Has anyone here quit smoking and did you notice any health and fitness benefits from it...

Has anyone here quit smoking and did you notice any health and fitness benefits from it? My cardio is pretty trash compared to non smoking friends

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stop making this fucking thread.
just stop putting cigarettes in your fucking mouth problem solved idiot.


oh you think that's bait?
not surprising the person who has to ask Veeky Forums if quitting smoking is beneficial to their health.
just keep smoking pal, enjoy your cancer

arnolds real secret, nicoteine raises testosterone

did I just destroy Veeky Forums ?

btw cigarettes are disgusting op, the processing is all done with chemicals, go with 1 or 2 pipes or cigars a day instead, it's actually healthy



Idiot detected

I stopped smoking. I feel slightly better overall nothing major. My body used to make this wheezing sound when i took a deep breath in and I no longer do that. I also save a little money every week. would recommend

I stopped smoking within and my sense of smell and taste improved. Lost the smokers cough, too. That said, I was in better shape when I smoked than now, my cardio was better then. Obviously that is not do to smoking, just being in college and hitting the gym daily. Now I am in an office and maybe go 3 times a week.

I quit with Bupropien SR 150mg. No bullshit, took the pill, crumpled up the cigarettes within an hour, haven't looked back. Just one pill.

Haven't smoked in 3 weeks. Used to smoke around 3 packs a week, but cut down to social smoking (around 5 cigs a week when I'd drink) but now I haven't smoked in 3 weeks since haven't been drinking.

but... health benefits are:
>no need to blow my nose and cough up phlegm when I wake up
>cardio health has definitely improved
>am able to focus more
>dick blood flow and strength of erections has increased significantly -> only was able to get a boner when i really wanted to, and it'd be a 90% erection AT best. now i get spontanous boners, morning wood, and erections are way stronger - which also means dick length and girth is better
>sex is better - able to pump girls for a lot longer without needing to switch positions
>hands/fingers aren't shaking all the time
>don't have a heavy heartbeat anymore

not sure what else to say, but there is definite improvements. i'll add to it if i can think of any more benefits.

I don't smoke anymore but I wish I never started.

Agree with all those. Especially the increased blood flow. Also to add, I used to think I'm balding so I shaved my head when I quit smoking and I see some new baby hairs as the rest of my hair grows back.


Yeah I smoked from age 13 to age 25 (I'm 36 now). Quitting cleared up my asthma and my IBS, also got me into exercising for fun for the first time in my life because I stopped getting breathless all the time, so I actually lost weight with it (350lbs down to 240lbs). Motivation was the girl I was seeing at the time hated my smoking (she never nagged me to quit though), and I figured I'd rather lose the cigs than lose the girl. Now been together nearly 11 years, married and have a new baby.

Quit smoking my man. Only good things can come of it.

Had to quit due to throat problems and moving from a shithole with dirt cheap cigarettes to Europe.
Can't really find any benefits, to be honest.
Smoking was the only thing that could stop me from being hunger-crazy all the time.

i quit smoking freshmen year of college. i wanted to do mma competitively and my coach told me my cardio was to much shit. started running hardcore, became a cardio king

have you tried coffee? I fucking love eating but coffee with skim milk tides me over.

I quit smoking for 6 months and got up to running 28KM in one run

Then I fucked up and had a dart on break at work and now I'm back to smoking

I would smoke a pack to two packs a day, could not make my dick work, stoped smoking and the hot dog was happy again. After that i did kinda binge on e-cigs but i would get shaking feelings still, i ended up quiting and saving money.

Not really. I smell things better, but that´s about it.

Don't quit now user, how else will you get as cut as Bryan?

I quit smoking and noticed i didn't die anymore

fucking thüringerwurst

>burning anything

How do you think you quit you weak faggot. I stopped after 13 years of smoking by not buying them. He's right, and you're a fucking moron.

How can I encourage my bf to stop smoking w/o nagging? He knows I hate it and I try to not nag him, but at the same time I.don't accept it. He hates it when I talk about his health in general

Don't pressure him into quitting smoking, he will resent you for it and probably smoke more.
Offer him something in return, for every day he doesn't smoke say you'll fist his tight asshole or let him lick your child's father's feet.
I'm sure he will quit like the cuck he is.

Were in a dom/sub relationship and he already gets to do what he wants to me, so that wouldn't work because its nothing new.and using sex to get what you want is a big pet peeve of.his

how about burning fat


checkmate, broski

A blowjob every day he doesn't smoke, no blowjobs on days he does.

Used to smoke in my teens. A week after quitting I saw my cardio increase exponentially. Seek out psilocybin mushrooms. The shit actually works