girl if she holds girl's competition records?
would if so
would fug
yes. trans people still have to compete in their biological sex category.
If men with high levels of testosterone that identify as women competed in the women's class then they'd destroy the records.
Her stats:
57kg (125lb)
S: 143 / 315
B: 75 / 165
D: 184 /405
The Women's Junior (u23) 57kg class records are
S: 153 kg
B: 95 kg
D: 184
The Men's Junior 53kg (4kgs less than women's) class records are
S: 190 kg
B: 130 kg
D: 240 kg
If she was a trap, her stats would be way higher
dunno, last week our hockey league accepted a tranny into their female hockey team, thing that i find hilarious since in 20 years from now every women's ass will be kicked by a tranny taking their place.
so no, even if "she" holds a woman trophy it means shit nowadays, could be a guy anyway
Nice manface lmao.
those stats are definitely respectable for a young grill
No. Uggos need love too. If we all gone for the same type of women, only 10% of girls would get any attention.
t. projecting closet-faggot
With long hair she doesn't look half too bad. Shes' retarded to get a short haircut.
Fuck that, get in line
If you're into androgynous chicks can't you just date men? You'll be happier. We're not that scary.
>implying women dont do this to men
Why all strong women look like men?
Because big musculature is inherently a masculine trait.
Women are made for very low impact activities
me on the right
But I mean the face... all of them looks like those ugly shemales
High test or tall
ugly bird nosed kike
next plz
Do what? You can meet all sorts of women. Some are into chubby guys, some are into muscular and some don't know what they want at all.
This isn't Reddit, faggot.
>that jewnose
Does bun think bunself looks good?
Apex kek
Is that Jeffrey Star?
>girls who lift